Yu Jun

Chapter 248 Qiang Xun

In the fortress full of Han people, Zell was wearing the uniform of a Han soldier, but his hair was still braided and wrapped in a soap-colored handkerchief, and he looked like a rebellious eagle.

Trapped by Mo Lefeng's side, his skin became much fairer, it was no longer rough due to the wind and sun, and the facial features and lines of the face were clearly revealed, indeed with the softness of a Han Chinese.

Holding a brand-new Tao Xun, imitating Mo Lingfeng, he stretched out his hand to press the hole of the Xun, brought it to his mouth, puffed up his cheeks, and blew out a long cry of "Woo--".

The wind near the top of the city was strong, and it rushed to his face, blocking the sound from Xun, and he turned his body, intending to turn his back to the wind.

However, when he turned around, he saw Mo Lefeng who had arrived at some unknown time.

Mo Lingfeng took Yin Nan with a leisurely posture, walked to Ze'er, reached out to take the Tao Xun from his hand, and said with a smile, "It's a new one."

Zell worked in the rear camp and also received a meager military salary: "Yes, someone came to the city, and I asked someone to bring one."

He got up from the rock and reached out to take the xun back, but Mo Lingfeng didn't return it to him. Instead, he played with the xun and looked him up and down: "You have enough breath. When I first got the xun, I couldn't blow it for such a long time." sound."

Then she looked towards the top of the city with a half-smile: "You sit here and blow the xun, can the Jinlu outside the fortress hear your long and short sounds?"

Zell heard his sudden rapid breathing, which was covered by the wind.

He reached out for his Xun: "I don't know, give it back to me, I just like the sound."

Mo Lingfeng withdrew his hand, holding the Xun with his slender and strong fingers, lowered his hand slightly, and the wide sleeves fell down, and only her knuckles bulged from the grasp could be seen, which was an undeniable gesture of rejection.

"I like it too," Mo Lefeng nodded, "I also like listening to your whistle."

There was no room for change at all, she didn't listen to any explanations or reasons from him, and just casually and decisively took away everything from him.

Zell's humiliation, which had been so hard to fade away, piled up in an instant, and the prisoner's body once again took away his dignity. The rebellious eagle broke its wings and fell to the ground dripping with blood.

In the roaring wind, he heard Mo Lefeng say in a daze, "Go back."

The haughty tone made him at a loss.

But he unconsciously surrendered to this gesture, turned and left, and went back to the camp.

Before reaching the back camp, it snowed again, and the up and down snowflakes blew into Zell's eyes. The chill made his blood surge upwards, and his anger also rushed to the top of his head, making him conscious. To what extent he has been domesticated.

He stopped and started walking towards Mo Lingfeng's tent.

He walked through the steaming rear camp, and the little soldiers chased after him and shouted "chopping firewood", but he turned a deaf ear to it, and walked past the school field where he was training, and he heard You Muqing's heartbroken screams.

"Dou Lanhua! What are you wearing? Where did the battle armor go? It can block knives or arrows if it's fancy! During the truce, you can do whatever you want? What are you doing with a head slicked with oil and water! Let the flies split your forks!"

He continued to walk forward and saw that Chang Long was furiously putting on a hood and battle armor on his head. Just like Xiao Dou, Chang Long had also ruthlessly groomed himself, and was trying to cover it up in every possible way.

These people were having fun openly, but carefully concealed it, and there was a kind of fresh freedom. Zell looked dazzling, and walked faster and faster, but the roar of Nomad Qing followed him like a shadow, still in his ears.

"I see that there is only one advantage of your peacock's head, which is that it is easier to recognize the Jinlu when it is hung on the flagpole! The one who puts the sweet-scented osmanthus oil on the head is your beauty Dou! The one who arranges the flowers is Chang Zhuangshi! A bunch of big men"

Zell put the voice behind him, and quickly walked to where Mo Lingfeng was. After Yin Nantong reported, he entered the gate and walked into the front hall.

The hall is warm, Mo Lingfeng is sitting by the brazier, hunched over, using chopsticks to skewer a cornbread, roasting it over and over on the fire, with his legs slightly apart, elbows resting on his thighs, he heard Zell's footsteps coming in No sound, she just raised her eyelids and took a look.

Other than that, no action.

Zell's yellow clay pottery xun was placed on the table casually, shining with a not-so-oily and smooth light.

Zell looked at Mo Lingfeng, biting his cheeks tightly, and his shoulders were also tense. He walked forward like a frightened bird, raised his hands, folded them together, and bowed.

"General Mo, please return the Xun to me. I am willing to swear by the gods I believe in. I want to learn the Xun, but I just like its sound."

Mo Lingfeng crisped the skin of the steamed bun, retracted his hand, pinched it with his hand, and quickly moved his two hot fingers from the steamed bun to the earlobe.

She pinched her earlobe, and her dark eyes fell on Zell, as if she could see through this body and leave an indelible mark on his soul.

Soon, she looked away, broke off a piece of cornbread and chewed it: "Your god is me, I don't believe in any oath."

Zell opened his mouth, wanting to refute Mo Lingfeng's "theism", but fell silent again without saying a word.

He can't say no to Mo Lingfeng, and if he argues, he will shake himself instead.

Seeing Mo Lingfeng who was eating steamed buns, he suddenly took a step forward, reached out and swept the table, swept Tao Xun into his hands, and sat down on the chair: "From now on, I will only blow in front of you. "

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his fingers, pressed the hole of the xun, and blew out a "plop" sound as if venting his anger.

Then he tried to change the tone, and his fingers rose and fell on the hole of the xun, making a long series of unpleasant sounds.

Mo Lingfeng got up amidst the ear-piercing sound of xun, sat next to Zell, stretched out his hand, and pushed away his messy fingers: "Hold your chest out, otherwise the tone will be wrong, don't open your mouth too much, and breathe slowly."

As she spoke, she rested her fingers on the hole of the xun: "Put it like this."

She withdrew her fingers, sat back, took the chopsticks to skewer the buns, and roasted them on the fire.

The atmosphere in the room was quiet, and the black xun holes opened and closed, like eyes struggling to open in the dark.

Zell blew for a while, his cheeks hurt, his lips were numb, he put down the xun, and looked at Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng sat with his head down, looking at a letter sent from nowhere. His hair was black and his cheeks were white. Under the light of the charcoal fire, he could be broken by blowing a bullet. Down is a narrow waist
She noticed his gaze, raised her head, her gaze was like sharp thin ice, piercing Zell unabashedly, piercing the false beauty immediately.

Zell's hair stood on end, and he suddenly realized his gaffe - the fire had just turned into warm water, and he fell into it unknowingly.

He put the xun into his arms, stood up and said goodbye: "I'll go to the back camp to help."

Mo Lingfeng watched him go out, read the letter, put it on the table, and tapped the table with his fingers, making a crisp sound.

Xun, Qiang people.

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