Yu Jun

Chapter 212 Fireworks

Chapter 212 Fireworks
The two walked into the flower hall one after the other.

In the flower hall, there is no Qi Chang, but it is still in order, and the charcoal basins are placed in the corners on both sides, which dispels the chill in the room a lot.

The two sat opposite each other at the square table, and the servants immediately brought refreshments.

The tide brought by the winter snow and the cold wind erodes this place, rising from the ground and falling on the charcoal. Even the smell of charcoal is stronger than other places. The moisture penetrates into people's clothes as the charcoal is baked, Quietly attached to the fur.

Mo Lingfeng quietly revealed the incident at the gate of the city, and asked with a smile: "Is the news in the capital settled?"

Wu Jin nodded, and got up to get the box that was locked here today: "Didn't it mean tomorrow?"

Mo Lingfeng said: "Zhong Jiaqing asked me to go back to the fort before New Year's Eve to spend the New Year with the soldiers, so I came back one day earlier."

Wu Jin took the wooden box back and put it on the table. There was a small brass lock hanging on the box. He went to find the key in his sleeve, but he couldn't find it even after trying twice, so he quickly changed his hand. , I couldn’t find it again, so I had to get up awkwardly and helplessly, and felt all over my arms and waist, and finally took out a key.

He put the key into the box, took out the letters from Kyoto, and opened them one by one.

Mo Lingfeng picked up a stick of hawthorn from the candy holding box, and brought it to Wu Jin's mouth: "You eat."

Seeing Mo Lingfeng suddenly reaching out her hand, Wu Jin took her hand and opened her mouth to eat the hawthorn sticks, a sweet and sour taste suddenly came out of her mouth.

Mo Lingfeng lowered his head and continued to rummage in the candy holding box, found a piece of biscuit, then stretched out his arm and brought it to Wu Jin's mouth: "This is good."

Wu Jin opened her mouth to eat, and continued to look through it. After reading it, she looked up at Mo Lingfeng, who was eating with puffy cheeks, and put a piece of jujube paste pie to his mouth: "Eat."

Wu Jin lowered her head, bit the piece of pie, and after eating, said with a smile, "Sweet."

He handed the letter to Mo Lingfeng, because his mouth was full of sweetness, and even the words he said were somewhat soft: "The money recovered by the Wang family did not exceed 30 guan, and there was no murder of the emissary." The evidence of the crime was detailed, and many parties interceded for him. The emperor spared him the death penalty, eighty sticks, and he would not use them for life.

Mo Lingfeng swept through the paperwork that Wu Jin had sorted out, without looking carefully, and put it on the table casually: "It can be seen that Cheng Taishan is stronger than Wang Yunsheng, and none of the Cheng family's children rely on the shadow to be an official. Leaning against a big tree, if the tree falls, people will fall, it is better to have the ability, did Wang Jingha go to the capital?"

"Yes, I'm afraid he wants to use the imperial examination to overturn his father's case."

"He has no real talent, but Wang Yunsheng has given him some bragging rights." Mo Lingfeng didn't take it seriously, "Don't be afraid of him, he's not even as good as Qi Chang."

Just as Wu Jin was about to speak, there was a loud "bang" outside.

Mo Lingfeng was startled at first, subconsciously pressed his right hand on his waist, and then he put his hand down from his waist when he saw that the night was flickering, bright and dark, colorful and starry, withering from the window.


She stood up, walked to the window, pushed open the pane, and looked out, but she couldn't see clearly—the ancient trees in Jiusi Xuan were towering, even if the leaves were withered, the branches were densely packed, stretching out, covering the sky.

She closed the window and walked to the door, turned her head and waved to Wu Jin: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

Wu Jin stepped forward and went out with her. Before he could leave the courtyard, Mo Lingfeng suddenly said, "You wait for me here."

She turned around and ran back to the flower hall, took two candies from the candy holding box, put them in her hand, and ran out again.

When passing by Yin Bei, she stopped suddenly, and amidst the sound of firecrackers, she said to Yin Bei, "Find some desperadoes and kill Wang Yunsheng."


"Go ask Cheng San to watch the fireworks."


Mo Lingfeng walked quickly to Wu Jin, handed him a candy, and said loudly while walking towards the garden: "I'll ask Yin Bei to ask Cheng San to watch the fireworks, and we'll have a drink together after watching the fireworks."

Wu Jin nodded, put Yantang into her sleeves, and stepped forward with her long legs. After a few steps, she arrived in front of the moon gate of the garden, and suddenly there was another "crackling" sound, which lasted a hundred times.

The Women's Army laughed in surprise in the garden, Mo Lingfeng stopped and did not go in, and said to Wu Jin: "Once I go in, they will feel uncomfortable."

Wu Jin looked at her sideways, seeing that although she was young, she was already very considerate of her subordinates, so she couldn't help but smile knowingly.

In the mid-air, there were thousands of lights again, and sparks were blowing through the clouds. The two of them raised their heads at the same time to see the fleeting light, but within a few breaths, the flower flame withered and turned into gilded sparks and fell to the ground. extinguished in it.

Electric phantom, hype.

The two stood and watched for a long while, and only lowered their heads when the fireworks were exhausted.

Mo Lingfeng rubbed his sore neck, and heard Cheng Ting's roar coming from the garden—it seemed that Cheng Ting was rushing to watch the fireworks, and he left in such a hurry that he accidentally let the gopher get under his robe.

Immediately, he jumped three feet high and cursed "barking".

The Detachment of Women also shocked him, and they all stopped and stood there, at a loss. Only Yin Nan kept a straight face, lit four or five field mice, and threw them at Cheng Ting.

Cheng Ting screamed and fled with his head in his arms. Amidst the laughter, he ran out of the garden and plunged into Wu Jin's arms.

Followed by the big yellow dog, barked twice, shook its head and tail, and squatted beside Wu Jin.

Cheng Ting pulled his head out of Wu Jin's arms, and because of the backing, he suddenly became courageous, turned his head and shouted into the garden: "Yin Nan! How dare you blow up the young master! Don't use the knife if you have the guts, the two of us will fight alone , believe it or not, the young master will kill you, a weak chicken, with one ass!"

He was answered with a loud "bang", and he suddenly squatted down with his head in his arms, while Mo Lingfeng and Wu Jin raised their heads again and looked towards the sky.

The smoke and dust were like mist, and fluffy stars rushed out of the smoke and bloomed again.

Cheng Ting's slumped broad shoulders shrugged again, stood up and looked up at the sky, the three of them and one dog all raised their heads and did not move until the shaggy stars flashed past before falling down.

Taking advantage of the silence at this moment, Wu Jin said to Mo Lingfeng: "Tan Xuan has been fixed for Zhizhou's position, and the yellow paper has been issued. This person has never appeared in the mansion newspapers and tabloids. It is unclear who he is. But from my point of view, it’s not someone from the Eastern Palace.”

Mo Lingfeng nodded.

Cheng Ting listened with all his attention - if he missed half a sentence, he might never understand the next words.

After hearing this, he wondered, "Why not the East Palace? You two, don't say 'everything goes without saying', okay, be more considerate and considerate of me!"

Wu Jin carefully explained to him: "This time the Kuanzhou changed hands, both the East Palace and the vassal kings have recommended them, and the tabloids have written the resumes of these people. I think the people recommended by the East Palace are all experienced, but they have never been transferred. The Privy Council position is not the best candidate for the post of Zhizhou, but Wei Fan, who recommends people who have been transferred to the Privy Council, can take up the post of Zhizhou."

Cheng Ting asked again: "Kuanzhou is an important border area, and the East Palace still dislikes it?"

Wu Jin replied: "I'm afraid the East Palace has already seen that the situation between His Majesty and the Mo family is in conflict, and knows that the situation in Kuanzhou is complicated, so they don't want to intervene too much, so as not to displease His Majesty, and to avoid losing troops and generals."

(End of this chapter)

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