Yu Jun

Chapter 211 Calm down

Jiusixuan was extraordinarily gloomy and cold, the chill was like a gangrene attached to the bone, and could not be dispelled. Wu Jin stood on the porch, hearing the whimpering of the wind, the branches of the old tree under the light of snow, night, and lights, and the shadows of the trees swayed on the ground with the wind. Show your teeth and claws.

The black shadow spread to the hem of Wu Jin's clothes, grabbing at his waist, wrapping him so tightly that he couldn't move.

He looked at the shadows of the trees all over the ground, and thought that when the sky was getting dark, his mother hadn't returned home yet, so he went out to look for it, and saw Wu's mother by the side of the Baishi Bridge.

He went forward and reached out to support Wu Mu, but the moment he went forward, he smelled the scent of potpourri on Wu Mu.

The fragrance lingered on the clothes and lingered for a long time, and the scented clothes covered his body, and the fragrance spread all over his body. At the same time, he touched Wu Mu's cold fingers, and the clothes were seven or eight percent wet.

Wu's mother rolled her eyes and looked at him: "Boss, I went to see Miss Mo at the gate of the city, and I asked her to let you go."

Wu Jin listened, breaking out in a cold sweat from the cold wind, the trickle under the bridge suddenly "clicked", and the long-frozen river cracked for no reason, breaking like the sound of gold and jade.

It was clear that the glacier was cracking, so why did his heart ache.

He was silent, he just helped Wu's mother back home, first sent Wu's mother back to the house to change clothes, and then went into the kitchen by himself.

On the ground, two stones and a wooden plank were used to form a low stool. Father Wu sat on it and rubbed salt on the front hooves of two pigs, while Wu Yi squatted aside to grind the salt.

Seeing him coming back, Father Wu hurriedly asked, "Is your mother back?"

"I'm back," Wu Jin scooped up a basin of hot water, and said to Wu Yi, "Second child, I'm afraid Mommy has a cold, so make some ginger soup."

Wu Yi agreed crisply, poured the salt into the wooden basin, got up to scrape the ginger.

Wu Jin brought this pot of hot water to Mother Wu's room, took off her shoes and socks, and squatted down to help her soak her feet.

When Wu's mother warmed up and her body was no longer as stiff as a piece of pig iron, he poured off the water, came back after cleaning his hands, and stood in front of Wu's mother.

Before Wu's mother could speak, he lifted his robe, dropped his knees to the ground, knelt down and said in a deep voice, "My son is not filial."

Mother Wu's throat was throbbing with pain, and she glanced at him speechlessly.

Wu Jin straightened her upper body and looked at Wu's mother: "As a son, I shouldn't blame my parents, but Miss Mo has no father or mother, and a mentor has passed away, leaving only one elder brother who is also sick. She can't speak, if her son doesn't speak, who else in this world can complain about her injustice?

You go to find her, kneel down and beg her as a weak person, and she can't say anything under the eyes of everyone. This is a kind of persecution and humiliation to her in disguise. "

When Wu's mother heard this, thinking of the "bullying" that Mo Lingfeng said, her heart sank suddenly, and she raised her hand that had just gained some strength, and slammed it on Wu Jin's cheek.

After Wu Jin received this slap, red marks immediately appeared on his face. Wu Yi, who had just brought the ginger soup to the door, was taken aback. The ginger soup almost fell to the ground. He held the bowl tightly and stepped back, wanting to Moved Wu's father to come, but took two steps back, and he felt that the ginger soup should be put down first.

When he was in a dilemma, Wu Jin turned to look at the door: "Second brother, bring in the ginger soup and give it to Auntie."

"Oh," Wu Yi hurried into the room, carefully put away the ginger soup, then dared not stay in the room, and rushed to the kitchen as if flying.

Mother Wu didn't serve the bowl, she didn't speak, she just waited for Wu Jin to speak.

Wu Jin wept and said, "Ms. Mo is only 16 years old, as old as the second child. The second child is protected by his parents, and his elder brother is there to take care of him. Miss Mo is alone, guarding the border in the fortress. She finally came back once. You To stop her and damage her reputation, I can't bear it!"

Wu's mother heard him say that she was Miss Mo, and her heart was fried immediately, and fire burst out of her eyes: "I am for you!"

Wu Jin shook her head: "The son can't convince the parents, makes the mother suffer and work hard, and causes discord in the family, and there are resentments from time to time, all of which are caused by the son's greed, anger and ignorance.

I can neither repay the kindness of my parents for raising me, nor can I confuse my benefactor. I am always on fire, as if I am in an endless hell—”

"What are you going to do?"

"The son's crime is as serious as the mountain. I just hope that my mother will be kind to me and stop seeing Miss Mo again?"

"What if I see you?"

"The son can only repay his parents with money, and repay Mo's mansion with his talents. When it's time to do something, he will abandon this world of mortals, cut off his love, hatred, hatred, and ignorance, and become a monk."

His eyes were firm, and Wu's mother knew that he had never lied since he was a child, and once the words came out of his mouth, he would definitely do it. She looked at him, full of despair, took ginger soup, and poured it all on Wu Jin.

When this bowl of hot ginger soup was poured on Aizi, it was her final vent and her final struggle on this matter. From this moment on, she resigned to her fate.

She can't drive this son to a dead end, that's taking her heart.

Wu Jin wiped her face, stood up, walked out the door, Wu Yi said to the helpless Wu Yi, "Second brother, pour mother another bowl of ginger soup."

Wu Yi nodded indiscriminately, and hurried to the kitchen.

Wu's father still had oil and salt particles in his hands, and he sat crookedly on the stone steps——in desperation, Wu Yi transported Wu's father all the way here and put him here.

Wu Jin stepped forward to hug him, but he waved his hands: "Boss, I have something to tell you."

"Father, it's cold on the rocks."

"It'll be fine for a while."

Wu Jin still insisted on carrying him on her back and standing on the porch so that Father Wu could speak.

Wu's father looked at his son's wet hair and temples, and said with tears: "Boss, I'm sorry for you. My father failed to set up the family and made you suffer. Your mother has such a small amount of money. She wants to be in charge of the family. The hard life will make you suffer." She's worn out like this, don't blame her."

"My son knows."

Wu Jin sent Father Wu back to the room, and then returned to her own room, changed her clothes, took off the drenched hair, wiped the wet temples with a handkerchief, and changed into a Tang towel. He picked up a piece of frozen snow, spread it on his face, and arrived at Mo's residence.

The lantern swayed, the fire flickered and flickered, and the wind carried the sound of firecrackers. I don’t know which children were fighting to set off the firecrackers. The crackling noise sent the carefree heart and the joy of innocence to everyone. ear.

He met Mo Lefeng.

Then he stepped down three stone steps, hurried to Mo Lingfeng, stretched his hand upwards, trying to grab her hand, but as soon as he raised it, he quickly put it down again.

He bowed his head: "Lee Feng, I'm sorry, my mother will not see you again."

The faces of the two were so close that they could smell each other's scents. Originally, their scents should be blended together, it was the same floral scent, but there was a spicy smell on Wu Jin's body.

When Mo Lingfeng took a look, he saw that there was still a red mark on the left side of Wu Jin's face.

Seeing that his temples were slightly wet and the corners of his eyes were red, he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I didn't suffer a loss."

She walked in: "Is there a firecracker this year?"

"Already in Curry."

Mo Lingfeng turned to Yin Nan and said, "Ask Yin Bei to come over and watch, and you take them to set off fireworks, it's lively and lively."

Yin Nan glared at Wu Jin, then strode away. (end of this chapter)

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