Yu Jun

Chapter 137 Death

Mo Lingfeng immediately knelt down and held Zhao Shiheng's hand with all his strength - Zhao Shiheng loved her like a daughter, but he also respected her and never called her by her nickname. The blood rushed into Mo Lefeng's ears together.

She wanted to call "Uncle", but she couldn't, there was a salty smell between her lips and teeth, and there seemed to be hot blood on the tip of her tongue, which was about to spurt out.

Tears were trembling in her eyes, she swallowed her tears and held Zhao Shiheng's hand tightly, as if she believed that she could pull him back from the brink of death as long as she tried hard enough.

"Good..." Zhao Shiheng couldn't feel the pain in his hand anymore, and when he spoke, blood gushed out of his mouth, and it couldn't stop flowing. I don't know how there is so much blood on a person.

He told her softly, "Don't eat too much sugar, it's bad for your teeth."

He looked at Mo Qianlan again, and explained what happened behind him: "Send me back to my hometown...a land of mountains and rivers...you live a few more years, Ah Yao is still young..."

Mo Qianlan gritted her teeth, forced her tears back, nodded again and again, twitching all over her body, unable to open her mouth out of breath, her tone changed as soon as she opened her mouth, and she suddenly became helpless, as if she had suddenly retreated to that helpless place. The young man who helped him: "No, no...it's okay, I was rescued after being injured like that...you are just traumatized..."

He was trembling badly, and he stretched out his hand to break the shaft of the arrow, but he was afraid of hurting Zhao Shiheng—he knew that the pain was gone at this time.

He's been near death so he knows everything.

Zhao Shiheng smiled unwillingly: "Lingfeng, remember to burn money for uncle."

Mo Lingfeng's tears fell instantly, dripping all over his face, and he opened his tightly closed mouth "wow": "Don't... Uncle, don't die..."

Tears dripped hot on Zhao Shiheng's hands, and Mo Qianlan twitched the corners of his mouth, not daring to cry at this moment - he had to hold on.

Zhao Shiheng's breath became weaker and weaker, and suddenly he whispered: "Wu Jin..."

Mo Lingfeng shook his head in tears, not knowing where Wu Jin was, but at this moment, Wu Jin's voice suddenly came from the door of the house: "Sir, I am here."

He was sweating profusely, covered in dust, and his clothes were stained with blood.

Before leaving Hengshan, he resolutely turned his head and returned to Hengshan Fort firmly, hoping to wait for news from Mo Lingfeng here.

When he ran back, he met soldiers standing guard outside Hengshan Fort, and learned the news that Zhao Shiheng was seriously injured.

He walked in step by step, with heavy steps and stagnant breath, and knelt down behind Mo Lingfeng, bowed his head to the ground, and kowtowed.

Seeing him salute, Zhao Shiheng also smiled: "Gentlemen are harmonious but different... You still remember that I am your teacher, it's good... Come here with your ears..."

Wu Jin walked over on her knees, the young man's sharp face was like a knife, separated the Mo family brothers and sisters who were connected together in front of Zhao Shiheng, and put her own ear to Zhao Shiheng's mouth.

"Don't go to the scientific examination, stay here, and the tigers and wolves will watch you around. When she grows up, the teacher begs you, promise me."

Wu Jin froze.

His body turned into a rock, his lips moved, but he could only emit the sound of weak air currents, and the thick bloody smell around him turned into a raging fire, roasting him on top of it, making him breathless.

He studied tirelessly and worked so hard that one day he could be named on the gold list, have a voice in the court, win glory for his family, and seek food for the people in the rice fields.

He has already missed the Spring Festival once every three years. If he wants to stay by Mo Lingfeng's side, he has to wait two more times.

By then, he was nearly thirty years old.

Students can’t help wasting their time. Procrastination will only kill their ambitions, and they will not be able to study hard because of life, and they will not be able to keep up with the changes in the country.

When he was supporting his family, he also had to keep collecting newspapers and attending state schools to keep up.

And at the age of nearly thirty, can he still get out of Mo Mansion?
And Zhao Shiheng, his teacher, made him realize and let him go on this path with all his strength, but now he is asking him to make a choice with dying words.

His mouth was parched and it was difficult to breathe. Seeing that Zhao Shiheng's eyes were a little loose, he was still expecting an answer from him, and that little light of hope was enough to shatter him.

All he could do was to reply, "Okay."

When Zhao Shiheng heard the answer, he showed a slight smile, opened his mouth slightly, and exhaled his last breath. The remaining strength was also exhausted, and his mind was in a daze.

The auspicious moments in life flashed in my mind one by one.

His real name is Zhao Ji, the number one scholar in the sixth year of Yuanzhang, he used to go to banquets in Qionglin, with hairpin flowers in the imperial courtyard, in a high spirited manner, wearing a red robe, walking in the court hall, and once had a wife and daughter in the hall, and his family was full of beauty.

In just six years, his bright future was turned into a puff of smoke by the Prince of Jiyang. When he resigned and returned home, his wife and daughter died of illness one after another on the way.

Hearing that his good friend Mo Qianlan couldn't get sick because of his wife's death, he rushed to Kuanzhou and took root in Kuanzhou ever since.

He wanted to see the failure of the imperial power, and wanted to see Mo Lingfeng grow into a towering tree, but he couldn't see it anymore. He didn't expect that he would die so early, and he would die in the struggle for power.

There are still some words that he hides in his heart, so he doesn't have to tell anyone.

For example, he misses his wife, for example, he also has a student named Qi Chang, who lives in Jiusixuan like a worm, waiting for the opportunity to show his talents.

His head was tilted to the side, his eyes were closed, and his body quickly became cold and stiff.

Mo Lingfeng held Zhao Shiheng's hand and burst into tears.

She rubbed his hands, hoping not to get cold or stiff, but no, the Mo family has no strength to recover, and Zhao Shiheng will be as cold and rotten as the other corpses.

Only in the face of death, everyone is equal.

Mo Lingfeng's mind went blank, only howling, everything today seemed like a nightmare - death on the battlefield was related to her for the first time.

Wu Jin was in a daze, and out of time, she remembered a few lines of poems she had learned.

"Draining water is placed on the ground, and each flows east, west, north, south. Life has its own destiny. Can you walk and sigh and then sit and worry? Drinking wine to forgive yourself, raising a glass to cut off singing is difficult. How can you not feel that your heart is not wood and stone? .”

Big tears rolled down from his eyes and shattered on his legs. He didn't know whether it was for Zhao Shiheng or for himself.

Mo Qianlan silently shed tears all over his face, and quickly put away the tears—his emotions had already been restrained, his feet were standing in a pool of blood, his mind was spinning rapidly, trying to think clearly about what happened today .

They had already expected the ultimate move of the emperor, but they didn't expect that His Majesty had lost patience and wanted to completely bury their Mo family here, and even rushed to use a hard crossbow here.

The Mo family no longer exists, and the emperor is looking for huge treasures on them and in the mansion.

Crossbows are sharp weapons, and crossbow arrows are specially made. They are several times more precious than ordinary bows and arrows.

You Muqing, Yin Bei, and Yin Nan, the three of them together, it is difficult to resist the momentum of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart!

The soldiers had searched Hengshan yesterday, but they did not find an ambush in Hengshan. Who could break through the many passes and enter the ambush last night?
It can only be someone from the Zhen Rong Army, who is it?
Is it a family celebration?

Or Feng Fan, Zhang Gongfeng, and Cao Chishi?

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