Yu Jun

Chapter 222

When Li Yitie saw Yin Bei who was in a hurry, he thought that Mo Qianlan was in danger, so he was also very anxious. He carried the golden needle and other things and went straight to Mo's mansion. When he got to Mo Qianlan's bed, he saw that everything was as usual without any change.

Mo Qianlan was lying on the bed, his exposed skin was so white that it was piercingly white, his breath was light and long, his gray hair was growing, and he could no longer hide it. The old man was like a dilapidated palace with ruined walls and reeds piercing his knees, but he could still see his grandeur and majesty in the past.

The only thing that has changed is Mo Lefeng.

Mo Lingfeng sat on the embroidered pier beside the bed, with his thin palms stuffed into Mo Qianlan's hands, his eyes were drooping, showing deep double eyelid marks, the tails of his eyes were long and upward, the eyelashes were thickly spread out, and there were broken teardrops on them.

She looked back at Li Yitie, stood up, took her hand out of Mo Qianlan's, stepped aside, and said urgently, "Brother has spoken, and he said a long sentence!"

She was nervous and at a loss, and she couldn't hide her expectation: "Brother is getting better!"

Li Yitie stepped forward and sat down, stretched out his hand, and felt Mo Qianlan's pulse. After a while, he took out the silver needle from the box and started to use the needle upwards from Mo Qianlan's tiger's mouth. After using up the needle, he said: "Girl, for a person who has left his soul, it is normal for a person to move slightly, turn over occasionally, and talk. In the case of Jiedushi, it is not a good thing to have words."

Mo Lingfeng shook his head violently: "Brother is not talking nonsense, his name is Ah Yao!"

Li Yitie sighed, and said softly: "Maybe he could hear it, maybe it was before he fell into a coma, he remembered to tell you a word, and he only said it now, anything is possible, no one knows what it is like when a person leaves his soul."

He looked at Mo Lingfeng, his heart ached, and he couldn't say the rest - it was not easy for Mo Qianlan to survive until now, if he woke up, he would die.

Mo Lingfeng is also what he looks up to. From a small group, she grew up to be 17 years old now, able to gallop on the battlefield, but when she returns home, and returns to Mo Qianlan's side, she is still a child who loves to act like a baby.

Mo Qianlan is a mountain that blocks hell behind him and gives Mo Lingfeng a unique love.

Li Yitie opened his mouth and said vaguely: "Speaking is not a good thing, it proves that his mind is unstable. I want to change the prescription and change two medicines. I will give him another injection in the afternoon."

After that, he got up and went to the cubicle to prescribe a prescription. Mo Lingfeng stood there in a daze, without moving for a long time. She didn't wake up until Li Yitie came over to pull out the needle, and ordered Yin Bei to follow to get the medicine.

She walked to the door and took a look at the white sun. The sun made her squint her eyes. The aunts, nurses, maids, servants and others standing in the yard all became shadows, shaking in her eyes.

She rubbed her eyes, closed the door, and shut out the scorching sun, noisy figures, and overgrown flowers and trees. She sat on the embroidered pier and stared at Mo Qianlan, as if she wanted to see his body and find his sleeping soul.

After watching for a while, she suddenly rubbed off her shoes, climbed onto the bed, lifted the quilt, got into Mo Qianlan's arms, held Mo Qianlan's hand to hug her, two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

She said in a low, aggrieved voice: "Brother, pat Ah Yao."

She knew that she had grown up and men and women were different, so she couldn't pester her brother like this anymore. If Zhao Shiheng saw her, he would definitely talk about her again, but she was really too lonely, too lonely.

The brother also told her to keep her heart safe.

Her joy and jumping all subsided, the expression on her face also became indifferent, her rationality surged up, her internal organs seemed to have been sorted out, she lay cold and orderly in her body, only her heart was aching.

Burying her head on Mo Qianlan's chest, she took a deep breath, slowly regained her spirit, turned over and sat up, climbed out of bed, sat on the embroidered pier, quietly wiped away her tears, held Mo Qianlan's hand again, and whispered: "Brother, I listen to you."

Brother would never harm her.

She sat for a long time until Yin Bei came back, and the aunts re-boiled the medicine before moving a little and going out to fill her stomach.

Accompanying Mo Qianlan to spend a hot and dry day, when she returned to Changsui residence, the sky turned from blue to dark, and it was falling layer by layer. The bright moon that should have been there was covered by some cloud and lost its brilliance.

Before going to bed, she ate two more candied date dumplings and drank a pot of nectar water. Her stomach was so distended that she couldn't fall asleep. Under the nagging of her grandmother, she went out to enjoy the scenery alone.

Yin Nan followed her from a distance, never walking side by side with her.

As she was walking towards the garden, a cool breeze blew up on the road, blowing her silver-red veil. In the dim light of the sky, she saw the whole scorpion flower climbing the wall falling to the ground, and the sound of falling flowers became louder in the dark night, which was shocking.

When passing by the gate of Jiusixuan Courtyard, she raised her head and looked at the ancient trees that covered the sky and sun.

Her footsteps landed as lightly as a feather, only the voice in her heart was deafening.

Take good care of your heart—sincerity.

She walked away from Jiusixuan, walked to the garden, walked to the water pavilion, where the big yellow dog was lying down to enjoy the shade, she walked over, bent down and stroked the big yellow dog's head, and said in a low voice, "You are getting old too."

The wind turned the clouds and saw the moon, and the lines on the water surface shone with a silver light. The fish jumped out and fell back into the water with a "boom", and the big yellow dog wagged its tail and shook its head. It was indeed old.

Mo Lingfeng said in a low voice: "Wu Jin is gone, and Cheng San is also gone."

The big yellow dog stood up slowly, and licked Mo Lingfeng's hand.

Mo Lingfeng stood leaning on the railing for a long time, cutting off the love between his son and daughter. After a while, he turned to Yin Nan and said, "Light up the lamp and call Yin Bei."

Yin Nan took the order and left, but after a while, servants poured in from the garden, with light and fast steps, they set four tall candlesticks at the four feet of the waterside pavilion, lit regular candles, covered the lampshades, moved in tables and chairs, spread refreshments, and placed candlesticks on the tables.

Candle oil kept dripping, filling the candlesticks.

Yin Bei walked over quickly, bowed and said, "Miss."

The wind is moving, the candle is moving, and the light and shadow are flickering. Mo Lingfeng is dazzling and sharp.

She told Yin Bei: "You do three things. First, find out whether Tan Xuan has returned from the fortress. If he has returned home, what is his expression, and what did he say to the magistrate's officials? Second, take the fish scale book and yellow book from the magistrate's yamen, and put them into the treasury of Mofu's house.

Yin Bei whispered: "Second, third, how about copying a copy after stealing it, and then returning it?"

"It's an unexpected move," Mo Lingfeng shook his head, "I'll give you two months to do it by any means."


When Yin Bei left, Mo Lingfeng picked up the cup of tea, took a sip, and stared intently.

She wants fish scale books, yellow books, and tax books, she wants to know Kuanzhou like the back of her hand, she wants to collect farmers and give tenants, so that everything can be ready, and she only owes Dongfeng.

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