Yu Jun

Chapter 242

Chapter 242
When they went out, it hadn't snowed yet, and when they took water and plaster from Yin Bei and walked out of Kuanzhou Mansion, suddenly a gust of wind swept over the top, the snow formed into clumps and floes, and fell with the wind, all the huts on both sides of the road collapsed , only a few mansions are still standing in place.

On the official road, the servants were shoveling snow. There were ruts on the ground, and the remnant snow was pressed tightly. It had not been frozen by the cold wind, and the horseshoes stepped on it, making a constant "cracking" sound.

Mo Lingfeng held the bridle in his hand, whipped his horse, and left Kuanzhou along the rut.

The white horse she rides is a war horse, faster than the horses in the delivery shop. If the horse is not hesitant to run, it can reach three hundred miles a day. The green horse Yin Nan rides is slower. After running for thirty miles, he dismounted immediately, ate, closed his eyes and rested.

In the evening, the two had already left the official road and walked along the trail drawn by Yin Bei.

The darker the sky, the more heavy snow covered the sky, the snow on the fox fur did not wait for it to disappear, it fell layer by layer, and the gloves were still numb from the cold in the leather tube.

The long and soft fox fur surrounded the lower half of Mo Lefeng's face, the fur around the nose was wet by the heat, and was frozen into tufts by the cold wind. There was no comfort for a moment, and the exposed upper half of his face turned blue , the two circles of eyelashes on the eyes are separated, and there are clusters of ice balls hanging on them.

She rode ahead, leading Yin Nan forward with difficulty in the silent night.

The more it deviates from the official road, the more deserted it is, the thicker the snow, and the low-lying place is five feet above the chest and belly of a person. Every step the horse takes, it needs to do its best.

Both man and horse are exhausted to the point of insensitivity.

Just when Mo Lingfeng was estimating the distance, the white horse suddenly stepped into the air, neighed suddenly, and rolled to the side with the horse and man.

Mo Lingfeng was stiff all over. When the horse fell, he couldn't move at all. He fell headlong and plunged heavily into the snow.

The snow quickly engulfed her, and her eyes were instantly blank, and she struggled to move, her mouth and nose were completely blocked by ice and snow, and she couldn't breathe. Gasps.

MadeIn's suffocation surged up in an instant.

She forced herself not to move, so as not to jump into a deeper place, at this moment, Yin Nan grabbed her leg and pulled her out.

"Huh—" Mo Lingfeng took a deep breath, raised his hand to sweep the snow off his face, opened his eyes and looked around.

Three inches further from the place where it just rolled down, one man and one horse will roll down the mountain.

so close.

The wind swirled back and forth, making a roaring sound. She took a breath and watched Yin Nan help the horse stand up and leap up the mountain road. She was still in shock and said: "It should be almost ugly time. Go ahead and go to a place where the snow is not so thick. .”

There are no stars and no moon tonight, she can only judge the time by the sky, and she doesn't know if it is accurate.

Yin Nan nodded, got on the horse, and shook off the snow on the fox fur. This time she held the bridle and walked ahead.

Mo Lingfeng got on his horse and walked a few steps, only to find that the leather gloves of his hands had been filled with snow, and a lot of snow had been poured into his leather boots, melting into water and freezing into ice.

Half an hour later, they walked to a place where the wind and snow were not strong, and got off their horses to refresh themselves.

Yin Nan gathered firewood, lit a small bonfire, took out the water bag that was placed next to him, pulled out the plug, gave Mo Lingfeng a few sips, and took out dried meat and chess piece-sized rice cakes, and the two ate them separately up.

The horse buried his head in chewing the snow, then tilted his head to chew on the bark and ate the evergreen leaves.

Mo Lingfeng moved his hands and feet, looking at the dark sky, snowflakes as big as a mat fell from the black hole-like sky, letting the fire light reveal its shape, and melted silently above the fire light.

She doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, but in order to use the name of gods and Buddhas to govern the army, she has read Buddhist scriptures. At this moment, a Zen saying suddenly came to her mind: "Only by standing on the rocks of life and death can one be at ease."

Yin Nan moved a stone and said in a low voice, "Girl, sleep for a while."

Mo Lingfeng nodded, sat on the rock, and slept back to back with Yin Nan for an hour. After waking up, he wiped his face and went on the road again.

On the fourth day of the fourth day of December, after a day and a half and a whole night's trek, they finally arrived outside the city of Shuozhou.

Although there is snow in Shuozhou, the snow is not heavy, enough to enjoy, but the state has been plagued by locusts for three consecutive years, and six materials have not been harvested. In the countryside, ten rooms are empty, and the city is also a bleak scene.

The imperial court has provided disaster relief and treatment of locusts year after year, but there is still no improvement.

At Haishi, there are almost no lights on the streets, only a few big houses still have lights and laughter.

In the Second Hall of Shuozhou Zhizhou Mansion, charcoal pots and candles were lit, illuminating the general judge Wu Jin, Zhizhou Tao Ping, prefect Lou Jiang, and a county magistrate Gao Yi who were sitting in serious positions.

Tao Zhizhou sat at the first place, Lou Zhifu and Wu Jin sat next to each other, and Gao Xiancheng took the last seat.

The four of them were all wearing ordinary clothes. Wu Jin wore a white collared shirt and a Tang scarf on his head. His eyes were shining. Tao Zhizhou took a sip of hot tea and said with a smile: "In ancient times, the king of Kuaiji was shining like the morning glow, illuminating the court hall. Today, fortunately, Wu Tongpan illuminates the shabby room, so I know what the ancients said is true."

Wu Jin laughed at this compliment: "Dare to ask Zhizhou, why Starry Night summoned me?"

Tao Zhizhou took another sip of tea, and sighed, "Gaoxian Chancellor, it's up to you."

"Yes." Gao Xiancheng hurriedly stood up and bowed to the first three Shangfeng.

He looked respectful and humble, but the words he said were blunt: "There is no money or food in the county. I wonder if immigrants will eat?"

"No, there are continuous wars at the border, the treasury is tight, and immigrants have to eat. This is a problem for His Majesty, and the people should be considerate of the difficulties of the higher-ups." Tao Zhizhou saw that Wu Jin was as stable as Mount Tai, and he didn't even wrinkle his brows, so he could only wrinkle himself Two eyebrows, "Wu Tongpan, what do you think?"

Wu Jin said: "Since the locust plague in Shuozhou, the imperial court has allocated a total of 300 million taels of relief money, and used Changping warehouses to provide relief. They have been exempted from taxes for a year, and a stone of rice is [-] renminbi. Now it has risen to [-] renminbi. How much rice can be bought?" , I can figure it out, and you should also figure it out, such relief is comparable to military pay, why does it reach the point where immigrants eat?"

He looked at Prefect Lou: "When I came in just now, Prefect Lou was reading the tabloids. He must have seen the confiscation of six people from Ningzhou Shipping Department. A total of 600 million taels of silver was confiscated."

Tao Zhizhou and Lou Zhifu originally wanted to throw the problem of Gaozhi County to Wu Jin, but now they heard Wu Jin refer to Ningzhou and Yushuozhou, their hearts shivered, and a layer of sweat appeared on their backs.

Wu Jin sneered and said, "You two, why don't you know why you have no food and no money?"

Kochi County was trying to offend Shangfeng today, and also came to ask for a countermeasure. Hearing Wu Jin so bluntly satirized the two state officials, his eyes widened, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. His cold hands became hot in an instant.

Tao Zhizhou's face was extremely ugly, he was startled, and was at a loss for words for a moment, but when he was about to scold Wu Jin, Wu Jin had already got up, walked into the hall, and cupped his hands: "Please Tao Zhizhou build a community storehouse, and the state officials will start first Store chestnuts at home, put them in the warehouse, and then ask the rich to donate food, so as to help the victims and tide over the difficulties."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and looked at Tao Zhizhou: "The eggs have been dug up, and next year there will definitely be something to harvest. One beauty can cover up one hundred ugliness, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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