Yu Jun

Chapter 135

Mo Qianlan is such a useless person, but in Mo Lingfeng's eyes, he is perfect and indispensable.

She loves Mo Qianlan the most.

Mo Qianlan leaned back in the chair, her face was pale and unable to support herself, but her eyes were wide open, she kept watching Mo Lingfeng's every move, seeing Mo Lingfeng watching him while eating candied fruit, she leaned on the green jade stick Leaning on the square table, she stretched out her hands: "Ah Kuang, come on, brother, come here, brother hugs you."

Mo Lingfeng immediately finished eating the candied ginger, licked his fingers, and moved the stool opposite Mo Qianlan.

She has grown up, and she is no longer the child who could fit into Mo Qianlan's arms. Now Mo Qianlan's arms can't fit her, so she sat opposite him, with her knees touching her knees, and then put her upper body on Mo Qianlan's arms. On Qianlan's lap.

Mo Qianlan was very happy. He leaned forward and stroked the top of her head, pinched her horn bun, stroked the back of her neck, and stroked her back one last time.

She grew up too fast, and the bones on her thin back protruded one by one, but her body was still very warm.

He leaned down as hard as he could, and put the tip of his nose to the top of her head, his heart was soft and soft in that damp smell.

He suddenly remembered a long time ago, when Mo Lefeng was only five years old.

A maid who often accompanied her at home died of illness. She was startled and horrified, as if it was the first time she realized that death was a permanent parting, so she was unwilling to go back to Changsui's residence that night, pestering Mo Qianlan and forcing him to leave. Swear never to die.

And he really made an oath according to her, it was childish and ridiculous, it couldn't come true.

He straightened his back, feeling the powerless pain.

"Ah, my brother will sing a storybook for you."

Mo Lingfeng turned his head sideways, pressed against his thigh tightly, and let out a soft "hmm".

Mo Qianlan closed her eyes, and patted Mo Lingfeng's back with both hands: "The script that Mo Qianlan is going to sing today is a beautiful character model of a tea bottle beating a cherry branch angrily. The brocade falls everywhere, the green gauze shirt, the song rhymes like wine"

Like a drowning man, he hugged Mo Lingfeng's piece of driftwood tightly.

When the two siblings were cuddling each other, suddenly there was a chaotic sound outside, Feng Fanmanbao called Mo Lingfeng, and Zhong Jiaqing shouted angrily.

Mo Lingfeng snorted dissatisfiedly, stood up reluctantly, left Mo Qianlan, grabbed a piece of dried peach, stuffed it into his mouth, and strode out.

She walked up to Feng Fan aggressively, and was about to ask him why he made such a fuss, when suddenly she saw huge black smoke rising from Hengshan Mountain, making a "cracking" sound, and the smell was pungent, drifting over with the wind, and there were black and white ashes in the air Fluttering, falling all over the ground.

I don't know what was burning on the mountain, but there was such an earth-shattering movement.

The negotiation was terminated, Cao Zhibin and others did not know what had happened, and felt uneasy. The three Jinlu envoys, one of them went to the official room, and the other two were full of suspicion. They suspected that the treacherous Han people wanted to catch them, so they immediately called the guards to their side. , drew their swords and faced each other.

As soon as Jinlu drew his sword, the soldiers surrounding Zhangjiabao also drew their swords one after another. The peaceful scene just now was suddenly full of swords and swords, and everyone was in danger.

Seeing Mo Lingfeng, Feng Fan immediately asked, "Aren't there only a few students digging locust eggs on the mountain? Why is there such a big commotion?"

Zhong Jiaqing turned his head and said angrily, "Where are Yin Nan and Dou Fang? How did you find out?"

Mo Lingfeng was thinking about staying with his brother, and he was full of anxiety about this time-wasting thing, with many emotions on his face, wishing he could fly up the mountain, extinguish this pile of fire, and then fly back to Mo Qianlan's side .

She turned her head to look for Yin Nan, her heart suddenly moved, she was not in a hurry to speak, she fixed her eyes on the billowing smoke, thoughtfully: "General, can you see us from the place where the smoke is coming from?"

When Zhong Jiaqing heard this, his anxiety just now turned into vigilance, his mind turned in a circle in the blink of an eye, and he whispered: "Not only can we see us here, but we can also see farther than we can see."

He looked at Yin Nan and Xiao Dou who were running over: "You two take your troops and go out to inspect, and use the whistle as a sign."

Just as Xiao Dou and Yin Nan were called to answer, they didn't even open their mouths. They immediately turned back from where Zhong Jiaqing was commanding, and trotted out of the fortress to summon soldiers and horses to go out for inspection.

The two Jinlu came to make a noise, and also sent a small group of troops, divided into two groups, to follow Yin Nan and Xiao Dou all the way, and go all the way to inform their battalion headquarters stationed three miles away to come to meet them.

The entire Zhangjiabao was filled with unease, Zhong Jiaqing walked towards Cao Zhibin, and at the same time ordered Feng Fan in a low voice: "Send your own soldiers to protect the emissary and the envoy."

Before Feng Fan ran away, he stretched out his hand to pat Mo Lingfeng: "You take your people and protect Jiedushi."

After that, he didn't look back, went straight to Cao Zhibin, and explained to him what happened. Cao Zhibin frowned tightly, turned to face the envoy, issued a series of meaningless explanations, and asked if they were sincere and peaceful.

Lai Shi made a shocked look on the one hand, on the other hand thought it was bad, and looked at each other, thinking of the battle for the throne.

Before they could come up with suitable words to perfuse Cao Zhibin, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded outside the fort, and at the same time, the sound of horseshoes turning over the pot vibrated wave after wave from the ground.

Zhong Jiaqing's face changed drastically, he raised one hand high, pressed it down hard, and made a "hands-on" gesture.

The soldiers in Zhangjiabao swarmed up, besieged and dispatched a party, Jinlu had a hard time to say, so he could only keep silent, brandishing a long knife, trying to break out of the encirclement, join the garrison outside, and save his life.

The sudden chaos was like throwing a big stone into a calm lake. The center where the stone fell violently surged, and then ripples swayed out, and the entire lake was affected.

While ordering the soldiers to kill the enemy, Mo Lingfeng took You Muqing with him, and rushed to find Mo Qianlan in three steps at a time. Yin Bei had already entered the room from the door and stood beside Mo Qianlan.

Mo Qianlan half-closed her eyes and listened intently to the movement outside. Seeing Mo Lingfeng coming in, she reached out and grabbed the green jade staff, propped herself up, stared at You Muqing, and walked out without Mo Lingfeng opening her mouth.

He took a step forward, then backed away, took a water bag containing lychee syrup from the ice cream, and held it for Mo Lingfeng: "Your Uncle Zhao hasn't come back yet."

Zhao Shiheng used the pretext of eating a bad stomach to get in touch with one of them—he was thoughtful, and even if the young prince in the Jinlu court had no chance of winning, he would pave a way for the Mo family to get in touch with them. Just in case the prince is a character who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

You Muqing stretched out two soldiers: "Go to the official room to pick up Mr. Zhao, hurry up!"

Together with Yin Bei, he protected the brothers and sisters of the Mo family and went out: "The Jinlu army will arrive soon, go to Hengshan first."

Chong Jiaqing also made a perfect plan, stationed troops in Desheng village in front of Zhangjiabao, and if they heard any changes, they would rush to them, which was enough to resist the Jinlu army.

It's just fighting on the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, only Hengshan is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and Jinlu regards Hengshan as an unknown place, and will not easily enter, so they can evacuate as soon as possible.

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