Yu Jun

Chapter 228 Minion

Chapter 228 Minion
Mo Lingfeng and Zhong Jiaqing went down to the top of the city, and both felt the heat disappear. Zhong Jiaqing refused to drink the good food that came from a long way away, and went to patrol the camp. Mo Lingfeng went back alone and drank sugar water .

After she finished drinking the sugar water, she saw that Yin Nan hadn't come back, so she walked to the door, and just wanted the guards to call You Muqing, when she saw You and Dou not far away, one tall and one short, and they left in a manner come over.

You Muqing ate too much lunch, his stomach was bloated, Zhui became shorter and shorter, with a grass stalk in his mouth, he listened to Xiao Dou's troubles.

"I gave her the bracelet last time. If she doesn't wear it, it must be because she doesn't like it. Brother You, if I give it again, what should I give it?"

You Muqing reached out to take the dog's tail grass from his mouth, held it in his hand and twirled it: "In my opinion, gifts should be delivered to people's hearts. Look at Fat Wu, who gave Wu Ling a red-tasseled gun. Wu Ling loves it like something .”

Xiao Dou was in a difficult situation: "Then I, how many heads of Jinlu will I give away?"

"You're so stupid," You Muqing rolled his big eyes, "She's short of a head? When did she not kill more than you? She's just a ruthless murderer."

Xiao Dou nodded again and again: "No, it's really heroic."

You Muqing has nothing to do with this heartless thing: "Sashuang."

He saw Mo Lingfeng standing with his hands behind his back, he quickly threw away the bristlegrass in his hand, and hurriedly said to Xiao Dou: "I will give you precious jewelry."

Xiao Dou also saw Mo Lingfeng, and quickly stopped talking, straightened his waist, walked up with his head high, and followed You Muqing, thinking in his heart: "That is expensive and heavy, and the one sent last time seems not heavy enough."

The two walked up to Mo Lingfeng in unison, and bowed their hands together: "General."

Mo Lingfeng glanced at Xiao Dou, seeing his dazed appearance, and thinking about Yin Nan's heartless appearance, he also sighed secretly in his heart.

If these two get married, what will their lives be like?

She ordered Xiao Dou to patrol the camp, and took You Muqing to the back camp to see her captives.

The two walked all the way, checking the situation of each battalion. When they approached the back battalion, Chang Long was fighting with Feng Fan, surrounded by a circle of soldiers watching.

Mo Lingfeng walked over silently, stood behind the crowd, and stood on tiptoe with You Muqing to look in, and saw Chang Long holding a brow-level stick to make the tiger angry, Feng Fan holding a long gun, and pointing To stab.

Feng Fan was old, he hit the back of the head, unable to support him, Chang Long hit him on the arm with a stick, and a long spear came out of his hand and flew towards Mo Lingfeng.

The soldiers in front covered their heads to hide, Mo Lingfeng remained motionless, You Muqing immediately raised his leg, and kicked the spear away, the spear flew through the air, and plunged straight into the wooden stake.

The tip of the gun sank into the stake, and the tail of the gun shook violently. Only then did everyone realize that Mo Lingfeng had been standing there, and hurriedly bowed their hands in salute.


Mo Lingfeng signaled them to continue, and moved on with You Muqing, the two walked to the back camp amidst the sound of saluting, and went to the room where the beans were kept.

The dove-shaped soldier was still guarding the door, sitting on a low stool, holding a large bowl of mixed beans and rice, with his head almost buried in the bowl.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he quickly raised his head, and seeing that it was Mo Lingfeng, he quickly put the bowl on the ground, carefully placed the chopsticks on the bowl, stood up straight, quietly swallowed his stomach, raised his breath and shouted: " General!"

Mo Lingfeng looked down at the bowl, there was still rice left in the bowl, and a palm-sized salted fish was placed next to the bowl, it was clean and the chopsticks hadn't been touched.

She raised her head and asked Xiao Bing, "Why don't you eat fish?"

Xiaobing hesitated for a moment, lowered his voice, and muttered in a whisper: "There are fingers and hair inside the fish."

Mo Lingfeng frowned, You Muqing bent down to pick up the bowl and chopsticks, and used the chopsticks to pierce the belly of the fish, the inside was clean and there was no foreign matter.

He said with a straight face: "What nonsense?"

Xiaobing looked at Mo Lingfeng, but he didn't dare to speak. Mo Lingfeng glanced at Yu, then at Xiaobing, and suddenly said, "Are you from Yuezhou?"

"Yes," Xiao Bing began to cry, "General, I didn't mean not to eat fish on purpose, nor was I talking nonsense."

Mo Lingfeng nodded: "I know, you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to eat, change to something else, go."

With tears in his eyes, Xiaobing took the bowls and chopsticks from You Muqing, and trotted towards the stove.

Mo Lingfeng stepped over the threshold and entered the house. The house was dark and cramped. In this hot day, it was actually a cool place.
Zell was sitting upright with his back against the beans, his face had been wiped clean, and the wound had been replaced with medicine. There was an empty bowl by his side, chopsticks on the ground, and a jar of cold water beside the bowl.

The food filled his stomach and made him energetic, and his clean face gave him ambition. He didn't have to bow down to Mo Lingfeng just because of a piece of candy like last night.

He stopped and looked at Mo Lefeng like a lone wolf: "Why doesn't he eat fish? People in Yuezhou don't eat fish?"

He didn't hear Xiaobing's muttering.

You Muqing moved in a chair, wiped it with his sleeve, and put it behind Mo Lefeng.

Mo Lingfeng sat down, put his hands on the armrests of the chair, and answered thoughtfully: "At this time last year, the Yuezhou River broke through and rushed into the state capital. The water rushed to a poor county downstream, and five villages were destroyed overnight. The dead bodies were soaked in the water and were eaten by fish. The living people caught fish and ate them, often in the belly of the fish Eat out human fingers and hair."

The pupils of Zell and You Muqing shook at the same time, and they couldn't believe it.

You Muqing quickly withdrew the expression on his face, secretly thinking that Zell was a foreign race, and he didn't know if it was justifiable, why didn't he hear it?
Did Yuezhou hide it?
After the shock, Zell remembered the fish he had just eaten, and immediately rolled over. A sour gas rushed into his throat, and he retched violently. He pressed his abdomen with one hand, and felt that the fish he swallowed contained human flesh. finger.

He tried his best to suppress his wild thoughts, and his face was full of doubts: "Why didn't you tell the people and dig the embankment again?"

Mo Lingfeng replied truthfully: "Because the breach was sudden."

"I read in the book that your officials and your court have food for the victims of the disaster and places to house the victims. Why do they leave the corpses alone? Why do the victims of the disaster come here?"

Mo Lingfeng answered quickly: "Because the state officials have never reported to the imperial court, in order to seek a better future, the officials and officials protect each other."

Zell became more and more puzzled: "Why didn't you report it to the court?"

"Because I dare not."

"Don't you dare?"

"Because the breach was sudden."

All because the breach was too sudden.

The embankment, which was supposed to be as strong as gold, turned out to be as solid as paper. When it collapsed to the bottom, the embankment envoys and state officials rushed to divert water, resulting in countless deaths and injuries, and they dared not ask the court for relief. Zhoucheng is safe and sound, no relief is needed.

As for a group of unworthy refugees, as long as they are stopped from going to the capital, they can go wherever they want.

(End of this chapter)

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