Yu Jun

Chapter 263

Cheng Ting wailed and hiccupped, and when he was about to continue crying for a long time, the carriage was thumped heavily, and Shi Yuan's voice was mixed in the rain and became less clear: "Cheng San, come out."

"Hurp. What?" Cheng Ting stretched his neck and asked Xu Huiran to wipe his face clean. His eyes were so swollen that there was only a slit left. He then asked Xu Huiran to go home first. He jumped out of the carriage without an umbrella. , moved closer to Shi Yuan's side.

Shi Yuan dragged Cheng Ting to a secluded place. There were several houses on the side of the road that were overwhelmed by the snow last year, and they were in ruins. There was only one cowshed that was built at an unknown time, which could still keep out the wind and rain. The two of them got in together. At the same time, he raised his hand and wiped his face.

There were no cows in the cowshed, but the smell of cow dung was still there, and the two of them breathed carefully at the same time, and opened their mouths slowly.

Shi Yuan said: "Yin Bei can't get out."

Cheng Ting raised his foot and looked at the stain on the sole of his shoe: "Give me the letter."

Shi Yuan approached him and lowered his voice: "Just a few words, listen carefully—death is suffering, and life is also suffering."

Cheng Ting opened his red and swollen eyes and opened his mouth wide. The expression on his face changed from puzzled to dull, and then from dull to dazed. His eyes were filled with puzzlement.

He watched Ye Shuhuai, the dean of Tunan College outside the bullpen, drifting past with a face full of anger and resentment, and saw Mi Yingzong, the president of the State College, stepping on heavy water splashes, ran past in displeasure, and could not help but step forward. I would like to ask the two deans to explain this Zen mechanism.

After only one step, he stopped and slapped himself: "Idiot."

You can't ask anyone for help. In these few words, it is life and death, and it may be related to several lives.

He had to unravel the secret, so that Wu Jin and Mo Lingfeng would not regret it.

However, the more he thought about it, the more chaotic his mind became, and he couldn't grasp anything useful. He even remembered a sentence that Zhao Shiheng once asked when he was still alive.

"Those who scratch everything should not be sick of the wind, what is the wind?"

What is the wind to him?
He must have been as dazed and stupid then as he is now.

If Lefeng was here, Wu Jin and Wu Jin would definitely think of going together soon.

At this time, Mo Lingfeng was standing on the parapet wall of the fortress, looking at the Jinlu below. Every hundred steps, a catapult was placed, and a huge stone was loaded on the catapult. throw.

Boulders smashed sharply against the city wall like thunder, crushing into Mo Lingfeng's ears.

After the boulder fell from the stone wall, it rolled into the moat, and within a short while, the moat was filled.

Zhong Jiaqing raised his hand, waved the command flag vigorously, and shouted: "Kill the thief!"

The soldiers around shouted repeatedly: "Kill the thief!"

On the female wall, several catapults heavier than Jinlu were erected along the city head, and at the same time loaded stones tied with hay and soaked in oil, and the soldiers lit flints and fired them out.

Thousands of stones were fired at once, and the Jinlu catapults were smashed one by one, and a group was destroyed, and another group was pushed up, set up outside the range of the fortress, filled with gunpowder, and launched to the top of the city.

The Jinlu gunpowder was not very sophisticated, but there were a lot of it. When it hit the stone wall of the city wall, it exploded one after another immediately.

Feng Fan ran towards Mo Lefeng amidst the fireworks and rubble: "The west wall is cracked!"

A piece of gravel flew up to the top of the city, passed by Mo Lingfeng's hand, blood was immediately seen on the back of his hand.

Mo Lingfeng didn't move at all, and said decisively: "Shoot the thunder!"

Chong Jiaqing had no time to think, waved the command flag wildly, and sent the order to the soldiers. The soldiers immediately loaded the remaining dozens of thunderbolts into the catapult, lit the fire wire, pulled the rope, and projected the thunderbolt out.

The fireball fell to the ground with a sound like thunder, and the earth shook immediately. Within half an acre, it was razed to the ground, the Jinlu catapult was smashed, and the fire penetrated the iron armor.

Feng Fan was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Jinlu was not in a mess at all. Teams of archers stepped on the scorched ground, holding ten stone bows, pulling the bows and arrows.

The general in charge shouted loudly, and the archers immediately pulled the bowstring, opened the heavy crossbow, and thousands of arrows rained down on the city.

On the top of the city, the soldiers raised their shields to block the sharp arrows, but the arrow clusters were densely packed and it was difficult to resist, and the walls of people fell one after another.

After a wave of sharp arrows, the Jinlu archers retreated without hesitation, followed by siege vehicles and ladders, and began to fight on the city.

Facing the Jinlu who came from the whole country, it became more and more difficult to defend the fortress. The archers shot down arrows one after another, threw tools, and lowered the mace with a winch to hold the city wall. However, Jinlu was extremely strong. With two eyes exposed, he is invulnerable to swords and guns, and the tide rushes up the wall.

On the top of the city, Mo Lingfeng raised the knife and stabbed it into the enemy's neck. The blade penetrated through the weakest connection of the armor, and the tip of the knife came out from the back of the neck.

She raised her foot and kicked the man off the wall. When Jin Lu rolled down, blood was sprayed everywhere, even on her face, and the rain washed away in an instant.

Before she could catch her breath, a Jin prisoner jumped up to the top of the wall, drew a bow of seven buckets, and shot a short six-inch arrow straight at her.

Although the cluster of seven bows and arrows is short, the arrows are extremely sharp and shaped like a chisel, once they sink into the body, they cannot be taken out.

Yin Nan pulled out his saber and swung it away, and heard a heavy bang in the heavy rain. The arrow hit the saber twice, shooting out a cluster of flames, and the cluster of arrows fell down, Yin Nan's saber also broke.

Seeing that one arrow had missed, Jinlu was about to shoot another arrow, when You Muqing slashed with a knife, turned around and kicked Jinlu's breastplate with a kick, and there was a "clang" immediately. , Jinlu fell down.

"Girl!" Yin Bei led dozens of people to the top of the city, and threw a long iron knife with sesame snowflakes on it to Yin Nan.

Iron knives and swords are extremely sharp, and their hair blows through the wind, which can restrain Jinlu's heavy armor.

It's a pity that there are not many of them, and all of them add up to less than fifty.

"Gunpowder! There is gunpowder!" Yin Bei also pulled up a bag of bamboo fire harriers, "Quick! Throw it down!"

A small amount of gunpowder eased the attack for a while, and after only a quarter of an hour of relaxation, Jinlu made a comeback.

There was a bloody wind on the top of the city, and the rain could not wash away the blood. The tactics of the fortress wall gradually failed. Seeing that victory was in sight, more and more people climbed the ladder and climbed bloody.

A Jinlu jumped onto the top of the wall and threw a ignited fireball of thistles.

The fireball of terrestris is small, once it exploded, the terrestris placed inside scattered and shot at the soldiers. A piece of iron passed by Mo Lingfeng's ear. She didn't feel any pain, but hot blood dripped from her neck , and rendezvous with the rainwater.

And there is no gunpowder in the fortress, facing such a strong enemy, they don't even have enough arrows.

Can only hold on.

Feng Fan's face was covered with blood, and he ran to Mo Lingfeng again: "General! The western wall has collapsed in half!"

There was a clatter of thunder in the sky, and Mo Lingfeng stepped back suddenly, almost subconsciously raised the knife, and after knowing it was thunder, he shouted at Feng Fan: "Back!"

She turned to look at Yin Bei: "Go to the back camp to carry stones to repair the city wall!"


Mo Lingfeng then ordered Chang Long: "Lead the passers-by and go to the west wall to cover!"


This offensive and defensive battle, like this rain, has become longer and more difficult.

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