Yu Jun

Chapter 247 Farewell

Wu Jin's chest was bulging, full of hot sugar ovens, which hadn't cooled down yet.

The old servant went into the house to collect the leftovers, Wu Jin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly rushed to the front office with the sugar oven.

He spread his legs, ran to the stable and pulled out a horse, stepped on the stirrup, turned on the horse, pulled out the whip and flicked it vigorously, and ran out of the stable.

Outside the gate of the ceremony, Tao Zhizhou's sedan chair just pushed down the pole, and Tao Zhizhou's head came out of the sedan chair. Before he stood still, there was a flower in front of his eyes. When he looked closely, he saw a horse rushing madly. go out.

The person on the horse seems to be Wu Jin.


He took a step forward and yelled loudly. Before he could say the word "Tong San", he couldn't even see the shadow of the horse.

After You hour, the sky gradually darkened, and Wu Jin beat the horse desperately, and galloped up the mountain road in one go.

Mo Lingfeng took a shortcut when he came, and he would not take the official route when he left.

It snowed last night, but today it has been sunny all day. The snow in the mountains has melted to a great extent, and the entire mountain road is muddy, and the horses cannot run.

Wu Jin was very anxious, looking at the messy horseshoe marks winding away on the muddy mountain road, she tried her best to urge the horse, not knowing where Mo Lingfeng had gone.

The horse he rode was far inferior to the war horse carefully selected by Mo Lingfeng, even the horse that was handed out, no matter how he whipped it, he would walk sloppily.

He was sweating profusely, so he simply got off his horse and stepped into the mud.

His feet became heavy in an instant, and the hem of the crane cloak and white blouse was also covered with muddy water. He covered the sugar stove in front of his chest with one hand, and grabbed a bare branch with the other, and stepped on the ground with his strength. The dry ground on the side of the mountain road.

As he let go of the branch, the branch shook, and the unmelted snow on the top of the tree "crashed" and fell on his head and face.

Before he had time to take pictures, he raised his legs and ran up the mountain, using both hands and feet, rolling and climbing, chasing the horseshoe marks on the mountain road.

He knew that he was not as fast as a horse, so he could only do his best. The crane cloak was thick and heavy, and it had long sleeves, which made it very inconvenient for him to run. He took it off with his hands, and threw it in the forest. The top of the cloak was covered by branches After hooking it away, the bun became messy, most of the hair fell loose, leaving only the half bun.

At the same time, he went as far as possible into the woods - Mo Lingfeng took a shortcut, and he also took a shortcut.

The mountain road is only muddy, but the forest that has been eaten clean by locusts is full of thorns, gravel, snow, and even bones when you step down.

Wu Jin didn't look at his feet, the burning pains on his arms and thighs were all bloodstains drawn by sharp thorns, and the thin layer of snow on the treetops couldn't help his rampage, almost falling wherever he went layer.

His hair and clothes were soaked, and he was running hot and exhausted. When he reached the top of the mountain, he still couldn't see Mo Lingfeng's figure.

As far as the eye can see, there are forests that are getting whiter and whiter—out of Shuozhou, there is a land of blizzards, and the mountains and plains are covered with white snow, which can't be seen at a glance.

All the passionate and wanton feelings, running day and night, are all buried in it, no longer known by anyone.

Wu Jin's head was steaming, he bowed, one hand rested on his thigh, and the other pressed the sugar oven he had brought along the way. There was a "boom" in his ears. It was the sound from his body. The jump almost came out of the throat, and large drops of sweat dripped from the forehead, silently.

Panting, he raised his head, looked forward helplessly, stretched out his hand to support the tree trunk, and shouted "Lee Feng!" at the top of his voice.

The hoarse voice spread out layer by layer, reverberating between the valleys, startling the insects, birds and beasts hidden deep in the snow, making rustling noises, which made it more and more obvious that his shout was rootless , can only wander a little bit in the mountains, and was swallowed again.

He sat on the ground slumped, feeling cold belatedly.

There was also a bloody smell in his mouth, he didn't know whether he ran out or shouted out, looking back on the way he came, he couldn't summon up the strength to go back.

The rough panting gradually subsided, and just as he was about to stand up while supporting the tree trunk, he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes, and he was getting closer and closer, so close at hand.

He raised his head abruptly, looking towards where the sound came from.

The white horse and the beautiful woman ran out from the overwhelming snow, and ran straight to him, turned off the horse, with eyes full of surprise, and then walked forward.

"Wu Jin?"

Wu Jin stood up with a "chuckle".

Only then did he realize his embarrassment. His body was dirty and his hair was disheveled. He retracted his outstretched hand and said with a wry smile, "Don't leave without saying goodbye."

Mo Lingfeng raised his hand and hugged him.

In Mo Lingfeng's breath, he was defeated and wanted to tighten Mo Lingfeng, but something was wrong, so he let go, took out the sugar oven, and handed it to Yin Nan who came after him: "Eat on the road, glutinous rice cakes It doesn't taste good."

Yin Nan took it in his hand and felt that the cake was still warm, so he immediately picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth, squatting aside to chew.

When the cake was gone, Wu Jin immediately stretched out her hand and pulled Mo Lingfeng into her arms again.

"No matter when, no matter where you go, let me see you off."

Their lives seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in fact, they have the same breath as the plants and trees in this mountain.

Mo Lingfeng let go of his hand, came out of his arms, nodded and said, "Okay."

She looked up at the sky, it was completely dark, only the faint light of the sky was left, reflecting the glare of the snow, she whispered: "I'm leaving."

Wu Jin smiled: "Okay, take care."

The thrilling arrival, the earth-shattering farewell, all turned into a breezy smile in the end.

Mo Lingfeng got on his horse and rode away with Yin Nan. When they returned to the Kuanzhou Fortress, the time limit she and You Muqing said had not passed.

Everything in the fort is peaceful, the heavy snow is still there, and the free battle card can't be put down for a while. On the contrary, Zhizhou Tan Xuan has gone to the fort more often.

This is also human nature, if there are [-] troops stationed in the fortress, if they are focused on the outside world during a war, it will be difficult to distinguish the entanglements, the truce is the time to see clearly the secrets.

Besides, the emperor was far away in the capital, and he was worried that there was a person named "Mo" in the [-] army. Even if she didn't know whether her women's army was strong or weak, the emperor's suspicion was enough to drive Tan Xuan to go to the fort again and again.

Tan Xuan's goal, Mo Lingfeng and Zhong Jiaqing's hearts are like a mirror, and every time they do it without leaking, Tan Xuan has returned several times without success, and because of the severe snowstorm, he had to try to provide relief, so he gave up.

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Mo Lingfeng returned to the fortress from Mo Mansion, and celebrated the New Year with the soldiers as usual.

The wharf was closed, there were no fireworks or firecrackers in Kuanzhou, and the Cheng family went to Jeju to celebrate the new year. The city became more and more deserted, but the fortress was still a bit lively due to the large number of people.

Mo Lingfeng stood by the window, looked out of the open door, watched the soldiers come and go, chatting and laughing lively, and stood quietly for more than an hour.

Yin Nan pushed the door and entered, carrying a bowl of Wowotou, Mo Lingfeng moved his hands and feet, and when he was about to eat, he suddenly heard the sound of xun coming from outside.

Someone is blowing the xun.

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