Yu Jun

Chapter 136 Assassination

Mo Qianlan's chest seemed to be on fire, but he kept on stepping, his left hand tightly grasped Mo Lingfeng's right hand, and at the same time told You Muqing: "No one is allowed to approach."

You Muqing and Yin Bei immediately understood that anyone who approached them, regardless of enemy or friend, would be killed.

You Muqing raised his hand and slashed at the Jinlu in front of him. The Jinlu stooped to dodge, so he stretched out his feet, took off the ground that Jinlu had kicked, and threw him four or five steps away.

Zhong Jiaqing was killing the enemy with a knife, when he suddenly saw You Muqing's magical kick, he immediately cursed in his heart: "You son of a bitch, you are hiding very deep!"

The guards of the Mo family were separated on both sides. They were not the opponents of the Jinlu at all, and they fought hard to fight a bloody path. In the end, only You Muqing and Yin Bei were left to send the two brothers and sisters out of Zhangjiabao.

Yin Nan rode his horse back, went straight to Mo Lingfeng, got off the saddle, and followed her every step of the way.

There were no gold captives on the mountain road, so Yin Bei immediately squatted down, carried Mo Qianlan on his back, and continued to evacuate upwards.

After going out for about ten steps, Mo Qianlan still did not see Zhao Shiheng, and felt uneasy, fearing that the sword would have no eyes, so he said to Yin Bei: "Stand, wait."

The water bag arrived at Mo Lefeng's hands at some point, and Mo Lefeng took the water bag in one hand and took the opportunity to pour tons of sugar water into her stomach and drank it down without leaving a drop. She threw away the water bag, wiped her mouth, and looked down.

Flesh and blood flew all over the place below, broken limbs were scattered, and blood was spread out in large swaths. In the chaos, she saw Zhao Shiheng.

Behind Zhao Shiheng, Feng Fan led dozens of people, guarding Zhang Gongfeng and Cao Chishi to fight all the way up Hengshan.

"You Muqing, you guard your brother," Mo Lingfeng ran straight down and shouted, "Uncle!"

Mo Qianlan didn't know whether Feng Fan's people were safe or not, and it was too late for Qing You Mu to go down, so he was very anxious.

Fortunately, Yin Nan followed closely, and Mo Lingfeng also stretched out his arms, grabbing Zhao Shiheng.

"Uncle," she dragged Zhao Shiheng up a slope with sweaty palms, "quick."

Panting heavily, Zhao Shiheng stretched his left leg vigorously, and came to Mo Lingfeng's side: "Older"

Without saying a word, there was a whistling sound from their side. It was the heavy sound of breaking wind when the crossbow was fired. It passed through the bushes on the right side of Mo Lingfeng, and rushed straight over.

Yin Nan's expression changed, and he threw the long knife in his hand. You Muqing looked at Yin Nan's strength from above, and immediately bent down to pick up a round stone from the ground and held it in his hand.

Before he could make a move, there was a "bang", the long knife met the heavy arrow, and the blade was broken in half immediately, the force of the crossbow being shaken by the knife was slightly weakened, and the direction was slightly deflected, still heading towards Mo Lingfeng.

You Muqing hit the round stone in his hand with all his strength, and deflected the crossbow arrow again. The body of the arrow "clicked" and snapped in response. The arrow still rushed forward for about ten steps, brushed against Feng Fan's face, and was nailed to the tree trunk superior.

Feng Fan only felt a burning pain on his face, and blood was dripping down. He was about to reach out to touch it, and suddenly saw a little cold light in the woods, shooting towards Mo Qianlan, and was shot by Qing Youmu. Cut off with one knife.

After a little bit of cold light, several crossbow arrows came one after another, this time from both sides, even Feng Fan and his party were not spared.

In an instant, they had already fallen into the place of narrow escape.

Feng Fan didn't have time to think about it, and while telling Cao Zhibin and others to run quickly, he waved his knife to block arrows, Mo Lingfeng was sweating profusely, and dragged Zhao Shiheng up with his right hand.

Yin Bei put down Mo Qianlan and stood in front of him with You Muqing. Mo Qianlan saw that Yin Nan was struggling and unable to fight. Qing and Yin Bei "go quickly".

Yin Bei didn't dare to leave Mo Qianlan, while You Muqing jumped up to kill the crossbowman lying in ambush on the left.

Bloodshot eyes glared in Mo Qianlan's eyes. Seeing Mo Lingfeng holding Zhao Shiheng's left arm and walking forward with difficulty, when he was approaching him, his right hand stretched out long, wanting to hold him and run away together.

"elder brother……"

At this moment, a few more cold lights came, and Mo Qianlan's breath froze in his throat for an instant, and he didn't even notice an arrow running towards him, watching the cold light approaching Mo Lingfeng.


There was a loud "clang" in his ears, it was Yin Bei who shot down the arrow beside him, and then he saw Zhao Shiheng suddenly pounced on Mo Lingfeng's back, blocking Mo Lingfeng's back.

In the blink of an eye, the crossbow arrows spun and sank into Zhao Shiheng's back, blood seeped out from his shirt little by little, and soon dripped everywhere.

The arrows on the left had stopped, but the arrows on the right had not slowed down. Yin Bei said sharply, "A'nan, go to the right and kill the crossbowman! I'll stand here!"

Yin Nan immediately jumped to the right, and Yin Bei slashed his sword in front of the Mo brothers and sisters. Seeing You Muqing returning with the sword, he tightly protected the Mo brothers and sisters in front of him, using his flesh as a shield, and hugged them out of the ambush circle.

Soon, Yin Nan returned from killing the crossbowman, his left arm was dripping with blood, and the menacing crossbow arrows finally stopped. The fighting at the bottom of the mountain has not stopped, but the mountain has fallen into dead silence.

"Uncle!" Mo Lingfeng looked at Zhao Shiheng who was lying on the ground, and shouted, Mo Qianlan's head also buzzed, and he couldn't stand still.

Mo Qianlan tried her best to support herself: "Go to Hengshan Fort! Heal the wound!"

You Muqing put Zhao Shiheng on his back and rushed upwards with all his strength. There was blood all over the ground behind him, and there were corpses lying down in the woods and on the mountain road. Only he and Zhang Gongfeng were left alive in Feng Fan's party, supporting each other Then, he ran up as if he was dying.

There is no military doctor in Hengshan Fort, only some ordinary wound medicine, and there are not many people.

After the students gave the warning, the edicts quickly took them away. The students clamored to be loyal to the country, but the edicts were very self-aware—scholars who had no power to restrain chickens went to the battlefield, not only could not fight the enemy bravely, It will also scare the shit out of the shit, which will only increase the troubles of the soldiers.

Scattered soldiers guarding the mountain in Hengshan Fort saw Mo Qianlan and his party, opened the door quickly, and searched for wound medicines.

You Muqing kicked open the door of a room, walked quickly to the bed with Zhao Shiheng on his back, laid him on the bed, and then had no choice.

The crossbowmen in ambush used arm crossbows, and the arrows didn't go in very deep, almost passing through Zhao Shiheng's chest.

Mo Qianlan's legs gave way, and he almost fell to the ground. His tone was barely calm, not allowing himself to tremble, and he knelt down to the side of the bed, and wiped the blood on Zhao Shiheng's lips with trembling hands: "Shiheng, it's okay, let's go now!" Call Li Yitie, Yin Bei!"

"No, it's all like this, I can't live," Zhao Shiheng also heaved a sigh of relief, "It's retribution."

He planned the Jeju incident, which harmed countless people, disturbed the peace talks, and kept the border crossing. I don't know how many people will be buried here, so this is retribution.

His eyes were hazy, but he could still see the panicked Mo Lefeng.

The little mouse-like baby has grown to such a big size.

"Lingfeng...Ah Yao..."

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