Yu Jun

Chapter 251 The Theory of Life and Death

In Kuanzhou City, it was not known that the war was imminent, and it was peaceful and peaceful. Under the night wind, many people went out to cool off, wandering east and west.

Mo Lingfeng led the soldiers back to Mo Mansion, first ordered the kitchen to make iced cheese and locust leaves, and entered the second hall, while taking off his soft armor, he announced good news to Mo Qianlan but not bad news.

After the aunts finished feeding Mo Qianlan the medicine, she saw the moonlight was bright and the sky was full of stars, so she asked Yin Bei to put a soft couch in the yard and enjoy the scenery together with Mo Qianlan.

The aunts moved Mo Qianlan to the couch lightly with their hands and feet, and the nurses also rushed over, setting up tables, chairs and benches and eating.

"Girl, you can only eat one cup of iced cheese. It's okay to wash locust leaves coldly. I'll let them serve it with a bowl of hot soup."

Mo Lingfeng turned a deaf ear to the nanny's words, sat down next to Mo Qianlan, buried her head in him and sniffed hard, she raised her head, pinched her nose: "Ah Shao is a puppy."

Nanny sighed silently, shut her mouth, and backed out.

The servants all retreated to the sides, bowed their heads in silence, and placed a few candlesticks in the corner, so as not to disappoint, but also to be able to see clearly.

Dried wormwood is smoked a little farther away to repel mosquitoes.

Mo Lingfeng ate a bayberry soaked in sugar water with a silver spoon, wanted to eat another one, and wanted to save his stomach to wait for the ice cream, at this moment, Cheng Ting's loud voice sounded outside the courtyard: "Ergou! "

Holding the wine jar with one hand, he stepped over the threshold and went straight to the table: "It's a coincidence that I came back."

Putting the wine jar on the table with a "bang", he turned to face Mo Qianlan, stood up straight involuntarily, tensed his skin, and bowed his hands: "Uncle, nephew is here to see you, this is a jar Tiger bone wine, my nephew specially brought it for you to replenish."

Even though Mo Qianlan had left his soul, when he faced Mo Qianlan directly, he was always apprehensive.

He straightened up, he was relieved, and instead of sitting opposite Mo Lingfeng, he turned around and sat next to her, stretched out his hand and squeezed a red bayberry: "You are willing to come back."

Mo Lingfeng watched Ze'er come in with the ice mirror, and happily asked Yin Bei to remove the tiger bone wine to make room: "Xu Huiran is pregnant?"

Yang Mei suddenly choked Cheng Ting's throat, he "clicked" a few times, and "sighed" twice, blushing and thick neck, Yin Nan slapped him on the back, and he spit out Yangmei with a "poof" far away.

"Ahem, how do you know?"

"In three months, you sent me a message and came back seven times. Either Xu Huiran is pregnant or Xu Huiran is sick."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Cheng Ting coughed twice, "Don't be crowed, do you have my share of the cheese?"

Mo Lingfeng uncovered the ice mirror, and there were two bowls of cheese like snow mountains inside. As soon as the lid was opened, countless water droplets quickly condensed on the sides of the bowls, dripping down one after another: "You have your share."

Cheng Ting brought out a bowl without using a spoon. He buried his head and took a bite, then put the bowl on the table and sighed: "It's comfortable."

He picked up the spoon and watched Mo Lefeng gorge on the cheese: "I was in Jeju, and I often heard those ignorant people on the boat talk about you, they didn't know you were like this."

Mo Lefeng opened his mouth and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing."

"I can guess. It's just that I rely on my brother to play a big role. The female general is not worthy of the name. They themselves are not good at writing or martial arts. How can a girl be a general?"

Mo Lingfeng smiled, and boasted solemnly: "Even if I don't join the army and open a sugar shop in Sichuan, I can be one of the best in the world."

"That is."

Mo Lingfeng winked at him slyly: "Sooner or later, this group of useless trash will be shocked."

"Huh?" Cheng Ting's lips and teeth were cold, "Why are you scared?"

Mo Lefeng raised an index finger: "Secret."

The servant sent Huai Ye Lengtao here, Cheng Ting saw that she would not change her mind, but he himself made her itch: "I can't even say?"


"I don't care to listen to it."

The two buried their heads in eating locust leaf Lengtao, overeating, leaning back and looking up in unison.

The big yellow dog was lying at Mo Lefeng's feet, with an old face drooping, and he was drowsy in sleep.

Cheng Ting looked at the sky full of stars, and suddenly got up: "I'm leaving, I'm going home to watch the stars with Hui Ran."

He came and went in a hurry, the yard was fast and quiet, and Mo Lingfeng remained motionless: "Blow the lamp."

The candles were extinguished, and the courtyard was completely plunged into darkness and silence. Above the sky, the stars remained unchanged, not turbulent by the ups and downs of the world.

They are cold and eternal.

Mo Lingfeng saw the vast and endless ruthlessness in it, and her eyes became cold. She reached out and grabbed Mo Qianlan's hand, holding the fate of blending with each other.

She turned around and asked Yin Bei to send Mo Qianlan back to the house. The two aunts hurried in to serve her, but she herself didn't want to get up for a while, and stared blankly for a long time before getting up and going out.

She walked, and Zell also walked, walking carefully, not daring to step on her long shadow on the ground, as if there were thorns hidden in the shadow, which would stab his feet.

Walking out of the second hall and walking towards the Changsui residence, Mo Lingfeng stepped on a scorpion flower that fell to the ground, and suddenly asked Ze'er: "You Qiang people, where do you think people go after death?"

"I won't go anywhere," Zell saw her trembling slightly, "Shibi said that mountains will collapse when they are old, and water will dry up when they are old. Sparrows who touch water will twitter and die one after another. People will also die when they are old." Like mountains and waters, they are scattered in the sky and the earth, and everything is God's will."

Mo Lingfeng smiled: "Ruthless."

But this kind of ruthlessness is more comforting than reincarnation.

She turned to ask: "Who is Shibi?"

"He is a person who connects life and death and directly connects to the gods," Zell taunted her. "Are you afraid of death? Didn't you say you are a god? God is not afraid of death."

Mo Lingfeng turned his head and glanced at Zell: "I'm not afraid of death, it's me, what should brother do?"

She walked forward with her head drooping, and Zell suddenly found a pitiful and lovely shadow of a little girl protruding from her powerful soul.

"You love your brother very much, just like I love my father."

Mo Lefeng shook his head: "No, just like you love your Shibi."

Zell was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to say that Mo Qianlan was far from being comparable to Shi Bi, Mo Lingfeng had already strode into the center of Changsui and waved his back to him.

The gate of Changsuiju was then closed, and the entire Mo Mansion suddenly fell into silence with this sound.

Half an hour later, Mo Lingfeng's personal guards and Yin Bei met at the corner gate, and went to the Yan Pavilion on Yuhua Street to drink and have fun.

Tan Xuan is having a banquet at the Yan Pavilion today, and he won't be returning home until he's dead.

When midnight was approaching, Tan Xuan came out of the pavilion and leaned on the railing to look at the platform downstairs.

The prostitute was dancing on it, and the skirt twirled, unfolded, and bloomed like a flower as he watched.

The unrefined guests kept laughing, the drunk stumbled and compared wildly, and even a woman came, laughing and shouting for the waiter to serve the wine.

It must be the women's army that Mo Lingfeng brought back to the city.

He pursed his lips tightly, and wrinkled the word "Chuan" on his forehead. When he was about to turn his head and go to the official room, he suddenly saw something falling from the waist of a woman soldier who was fighting with his companions. Under the bright candlelight, it seemed to be block token.

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