Yu Jun

Chapter 229 Fish in the net

Chapter 229 Fish in the net

This long-standing right and wrong, Yu Mo Lingfeng, is a disaster that can be understood from a doggerel in the mouth of a merchant and accusations in tabloids.

You Muqing, after listening to what Mo Lingfeng said, it suddenly dawned on him that Mo Lingfeng recruited many recruits from Yuezhou last year.

However, for Zell, there are twists and turns that I can't figure out.

He looked distressed, guessing the inextricable connection between the officials, but finally he thought of the fish that the soldier didn't eat.

He has never been an official, he has never been rich, he is an ordinary person like this soldier, if he is also in this big water, he is either a fish eater or a fish eater.

But he knew that such a rule of the world would definitely wear away the people's loyalty to the emperor and turn to those who accepted them.

He looked up at Mo Lefeng, and felt that Mo Lefeng had cast a net in Kuanzhou—not just Kuanzhou, maybe the world, through something in her eyes, she was watching every move of the world, Once anything beneficial to her happens, she will take action immediately.

This feeling made Zell very uncomfortable, and at the same time had a faint sense of fear.

It's not that he's afraid of death, but that he doesn't know what kind of prey he is in Mo Lefeng's net and where he will be used.

He never thought that he was just an embellishment on Mo Lefeng's network.

The hot air penetrated into the room through the open door, and his wound began to feel hot and itchy. The dust and grass clippings on the beans floated in the incoming light beams, and they kept flying.

Sitting against the light, Mo Lingfeng's body and shadow turned into a huge black predator and landed on Zell.

A few geese hooted from outside the house, pulling Zell out of this creepy feeling. He gathered his mind, lowered his head, and looked at his legs, and said bluntly: "If you don't kill me, I won't obey you either. , Father and brother have not avenged, how can they submit."

Mo Lingfeng watched him move his head, and the braids all over his head moved accordingly. He found it very interesting, and before speaking, he laughed.

Then she stood up and told You Muqing: "Carry him out and have a look."

You Muqing responded, and squatted in front of Zell, regardless of his care, grabbed his hands, pulled him onto his back, and then got up with his back on his back.

When Zell's broken leg moved, he felt a sharp pain. He immediately gritted his teeth and let out a muffled grunt. With his injured right hand hanging down, he tightly clung to Qing You Mu's shoulder with his left hand, and followed You Mu Qing out of the room with his eyes.

The sun was scorching outside, and the back camp was extremely busy.

The water was boiling in the big pot, and the white gas was billowing. A few soldiers were slaughtering sheep, and the blood of the sheep was also steaming. Sweating profusely, there are also a few bean-sized soldiers who specialize in doing odd jobs, such as grinding salt, meat balls, burning fire, and fanning.

Zell let the heat evaporate, and sweat dripped from his chest, back, and back. Mo Lingfeng walked all the way out, and turned to him while walking, "You speak Chinese very well, who taught you?"

Zell reluctantly said: "My mother."

He stayed in that bean material house for less than two days, and he felt like he would never see the sun. Now that he came out, the first thing he saw was not to look at the fortress, but to look at the sky.

Good day, clear sky.

Mo Lingfeng turned around and asked him: "Your mother is Han, why didn't you come to Kuanzhou to be an acquaintance?"

Zell's gaze fell on her face, only looked at it for a moment, and then looked away immediately.

Mo Lingfeng under the sun clearly pierced into his eyes, his beauty was undisguised, his gaze was compelling, and the charm was hidden in the black eyes, quiet and precious, even the eyelashes were surprisingly thick.

He had never seen such a beautiful girl, and his heart beat hard a few times.

You Muqing immediately noticed his strangeness, and immediately pushed him up hard, and he let out a muffled grunt, his heart almost stopped beating.

After the pain, Zell calmly answered Mo Lefeng's question: "My mother died early, and there is no one to lead the way."

He said again: "If someone leads the way, you will not reach Kuanzhou. The house is small, like a cage, and there is nowhere to go."

After all, he looked around - he had been to Kuanzhou, but he had never been to Baozhai. Jinlu used Sanchuan, Huaiyuan, and Dingchuan villages to speculate on the situation in Gaoping village, and thought it was nothing more than that, but Zeer looked around. Looking up, you can see sufficient food and grass, row upon row of houses, neat and wide streets, like a heavily guarded town.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly on the roof tiles, and the soldiers were orderly, drinking horses, practicing, riding and shooting, and competing.

He looked all the way in amazement, and when he reached a shady place in the village, he suddenly felt that the place was very solemn.

The gateposts are all painted black, and four white paper lanterns are hung under the porch. A row of elm trees are planted on the wall in front of the gate.

There were two soldiers in soap-colored embroidered shirts standing at the door. Seeing Mo Lingfeng approaching, they immediately stood up and saluted, then opened the door and stepped aside.

Mo Lingfeng's expression also became solemn and solemn, he straightened his clothes and stepped over the threshold.

You Muqing also calmed down, and then walked in.

After passing the front yard of the gate, Mo Lingfeng stepped up the stone steps and walked into the second hall. In the middle of the second hall, there was a tablet without a word.

In front of the memorial tablet, there are long-bright oil lamps, incense burners, melons and fruits, and wine. Mo Lingfeng went to the bottom of the incense table and took three sticks of incense, lit the incense on the oil lamp sideways, and then made a "protecting" posture with his left and right hands, holding the incense with both hands on his chest Before and after the three prostrations, I put incense in the stove and said in my heart, "Make offerings to the soldiers who died in battle."

After offering incense, she went out through the door on the right side of the second hall and continued to the rear.

Zell was confused and didn't know what mystery Mo Lingfeng was playing, but after a while, he immediately understood.

Behind the second hall, black lacquered coffins are placed neatly, like a line. In front of each coffin, there is a brazier, which is filled with burnt ashes. When the wind blows, the remaining ashes are turned, revealing a few corners that have not been completely burnt. of paper money and ingots.

Life and death are exposed in front of everyone through this thin layer of coffin.

Zell froze suddenly.

When he was on the battlefield, he also collected the corpses, buried them on the spot, or burned them, but he had never been so shocked——Mo Lingfeng gave the soldiers who died in battle the last respect, so that they would not have to expose their corpses to the wilderness, and no bones would be left receive.

A man in a long gown rushed out to greet him, cupped his hands, and said respectfully: "General, the list of soldiers who died in this battle has been properly distributed, would you like to see it?"

Mo Lingfeng stretched out his hand to caress the nearest coffin, and softened his voice: "No, everything remains as usual."

The old man in long gown responded quickly.

Mo Lefeng withdrew his hand: "Go and do your work."


The courtyard fell silent again. Mo Lingfeng did not leave immediately, but stood quietly for a long time before turning back to Zell and saying, "There is no family enmity when two countries are at war, only national enmity."

Zell knew that he was a fish in the net, and everything Mo Lingfeng did was to disintegrate him, but he remained silent.

His family feud is not worth mentioning in this protracted war.

(End of this chapter)

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