Yu Jun

Chapter 223 Ambush

On the early morning of April [-]th, Yin Bei came back and said, "Tan Xuan returned home at midnight last night. When he returned home, he smelled of alcohol and walked in a vain manner. The fortifications are strict, the soldiers in Gaoping Village are strong and horses are strong, and there is a kind of old general who is waiting for them, so there is nothing wrong with them."

Mo Lingfeng listened, pondered for a while, and thought that this person could be put aside—whether Tan Xuan had spied on the truth of the fortress or not, this person would get drunk in the fortress, he would be a person who knew the current affairs, and would not be as straightforward as Qin Fang.

"Send someone to watch him, and if there is any change, report to me immediately."


On April [-]th, a yamen servant in the magistrate's yamen knocked over an oil lamp while patrolling the night, causing the warehouse to catch fire, and the state annals, fish scale books, and yellow books were all destroyed in the fire.

On April 30th, Mo Lingfeng took the fish scale book and took a closer look, and saw that most of the fields in Kuanzhou were gathered in the hands of the Beijing officials—this is the root cause of Wang Yunsheng's bribery of less than [-] guan.

She found a piece of paper, copied these fields, and handed them to Yin Bei: "Find some ruffians and go to these fields to make a fuss. Wang Yunsheng is dead, and no one will take care of them. The Beijing officials are beyond their reach. Naturally, we will sell the land. Then lower the price, take the land down, and return the land to the people when the people are in trouble."


On the evening of April [-]th, Mo Lingfeng returned to the fortress.

From this day to May [-]th, there was no rain for a whole month. On May [-]th, Yinshi, the transfer department caught fire, and the fire spread to most of the government office. The documents were all burned to ashes.

At this time, under the Hengshan Mountain, there was a strong wind, the vegetation, mountains and rocks were all swaying, and a crescent moon was covered by the wind and sand in the sky.

The wind and sand was so violent that it blew all the way to the vicinity of Hengshan Mountain. It was difficult for people who were blowing to speak, and their eyes were full of whirlpools of yellow sand.

Mo Lingfeng was wearing a soap-colored narrow-sleeved short jacket, covered in silver armor, with a long knife on his waist and a sharp knife with a cold light, a bow on his shoulder, and a pot of arrows on his back. With bright hooves and bright palms, you can move forward quickly without fear of wind and sand.

She brought four battalions of infantry, one battalion of cavalry, and one hundred battalions of archers on this trip. First, she ambushed the battalion of archers and infantry on Hengshan, and then led a battalion of cavalry to go down Hengshan. Lure the enemy where the captives are stationed.

The rest of the army stayed at Gaopingzhai and took advantage of the situation.

It turned out that recently, Jinlu saw that Gaoping Village could not be defended, and wanted to take Gaoping Village in one fell swoop. On the watch pole yesterday, soldiers saw several teams of Tiefutu and kidnapped horses haunting outside the village.

There are only three "shocking thunders" in Gaoping village, and they will not be used unless it is a last resort. The rest of the firearms are not enough to deter the Jin captives. Go out from the southeast gate of the village, meandering up Hengshan, and come here to lure the enemy.

A group of people walked forward against the wind, and their eyes were full of sand and dust. People and horses walked in it, like being trapped in a sea of ​​sand, and their whereabouts were difficult to discern.

Even outside Hengshan, the wind and sand were already so violent that if they arrived at Sanchuanzhai, which faced the yellow sand, the wind and sand might swallow the sky.

Mo Lingfeng took advantage of this gust of wind to hide his tracks, and when the wind and sand weakened, a battalion of troops had already rushed to the vicinity of Huaiyuan Village.

Huaiyuan Village has been occupied by the Jinlu for a long time. Looking from a distance, not only the Jinlu battle flag stands erect in the fortress, but also there is a dome covered with yellow sand outside the village.
Mo Lingfeng heard the neighing of the horses in the village, raised his hand, and was about to give an order, when he suddenly heard the sound of wings spreading in the air.

She paused for a while, looked up, and saw a big eagle, folded its wings like a dark cloud, and fell straight down from the wind, like an electric switch, its claws were like sharp knives, hooked a stray gazelle on the ground, spread out The pair of wings flew nine days with the gazelle, and disappeared without a trace.

She lowered her head and waved her hand vigorously: "Light on the fire!"

As soon as the words fell, the cavalry behind immediately lit fire thorns, rode forward, and threw fire thorns heavily towards the Qionglu and into Huaiyuan village.

You Muqing held a fire thorn, pointed it at the Jinlu battle flag, and threw it hard. The fireball went straight to the battle flag from under the yellow sand. Chung.

Jinlu's southeast camp became a sea of ​​flames in an instant. Unprepared, Jinlu rushed out of the fire, causing chaos frequently.

The sound of killing was everywhere, and when the cavalrymen were killing happily, Mo Lingfeng saw torches lit in the distance in the direction of Sanchuan Village from his horseback, and immediately shouted in the wind: "Let's go!"

The sound of the wind swallowed up her roar, and when You Muqing saw this, he immediately waved the banner and led the cavalry to follow. A battalion of people and horses turned their horses' heads and galloped towards Hengshan.

The cavalry withdrew at an extremely fast speed, and the Jinlu from Sanchuanzhai also chased after them on horseback. After chasing for a mile, they stopped again-the Han people are treacherous, and there must be ambushes.

Mo Lingfeng took this opportunity and yelled "let the arrows go", the cavalrymen drew their bows and set up their arrows, but without aiming at them, they turned around and shot the arrows indiscriminately.

In the rain of arrows, Jinlu drew his sword to dodge, and suddenly a Jinlu immediately shouted: "It's the female general of the Mo family!"

The eyes of a young man who led the army suddenly lit up, and he shouted on his horseback: "Catch Mo Lingfeng alive!"

Mo Lingfeng is not afraid of life and death, and often supervises the battle before the battle. Jinlu is very familiar with her.

This woman is full of tricks, she often does unexpected things, and she also has a large army like her arms. The reason why Gaopingzhai can't be attacked for a long time has a lot to do with her.

Jinlu once specially used tricks to kill her, but there were many capable people around her, so he didn't do what he wanted.

Jinlu, who had already reined in his horse, heard that Mo Lingfeng was here, and immediately became enthusiastic and shouted loudly: "Catch Mo Lingfeng alive!"

Mo Lingfeng raised his hand and whipped the horsewhip, whipped the horse and ran forward, with the cavalry behind her surrounded by her, and they also risked their lives to move forward.

The horses and horses from both sides were chasing and fighting, inseparable. When they reached the foot of Hengshan, Mo Lingfeng did not rein in the horse, but pumped the horse's belly hard, shouted angrily, and sped up the speed.

The two armies were at a stalemate, and it was difficult to distinguish the front and back, but the Mo's army suddenly withdrew their swords and just galloped forward, and the distance between the two armies suddenly widened.

The leader of the Jinlu army had a secret thought, there must be an ambush ahead, and was about to tell everyone to rein in their horses and return, when there was already a little bit of fire on the Hengshan Mountain, and poisonous rockets shot towards them like rain.

After a round of rockets, another infantry came out and stepped forward to encircle and suppress.

At this moment, the gust of wind that stopped for a while raged again, this time the wind was stronger, people and horses couldn't stand, they were all staggering in place, on the Hengshan Mountain, boulders and trees rumbled down, the sound was terrifying.

"Lie down!"

Unknown who made a hoarse roar, Jin Lu and Mo's army quickly crawled to the ground to avoid being blown over by the wind, and crawled towards the bank of the Calabash River to avoid falling rocks from Hengshan, waiting for the gust of wind to pass.

After Mo Lingfeng ran out of the ambush circle, he had already reined in his horse. Seeing the bad wind, he also quickly got off his horse and fell on the ground. In just one breath, his whole body was covered with yellow sand, and a big tree with his hands clasped collapsed. , on the horse she was riding.

The war horse couldn't scream, and fell to the ground with a bang, with a large amount of blood gushing from its mouth and nose, struggled twice, and then stopped moving. (end of this chapter)

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