Yu Jun

Chapter 250 grim

There was an incoherent sound of the xun outside the house, and it was Zell who was blowing the xun hard.


The sound was intermittent, and it was more ear-piercing than when Mo Lingfeng first blew the Xun——Mo Lingfeng didn't have enough breath, and he had to rest after blowing a few times, but Zell was full of breath, and he could blow endlessly.

The sound of xun was mixed with a few curses from the soldiers. When Zell left the room, he would be beaten up immediately.

Mo Lingfeng was soaked in the water to suppress the dryness, stretched his arms, picked up the letter from the bath bean box, and continued to read.

The Wu Jin in the letter was looking beyond the eyes of ordinary people to break through the situation of the court and calmly analyze the key points.

"The dispute between the prince and the Wei Fan, the clan and the courtiers rely on each other, only care about the positive and the negative, and fight for power and profit. The state is also chaotic, causing the emperor to sit on top of the imperial court, making it difficult to pass government orders.

Naturally, the emperor's intentions were seen through by those with wit in the court.

It's just that being with the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, the emperor and his clan are connected by blood, and if the emperor wants to rectify today, it may happen again in the future, so it's better to pretend that you can't see clearly.

The emperor lacks a person—this person must be for the country and the people, not afraid of life and death, upright, or not influenced by others, and even have no complaints or regrets, and he is willing to lead his neck to be killed in the future.

Because in the future when the new king takes office, he will be a running dog. When the good bow is hidden, the new king must kill this person to appease the long-dissatisfied clan and rebuild the relationship with the clan.

The emperor uses my meaning, all here.

Leaf, I have entered the chess game, you can make a move. "

When he wrote here, he suddenly changed his pen: "Today, I bought two lotuses from a peddler, put them in a vase, and stood them on the desk. The flower shadows, the breeze, and the pen and ink all fell on the paper. Peace of mind for a moment, otherwise the summer will be turbulent and tiring.

On the tenth day of June in the 30th year of Yuanzhang, Wu Jin. "

Mo Lingfeng pinched the letter paper, and Wu Jin appeared in front of the desk writing a letter.

There was the sound of cicadas chirping outside the window, and the evening wind blew past the lotus in front of the case, and landed on Wu Jin's hand holding the pen. His eyes were warm, flawless and calm, which she was extremely familiar with.

And his figure must also be straight, like a mountain, not afraid of swords and axes, willing to enter the game as a chess piece, doing trivial things for the people, and sheltering her from the wind and rain.

She read the letter again without writing any words, and then immersed the letter in the water. Seeing that the writing on it spread out and became a mess, and she could no longer see what was written on it, she picked it up, grabbed it in her hand, and threw it away. to the ground.

Zell's sound of blowing the xun became quieter, and after two low "sudden" sounds, he "suddenly" stopped moving and muttered a few words in Qiang language.

Yin Nan asked him to speak in human terms, so he changed his words and said, "It's too hot, I want to drink water".

And Yin Nan replied very coldly, "endure".

Zell obviously couldn't bear it, and soon there was the sound of opening the door. Before the door was closed, soldiers ambushing on one side rushed to Zell and wrestled with him.

After a while, the house was completely quiet, except for the sound of Yin Nan kicking stones in boredom.

Mo Lingfeng grabbed a handful of bath beans to wash his face and bathe. After washing, he got up and wrung out his hair, and then took a clean towel to dry off the water droplets on his body. He put on a goose-yellow gauze shirt, pulled on his shoes, and shouted : "Yin Nan, what's for lunch?"

"Noodles in broth." Yin Nan opened the door and came in to clean up the mess.

As soon as Mo Lingfeng heard the word "meat", her raging appetite immediately halved, and when the food arrived, it was indeed noodles in broth, but fortunately it was not steaming hot, otherwise she would not be able to eat even one chopstick.

She picked up her chopsticks, took a bite, and said to Yin Nan: "When we get back, let's eat cheese in an ice bowl, put the lychee syrup in the ice cup, pour the peaches into the well water, and then let the kitchen do the cold washing, and eat enough." .”

Yin Nan took a sip of his saliva and let out a heavy "hmm".

The noodles in broth were not boiling hot, but Mo Lingfeng also broke out in a sweat. After eating, she stretched her neck and looked out, and saw the sun shining white on the ground, creating distorted heat waves.

She sat for a while, mustering up the courage to inspect the tower.

The fortress was built on an unobstructed highland, the sun was scorching, and there was nowhere to hide. Looking from the top of the city, the whole world seemed to be gilded with fire, shining with dazzling light. When the scorching wind blows, the clouds fly Only by moving and casting a large shadow can people have a moment to breathe.

When Mo Lingfeng came to the female wall, Zhong Jiaqing had been standing there for a long time, when he saw her, he stretched out his hand and said, "Come and see, here we come again."

Mo Lingfeng reached out to wipe off the sweat that had slid down his eyes, and when he looked around, he saw Taiping vehicles entering Jinlu's camp.

Although Jinlu was stationed under the fort, but the city was high and the pond was deep, and there were countless sheets of tarpaulin in Jinlu's camp as a canopy, and the Taiping chariot was far outside the canopy, so it didn't look real.

Only when the Taiping car is closest to the car, according to the shape of the uplift of the sheet on the car, can roughly distinguish the contents.

The day before yesterday was arrows, yesterday was long swords, and today is food and grass.

Mo Lefeng withdrew his gaze: "How many cars are there?"

The archer replied: "110 seven."

Zhong Jiaqing frowned: "The decisive battle is imminent."

Mo Lingfeng nodded.

Since taking off the exemption card, Jinlu has never attacked the city, and it was not until June that he began to move frequently.

Mo Lingfeng looked at it for a while, then said to Zhong Jiaqing: "The upper layer is grain and grass, but the bottom layer is not quite like it, it is much heavier."

After Zhong Jiaqing heard this, he squinted his eyes and took a closer look. After a while, he recalled the Taiping carts that used to deliver grain and grass in the fort, and found that Jinlu's grain carts were indeed much heavier.

The archer whispered: "Two generals, could it be a heavy crossbow?"

Zhong Jiaqing shook his head: "We have already seen Jinlu's heavy crossbows, they don't need to cover them with food and grass."

Mo Lingfeng stared intently for a while, until all the Taiping vehicles entered the camp and were covered under the tarpaulin spread by Jinlu, then she said: "Could it be gunpowder if it's so concealed?"

The word "gunpowder" is like a thunderbolt, Zhong Jiaqing can't move.

"Impossible!" He replied decisively, "The firearms workshop in the north and south workshops is controlled by the imperial army, and the inside and outside are blocked. If the gold captives can really steal it, the fortress will already be unable to hold it."

Mo Lefeng asked back: "What if they do it themselves?"

Zhong Jiaqing frowned and said nothing, before saying after a while: "It's possible."

The two generals, one in the prime of life and the other in old age, have gone through countless battles and survived the sea of ​​corpses and blood. During the conversation, they were both shocked.

Jinlu's land is narrow and the production is thin, and his muscles and bones are exhausted to survive the cold and heat. Therefore, there are many good generals and sharp soldiers. From the beginning of the previous dynasty, there was a saying that Jinlu was "full and invincible". people.

Coupled with gunpowder, this battle is difficult.

Zhong Jiaqing was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "How long has it been since you returned to the city?"

"Three months and nineteen days."

"Give you a day off, go back and see your brother."

"Yes, when I come back, I will write the military drama, how about you?"

"I am here to guard. From the first day I joined the army, I was ready to die for my country."

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