Yu Jun

Chapter 241

Chapter 241
There was a knock on the door outside the house, Yin Nan braved the cold wind and went out to open the door, letting in Xiao Dou who was frozen like a green radish.

Xiao Dou stood upright in the room and gave Mo Lingfeng the amount of food and grass: "General, Brother You asked me to send it."

In fact, he was the one who put on a face and rushed to make this trip.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and smiled at Yin Nan, and while Mo Lingfeng bowed his head, he took out a bun from his bosom and stuffed it quietly into Yin Nan's hand.

Mo Lingfeng thought he was blind, and Xiao Dou didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng looked at the number at a glance, and put it on the table casually. Just as he was about to drink tea, he heard Xiao Dou's enthusiastic shout from outside the courtyard gate.

"Brother Bei is here! Brother Bei is not on the road."

Yin Bei was angry: "You really care about me."

"How can I not care." Xiao Dou's face was full of smiles, and the word "brother" was about to come out. Yin Bei raised his legs and left angrily. He walked to the door aggressively, swallowed this unknown fire, and stood outside the door. , Facing the door curtain, said: "Girl."

"Come in."

Yin Bei opened the curtain and went in. Mo Lingfeng turned his head to look at him, and saw that his eyebrows, temple hair, and eyelashes were all covered with a layer of ice, his face was ashen from the cold, and the fur he was wearing hardened into a leather tube. With every step, the leather robe will make a twisting sound.

He awkwardly placed the burden on the table, the heat from the room melted the snow on his body, making his clothes damp and stuffy.

He took off his hat, and white steam rose from the top of his head.

"Sit down and enjoy the fire." Mo Lingfeng held the chopsticks and pulled aside the charcoal fire. "This year is hard, and my brother is afraid of the cold. When I came back, Li Yitie asked me to change the recipe. Have you changed it?"

"It's changed," Yin Bei sat down, took out the revised prescription, five tabloids, and a mansion newspaper from his arms, and handed them to Mo Lingfeng, and then warmed his stiff and cold hands, "Li Yitie said that Poria cocos can be made Food, it’s cold, you can add more.”

Mo Lingfeng looked at the prescription carefully, saw that two kinds of medicines were added in it, and the amount of Fu Ling was also added, so he asked: "Brother, how is it after taking this prescription?"

Yin Bei thought for a while: "It's still the same."

"That's good."

Yin Bei looked at Yin Nan, and said to Mo Lingfeng, "Girl..."

Mo Lingfeng waved to Yin Nan: "Go out."

She stretched out her hand to open a tabloid, glanced at it twice: "Let's talk."

Yin Bei whispered: "Girl, can you let that Dou stay away from Anan?"

He coughed: "This... this big fool, really..."

Mo Lingfeng laughed and said, "Xiao Dou can still fool Yin Nan?"

Yin Bei scratched his head: "The two of you are not a fool."

Mo Lingfeng changed to a tabloid, and said while reading: "People are not smart, there are blessings for not being smart, and besides, I will not let her suffer."

She turned a page: "Take care of the house for me. I know what happened to Yin Nan."

Yin Bei was a little frustrated, feeling sad that cabbage was being crushed by a pig, so he stood up and said, "Then my subordinate will sue..."

"Wait!" Mo Lingfeng's right hand suddenly clenched the tabloid tightly, his pupils vibrated, and the blood on his face faded away.

The tabloids collected information about the fires in various places in the past month, among which there was a fire in the Tongpan government office in Ningzhou.

She flicked through the tabloids in a hurry, trying to find other news, and flipped through a few tabloids with a "crash", but she didn't see any other related articles.

Putting down a few tabloids, she immediately picked up the mansion newspaper and read it carefully. When the emperor thoroughly investigated the corruption of Ningzhou Shipping Department, she realized that something was wrong.

Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she read the letter from Wu Jin again, guessing what happened recently.

Wu Jin took advantage of the corruption of the Ningzhou Shipbuilding Department, and was spotted by the officials of the Ningzhou Shipbuilding Department. On the ninth day of November, they set fire to the Ningzhou Tongjuan Mansion.

Luckily, Wu Jin survived and sent the criminal evidence to the capital in a hurry.

The emperor ordered Wu Jin to go to Shuozhou to deal with the locust plague in order to avoid the disaster. Wu Jin went to Shuozhou on November [-].

On November 26, the emperor was furious in the early court, and decreed that all the members of Ningzhou Bosi should be taken to Yushitai Prison in Kyoto for a thorough investigation.

The heavy snow blocked this series of news and buried the right and wrong of Ningzhou's official circles, and Wu Jin didn't mention anything about it in the letter he finally sent.

He only cared about Kuanzhou, and was only worried about the heavy snow, as if he thought that a big fire was nothing compared to the rare heavy snowfall in Kuanzhou.

Mo Lingfeng smoothed the tabloids and mansion newspapers, placed them neatly on the table, and also sorted out his emotions.

"How far is Shuozhou from here?"

Yin Bei thought for a while: "Nearly six hundred miles."

Mo Lingfeng pondered for a moment, and said: "A fast horse can run 180 miles a day, but now that the road is blocked by heavy snow, the fast horse can only run a hundred miles a day. If you don't use the official road, how about taking a shortcut?"

"Shuozhou is very mountainous," Yin Bei carefully recalled the shortcuts he had copied with Qian Zhuang. "If you walk from the mountains, you can save half the distance, but now Shuozhou is probably snowing too. If the snow in the mountains is too thick, On the contrary, it’s not as easy as going the official way.”

Mo Lingfeng stretched out his hand to caress the letter written by Wu Jin, but there was no mention of heavy snow in Shuozhou.

She took a pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the compartment, added water to grind away the frozen ink, dipped a stroke of ink, and handed it to Yin Bei: "Draw it, be careful."

Yin Bei quickly took the pen, not daring to be careless, and began to draw.

When he finished the painting, Mo Lingfeng leaned over to take a closer look, and saw that the painting was crooked, and the words were written like a convulsion. Fortunately, it was very detailed, even where there was a fork in the drawing.

She praised: "The painting is good, not bad."

When Yin Bei was in full bloom, he asked, "Are you going to Shuozhou?"

Mo Lingfeng nodded, walked to the door, and told Yin Nan to call You Muqing.

Yin Bei withdrew his smile, and said solemnly: "The road is not easy to walk. Even if you take a shortcut, it will take three days to get there. It is three-point risky to go out. Let me go. What do you want to do?"

Mo Lingfeng waved his hand: "I'll take Yin Nan with me, and travel day and night, you go to Li Yitie's pharmacy, buy three bottles of burn plaster - buy as much as you have, and prepare enough water to go to Shuozhou, and wait for me at the gate of the city .”

Yin Bei was worried, and knew that Mo Lingfeng could not be left or right, so he quickly responded and rushed out like an arrow from the string.

Mo Lingfeng put away Wu Jin's letter and put it in a box, then put away the tabloids on the table and other things, went to the backyard to take off the soft armor, changed into thick clothes, leather boots, and a pair of long clothes that reached to the top of the feet. He put on his fur hat and went to the front yard.

You Muqing has arrived, looking at Mo Lefeng dressed up like this, asked: "Are you going home?"

"Yin Nan, go change your clothes." Mo Lingfeng inserted a sharp knife into his waist, "I will take Yin Nan out for a trip, and I will return within five days. If anyone has a different mind while I am away, I will kill him."

Since the truce, she has returned to the city frequently, but this time it took a little longer, You Muqing didn't think too much about it, and nodded in response: "That Qiang man said he wanted a bow and arrow."

"No," Mo Lingfeng refused, "Give him a knife and practice with you."


Mo Lingfeng and Yin Nan were properly dressed, even their hands were wrapped in fur covers, they didn't bring their own soldiers, they went out of the village and plunged into the wind and snow.

(End of this chapter)

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