Yu Jun

Chapter 262 Close the door

Shi Yuan was anxious, and Cheng Ting also became anxious.

Why hasn't Yin Bei come out yet?

He looked up at the sky, black clouds were pressing down on the city, and in the clouds, lightning flashed from time to time, and thunder was dull, rolling around in his ears.

A gust of wind blew by, and Cheng Ting seemed to be hit by something on his leg, which made him tremble in fright. He took a step back, looked down, and saw a lump of dry horse manure rolling over his feet.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of lightning and thunder, and the river became turbulent.

A drop of water hit the tip of Cheng Ting's nose, he reached out to touch it, turned to Shi Yuan and said, "It's raining..."

Before he could finish speaking, a burst of fire suddenly burst out of the sky, followed by a loud "boom", and then the flames exploded, turning half of the sky red.

The heavy rain then fell, crackling, and poured Cheng, Shi and the soldiers by the Shuo River into drowned chickens. At the same time, the fire burned more and more intensely, and with the constant rumbling, puffs of smoke followed It rises, and with the strong wind, it is sent to the Shuo River.

In the violent wind and rain, there was a smell of scorched earth and blood.

Cheng Ting stood there with a dazed face, his face was covered with running rainwater, he looked at the fort, the tall and majestic city wall was shrouded in dark red fireworks, the sound of fighting was half swallowed by the sound of wind and rain, and was carried away by the surging river Half of it finally fell into Cheng Ting's ears, only sporadic explosions remained.

Shi Yuan's voice trembled: "The war has begun."

Soon he came back to his senses, dragged Cheng Ting and ran into the city: "The war is on! Go back!"

The two passed through the soldiers with serious faces, and rushed to the city. Shi Yuan turned his head to look at the suspension bridge that would not be opened again in a short time, almost desperate.

Yin Bei couldn't get out.

Wu Jin's letter was still hidden in his arms, he couldn't imagine what would happen if the letter could not be delivered to Mo Lingfeng.

The war horses in the horse garden had already been sent to the fort, and only a few Xi officials were left, and they also galloped into the city after hearing the news.

The Kuanzhou City, which was still quiet just now, was also disturbed by the gusts of rain and gunpowder.

People flocked to the streets and looked at the sky. The rain mixed with the flames of war fell from the sky, wet the oil-paper umbrellas, wet all kinds of clothes, wet the ground, and flowed continuously into every corner of Kuanzhou City.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

There was the sound of iron hooves in the rain, and the garrison arrived on horseback, wearing hoods and iron armor, twitching their horsewhips, and teams went to the gate of the city in an orderly manner.

Just when the people thought they were going to the fort to rescue, they got off their horses inside the city gate, occupied the gate tower, arrow tower, and main building from the outside to the inside, climbed to the top of the main building, and guarded the partition wall and the east-west flying corridor.

At the same time, some soldiers began to close the door openings of the triple building and the urn.

The southeast city gate of Kuanzhou is the only passage leading to the racecourse and the fort. It has not been closed for many years. The door, however, weighs a thousand gold, and the bolt weighs a hundred catties. It is not easy to close it again.

Outside the city gate, the patrolling soldiers on the horse farm were shocked when they saw this. One of them rushed forward and asked loudly, "Who allowed you to close the city gate! Why did you close the city gate when the army of the fortress has not retreated?" ?”

While shouting, he led 100 of his men forward to prevent the garrison from closing the gate of the gate.

Cheng Ting suddenly came back to his senses, widened his eyes, stepped forward in the rain, grabbed Shi Yuan's hand, and his voice trembled: "They want to close the city gate and cut off the back of the fortress, how can they be so ruthless?" ?”

Once the city gates are closed, with 5 troops in the fortress, there are only two ways to go-either win or die.

The people in the heavy rain were also full of astonishment. I don't know who shouted "Don't close the city gate", and someone immediately followed up and shouted "Don't close the city gate".

"Don't close it!"

"Don't close it!"

Shouts continued, and more and more people came to the city gate. Under the rain, some people were filled with righteous indignation, some were numb, and some prayed for the blessing of gods and Buddhas, but the bright red flame in the sky was burning fiercely, sparks and rain same fall.

A group of yamen servants surrounded an official sedan chair, stopped the sedan chair in front of the city gate, pushed down the pole of the sedan chair, opened the oil-paper umbrella, raised the curtain of the sedan chair, and invited the Zhizhou Tan Xuan inside.

Tan Xuan's face was pressed under the oil-paper umbrella, and he couldn't see clearly. Hearing the shouts of the people, he turned around and shouted: "Close the city gate to protect your lives! If you make any noise, go out through the city gate and share with the fortress." Live or die!"

After finishing speaking, he lifted the hem of his clothes and hurried up to the main building. Seeing that the door hinge was stuck and unable to move, he immediately gave orders: "Pour tung oil!"

While the soldiers were going to fetch tung oil, he ordered the garrison to take down the soldiers outside the racecourse and execute them after the battle.

The city gate became more and more chaotic. After a quarter of an hour, the soldiers in the fortress were outnumbered, their hands were tied, they were pushed into the city gate, and taken to the prison of the government office, and large barrels of tung oil were also transported to the city gate by Taiping trucks.

The city gate suddenly became quiet, and the rain continued. Buckets of tung oil were transported up the tower and fell down along the hinges.

Then with a "creak", the door opening of the outermost gate building was closed.

The door opening of the archery tower was also closed tightly.

Two rows of soldiers stood on both sides of the gate of the main building and began to push the heavy gate.

The city gate with mottled paint rumbled and closed little by little, isolating the fortress into an isolated island.

Cheng Ting looked at the closed city gate, his mind was buzzing, and suddenly he heard Xu Huiran's shout from behind: "Cheng Ting!"

He looked back and saw Xu Huiran got off the carriage, her belly was slightly swollen, the rain was heavy, and the ground was slippery. As soon as she took a step while supporting the carriage, she staggered and nearly fell to the ground.

The servant girl rushed to help her, Cheng Ting called out "Hui Ran", left Shi Yuan behind, rushed forward, leaned over and hugged Xu Huiran, and carried her back into the carriage by the waist.

"Why are you here?" He watched Xu Huiran sit up and see himself dripping wet, so he moved away and sat a little further away.

"The war has started, you haven't come back, I'm worried," Xu Huiran moved his body, sat beside him, wiped his face with a handkerchief, saw that his expression was wrong, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Ting fell into Xu Huiran's warm and fragrant arms, his mind was empty and dazed: "Huiran, the city gate is closed."

He pursed his lips, and suddenly burst into tears uncontrollably like a child who had been wronged to the extreme.

"Leaf. Leaf is still outside, they are all outside. What should I do, Huiran, I'm really useless."

Xu Huiran wiped away the tears from his face with one hand, and tightly held his cold and wet hand with the other. It took a lot of effort to stop her sobbing: "Miss Mo will definitely win, she has been very good since she was a child."

Like the eldest sister of the Cheng family, she almost watched Mo Lefeng grow up.

Mo Lefeng, who is not very gregarious, never refuses to participate in their various banquets, and then rides alone, drinks tea, and eats snacks, as if he wants to get a little bit of fireworks from their excitement.

No one would have thought that she would go to the battlefield, let alone that she might not come back.

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