Yu Jun

Chapter 273

Cheng Ting's awe of Mo Qianlan was even higher, and doubts were hidden in his fear.

Mo Qianlan woke up, but he didn't let outsiders know. He didn't even reveal it to Mo Lingfeng. What was he going to do?
Although he has not participated in all the strategies of the Mo House, but from Wu Jin's secret letters, he can detect the delicate balance between the Mo House and the court.

Strangers entering Mo's house are breaking this balance, and Mo Qianlan's sobriety will completely push this balance to an imbalance.

While he was thinking hard, Yin Bei, who had just carried the corpse, came over, cupped his hands and said, "Third Master, someone sent a greeting card again, and I have to ask you to reply."

Cheng Ting took a step back, and his thoughts suddenly dispersed and turned into ungraspable flounder, floating in his mind.

"I'll go right away," he turned to Yin Bei and asked, "Have you reported to the government?"

Yin Bei shook his head: "No."

Cheng Ting was surprised: "What about the corpse?"

"The mass grave was buried."


The fuzz in Cheng Ting's mind also disappeared, thinking that what he thought just now was purely superfluous.

He is a good man, and he will not go the same way as these outlaws.


A stranger pretended to be a servant and broke into Mo's residence, intending to misbehave with the brothers and sisters of the Mo family. The news that Zell happened to find out gradually spread, calming down the panic-stricken servants, and Mo's residence regained its tranquility.

The night was getting darker and darker, Cheng Ting's reply returned soft hands, Zishi was finally able to rest, and ran to Jiusixuan to sleep, in the second hall, the aunt was replaced by two other vigils, the nurse couldn't help it, so she went to bed first Down.

With Yin Nan's help, Mo Qianlan sat on the side of the couch in the cubicle, watching Mo Lingfeng intently.

Half an hour ago, Mo Lingfeng's high fever gradually subsided, and the red tide on his face gradually subsided, and he seemed to be awake, but just now, the high fever swept over again, his skin was burning red, and worm teeth came out to make trouble. The cheeks were swollen accordingly.

The wound on the back became more hideous and glaring, with blood dripping out.

She stopped talking and became quiet.

Yin Nan stood at the door, opened the door after hearing Li Yitie's voice, and let Li Yitie in.

Li Yitie held an ice mirror in one hand and a wooden tray in the other hand, with medicine, strong wine and fine cloth on it.

Walking to the compartment, he put down the ice cup, knocked out a piece of ice, wrapped it in a muslin cloth, and put it on the back of Mo Lingfeng's neck: "Fortunately, there is still ice in it, just make it through tonight."

He knocked out another piece, wrapped it in muslin, and pressed it on the side of Mo Lingfeng's protruding cheek.

Mo Lingfeng moved a bit, the ice was about to fall, Mo Qianlan reached out to catch it, both hands did their own thing, refused to give in to each other, the ice cube fell to the ground with a "bang".

Li Yitie picked up the ice cube, replaced the muslin, and pressed it on Mo Lingfeng's cheek again: "If you want to live two more days, don't touch it."

Mo Qianlan is afraid of the cold, so he doesn't use ice during the three seasons, but he still reaches out and presses the ice lightly: "It's not bad for a day or two."

Li Yitie said coldly: "I don't want to change the prescription for you either, just prepare a coffin for you."

"No need to spend money," Mo Qianlan said with a smile, "I have already prepared it."

Li Yitie was speechless, soaked a piece of handkerchief with spirits, and wiped Mo Lingfeng's bruised wounds little by little. Mo Lingfeng didn't know the pain anymore, he lay motionless, his nose fluttered, and his breathing was short.

After scrubbing, Li Yitie reapplied her medicine and bandaged her wound with a white muslin: "Ice cubes can't be used for too long, take them off after a quarter of an hour, put them back on after a quarter of an hour, and drink them again after half an hour medicine."

Mo Qianlan nodded, and listened to Li Yi posting it. After a quarter of an hour, he put down his numb hands from the cold, and took off the ice cube on the back of Mo Lingfeng's neck with great effort.

He worked so hard for the simplest movements, his hands were blue from the cold, and the cold air seemed to penetrate into his heart along his fingers, wrapping his heart in a cloud of cold air that couldn't be relieved.

He was very calm about this, and his emotions were not complicated, he just wanted to guard Mo Lingfeng.

He looked at Mo Lingfeng, then lowered his head to look at the carved incense sticks at his feet, a quarter of an hour later, he heard Mo Lingfeng's breathing was rapid again, and when he touched his forehead, it was very hot, so he put ice cubes on it clumsily.

Mo Lingfeng felt better, and he also felt better in his heart.

At this time, he really wanted to drink a few cups to warm up his body, make his hands and feet more flexible, and loosen the tight strings—but that would leave traces.

He lowered his head to look at Keloxiang—in less than a cup of tea, he had already lowered his head to look at it five times, afraid of missing the time.

His hands ached from the cold and frequent movements, but he didn't do anything.

After half an hour, Li Yitie came in with the medicine, so he could not feed Mo Lingfeng the medicine, so he handed the medicine to Yin Nan and stood guard at the door instead of Yin Nan.

Yin Nan carried the medicine into the cubicle—with Mo Qianlan sitting in charge, even if she couldn't do fine work, she had to bite the bullet and be a big maid.

Carefully turned Mo Lefeng to his side, helped her to sit up, put one hand on her shoulders and neck, and brought the bowl to Mo Lefeng's mouth with the other, feeding it little by little.

The medicinal juice dripped in, and Mo Lingfeng couldn't swallow it in time, and it ticked from the corner of his mouth to count, and Mo Qianlan quickly stretched out his hands to hold Mo Lingfeng's chin.

After feeding the medicine, Li Yitie came in to help him wipe his hands clean, and patted his back: "Take a rest, you are a brother, you are almost becoming a dutiful son."

Mo Qianlan touched Mo Lingfeng's forehead and said in a low voice, "I can't bear it."

He was silent for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "Being the son of the Mo family in this life is already a crime in the previous life, there is only such a younger sister..."

He was slurred, but in fact, the meaning in his heart was not only that.

He committed crimes in his previous life, unexpectedly he committed countless crimes in this life, I am afraid that in the next life he can only be a pig or a dog, suffering in the third life, only Mo Lingfeng is the most precious treasure in the Buddhist world, blessed by the ten directions, making him happy for everything.

So if he can take one more look, he will take one more look, and if he can spend the night with him, he will spend the night with him.

Li Yitie packed up his things and retreated out. Mo Lingfeng's high fever subsided completely, and his complexion gradually returned to normal, as if he was awake.

Mo Qianlan returned to being a living dead. He had so many worries in his heart that he had to endure it.

After Yinshi passed, Mo Lefeng woke up.

She slept for a day and a night. Her high fever subsided and she felt much better, but she was still dazed. She opened her eyes and looked around, unable to remember how she got home.

She recognized this as the second hall's compartment. Yin Nan was sitting by the side of the couch, and on the small table was a large and surprisingly large porcelain basin, inside which was a pot of fried dice. .

Mo Lingfeng moved, and a sharp pain immediately hit him. Not only did his back hurt, but his limbs also felt like rotten wood. The bones were crisp and hollow. The slightest movement made him sore.

She opened her mouth, "Ouch", but just as she opened her mouth, there was another pain in her mouth, and her head also hurt.


Yin Nan put the corner in his hand into his mouth, chewed it in two or three bites, wiped his hands with oil while swallowing, threw away the veil, leaned over and said, "Girl, do you want some water?"

Enduring the pain, Mo Lingfeng sat up sideways, lowered his legs, and looked at the gauze shirt on the shelf: "Get dressed."

Stretching her hands into her sleeves, she recalled the situation when she was unconscious: her brother had come.

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