Yu Jun

Chapter 246

"It really is a nightmare."

Mo Lingfeng stretched out his arms and touched his wet temples: "Wait for me."

Wu Jin nodded: "Don't worry, I'm taking leave today."

Mo Lingfeng changed his clothes, put the gold collar in his clothes, took Yin Nan with him, and went out with Wu Jin.

After going out, Wu Jin bought two veiled hats, put them on, walked all the way to the river, and walked along the river first.

Mo Lingfeng saw such a big river for the first time. He raised the curtain and kept looking around. He saw that the river water could not be seen to the bottom at a glance. It was illuminated by the sunlight that just came out, and when the cold wind blew, it immediately shone with golden light. , Several boats rippling with the water waves, floating up and down.

On both sides of the river are mountains, shrouded in mist.

As she walked and watched, the sun was falling on the lake and on the people, and on the houses on both sides. Many people went out of the city with hoes on their shoulders, including old and young, and even students.

"What is this for?"

"Digging insect eggs," Wu Jin said, "the locust plague in Shuozhou is far more severe than in Ningzhou. Even the officials go to worship the locust temple. The insect eggs are more than one year old, and even the beans are eaten up. Now the insect eggs can be exchanged for food." , I’ve almost dug it.”

Mo Lefeng asked, "Is there enough food?"

"That's enough for now." Wu Jin told her about building the warehouse.

Mo Lefeng whispered: "Do you want to hire some nursing homes for you?"

Wu Jin shook her head: "It's good for them to set up a social warehouse, but it's not good if they really make me anxious."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to a wine cellar on the pier, with the word "wine" written on it: "This restaurant also sells noodles in the morning, fresh fish, clean, I have eaten here once."

He led the two of them there, and there was a big pot at the door, with snow-white fish soup bubbling inside, steaming hot.
Wu Jin said to the shopkeeper: "I want three bowls—"

Before he finished speaking, Yin Nan interrupted him: "Four bowls, I will eat two bowls."

Wu Jin smiled and said, "Four bowls."

He went in and picked up a pair of tables and chairs, opened the chair and let Mo Lingfeng sit down, Mo Lingfeng took off the hood, looked around, and wondered: "How did you find this place?"

Wu Jin touched her nose in embarrassment: "At that time, I was chased to the pier by some old men, and I came in to take refuge."

Mo Lingfeng heard that this chase was not easy, and said with a smile: "Is it a matchmaker for you?"

Wu Jin quickly waved her hands: "It's not a matchmaker, it's hard to say."

The store brought a bowl of noodles, and he hurriedly pushed it in front of Mo Lingfeng, wiped the chopsticks with a handkerchief and handed them to her: "Eat first, and I'll tell you slowly when I'm done."

Although it was just a bowl of noodles, the taste was really sweet. The three of them ate four bowls of noodles. After Wu Jin paid, she turned to Mo Lingfeng who was wearing a veiled hat, "I'll take you to the boat."

Mo Lingfeng nodded and walked out, the three of them walked out less than ten steps, three or four old women came over, all carrying baskets, waiting for the fresh fruits from the boat to buy and then sell.

Seeing this, Wu Jin hurriedly lowered her head, led Mo Lingfeng aside, and said in a low voice, "It's just..."

Before he finished speaking, one of the old women had already seen Wu Jin, glanced at him, and suddenly came up: "Wu Tongpan?"

Before Wu Jin could speak, she slapped her thigh: "Are you going to demolish our locust temple again?"

Wu Jin quickly shook her head and waved her hands: "No, it's just digging up insect eggs—"

"You guys are not done yet! Digging up locust eggs will result in retribution! Those are the descendants of the Locust God!"

Wu Jin can speak eloquently and resourcefully to her colleagues, but she can't speak a single truth to these rural women—it's useless to say it.

"You are going to be condemned by God! Only by believing in the Locust God will the disaster go away!"

An old woman ran up and spoke righteously, almost poking Wu Jin's face with her finger.

Yin Nan reached out to touch the sharp knife at his waist, but was held down by Mo Lingfeng.

Wu Jin couldn't argue with anything, so he could only say: "Everyone, wait until the spring of next year to see—"

"Wait until next year, when you, Wu Tongpan, walk away, we will suffer! God Locust will take revenge!"

Standing behind Wu Jin, Mo Lingfeng stretched out his head: "The locust god you believe in has not protected your crops for three full years. Such an ineffective god should have been dismantled long ago."

When the old women heard such rebellious words, they immediately cried out "Ouch". While begging the Locust God to forgive their sins, they threw their baskets at Wu Jin.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Jin pulled Mo Lingfeng and ran away. The pier, which was still in good order just now, was thrown into chaos.

Yin Nan kicked the basket away and protected Mo Lingfeng, while Wu Jin held Mo Lingfeng tightly, fled the pier all the way, and went straight to the sparsely populated street.

The old woman was left behind by them, and the yelling and cursing were also left behind, leaving only the wind and light chasing after them.

The two of them clasped their hands, their clothes were flying, and they almost broke free from everything, and ran to the ends of the earth in one breath.

It wasn't until there were fewer houses on both sides of the street that Mo Lingfeng stopped slowly, let go of his hands, looked at Wu Jin panting, and laughed "haha".

Wu Jin looked at her, and couldn't help laughing, the two of them leaned forward and back while laughing, feeling a sense of absurd joy.

After laughing, Wu Jin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "We can't go to the pier, let's go home."

He said helplessly: "That day, because of the Locust Temple, I was blocked on the pier. It happened that there were many people eating noodles in the morning, so I sneaked in and ate a bowl of noodles."

Mo Lingfeng caught his breath, and followed him: "No wonder these state officials dare not control locusts, and they have nothing to say after being beaten."

"We called from the restaurant for lunch," Wu Jin looked sideways at her, "The house is also quiet."

He stretched out his hand to straighten the soap gauze on her veiled hat.

"Okay, let's have some Shuozhou cuisine."

At this time, the sun was already fully out, and there were two rows of big trees planted on both sides of the road, even the bark of the trees had been chewed up by the locusts, Mo Lingfeng walked majestically without looking sideways.

Wu Jin looked at her and thought: "General Mo, that's amazing!"

The three of them returned to the office of the Tongpan mansion, Mo Lingfeng and Wu Jin chatted and laughed, ate, played the xun, the only two servants in the mansion were disturbed and whispered together.

When it was time for dinner, Mo Lingfeng took a bite of a sweet and sour ball, ate half a piece of sweet and sour fish, and half a plate of sweet and sour meat strips. Finally, he picked up the teapot, poured a cup of sugar water, drank it, and turned his head. Wu Jin said: "I still want to eat the dried sugar that I ate yesterday, and I want it to be baked now."

Wu Jin turned her head to call the old servant, but the old servant didn't know where to go, so she got up quickly and said, "I'll go buy it right away."

He got up and went out, went to the foot shop next to the government office and asked for five steaming sugar kilns, then turned around and stepped out of the threshold, thinking of Yin Nan's appetite, he hurried back and asked for five more.

Putting the bulging bag of the sugar drying furnace in the skirt of his clothes, he shivered from the heat, and hurried home.

Once outside the study, he stepped up three stone steps and said with a smile, "The sugar oven is here!"

The room was quiet, no one answered, the food was on the table, but the eater was nowhere to be seen: "Lingfeng?"

The old servant's voice came from outside the door: "Wu Xianggong, those two girls rode away just now, and they asked me to come and talk to you."

The blood in Wu Jin's whole body became cold, and she walked out of the door suddenly: "Going away?"

"Yes, I walked with you."

The feeling of Sanyang is not good, everything seems to have a double image

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