Yu Jun

Chapter 274 Keeping a Secret

Chapter 274 Keeping a Secret
Mo Lingfeng only remembered Mo Qianlan's voice and cold hands, and he couldn't remember clearly, everything was hazy, like a dream, and like a hallucination.

She was in pain and joy. She tied her shirt, pulled on her shoes, and stretched her legs. She wanted to stand up, but she had no strength at all.

"Water." She said hoarsely.

Yin Nan quickly went to pour water, the water was rock sugar water, Mo Lingfeng took two sips from her hand, took a breath, and took another sip.

The sugar water is ice-cold, suppressing the burning pain in the mouth, and the rain like sweet rain enters the veins of the limbs and turns into strength.

She took four or five servings of a glass of sugar water before finishing it. After drinking it, she stood up holding Yin Nan's hand, and her eyes immediately wobbled, making her vision blurry.

She walked slowly, holding Yin Nan's hand, staggered to Mo Qianlan's bed, sat on the embroidered pier, and leaned over to look at Mo Qianlan.

"elder brother."

She bent down to Mo Qianlan's chest, listened to the beating in Mo Qianlan's chest, took a deep breath, and smelled Mo Qianlan's breath.

Then she stuffed her hand into Mo Qianlan's.

"Brother, you came to my dream."

There was silence all around, Mo Qianlan didn't speak, didn't hold her hand back, and the beating sound in her chest was as weak as before.

Her anticipation dissipated little by little, the spirit that was excited because of happiness collapsed, and her body began to collapse involuntarily, piece by piece, piece by piece, piece by piece, together with her heart, became ruins and fragments.

Li Yitie opened the door and came in with a medicine box. Hearing the sound, Mo Lingfeng let go of his hand, stood up and made way for him: "Uncle Li."

"The spirit is good, thanks to the good foundation," Li Yitie stretched out his hand to test her forehead, "It's normal, take good care of it for two days, and it will gradually recover."

Mo Lingfeng covered his cheeks: "Uncle, I have a toothache."

Li Yitie said with a smile: "Once a person is weak, all kinds of problems will come out, and it will be better if you apply insecticide."

Mo Lingfeng's tongue rolled over his teeth, and suddenly he felt the pungent aroma of tooth decay medicine in his mouth, and his heart moved, but Li Yitie immediately said: "I'll put it on you once, and let the nanny treat it later." Paint it on you again."

"Oh." She pouted.

Li Yitie sat down, took out the pulse pillow, and placed it under Mo Qianlan's wrist.

Mo Lingfeng stood aside like a pile, and Li Yitiao turned to look at her: "You move to Changsui Residence, and put ice in your place to prevent the wound from festering. Mo Jiedu couldn't bear the cold. I gave it to you last night." Using ice to cool down the fever, Mo Jiedushi's pulse condition changed."

"Does it matter?"

"It's not a big deal."

Mo Lingfeng relaxed, supported Yin Nan's hand, and walked out slowly. When he reached the screen, he couldn't help but look back at Mo Qianlan.

When she was in a coma, the high fever that almost overwhelmed her, and the arrow wound that was eager to devour her left her nowhere to escape. It seemed that Mo Qianlan had been with her all the time and made her struggle over.

Without warning, a drop of tear fell, not for herself, but for Mo Qianlan who was trapped on the bed - the brother who loves the most, the brother who loves the most.

She walked out of the second hall and returned to Changsuiju, surrounded by nurses and maidservants. Changsuiju put an ice basin in advance, and the room was shady and cool. She applied insect medicine, drank the soup, and her heart was churning. After calming down a little bit, what came up became hunger.

The nanny asked the maid to go to the kitchen to get food, and took advantage of this gap to wipe Mo Lingfeng's body, change her clothes, and re-tie her hair.

Just as he wrapped the gold collar and put it under the pillow, a little maid ran in and said in a low voice, "Mr. Cheng is here."

"Master Cheng has been guarding here for the past few days," Nanny told Mo Lingfeng, "Thanks to him and Grandma Yue Yue, the regulations have not been messed up."

Mo Lefeng's mind turned into a paste: "Who is the older grandma?"

"It's Mr. Cheng's eldest sister."

Mo Lingfeng suddenly realized: "Ask someone to put the food in the flower hall, and put a portion for Cheng San."

The nanny responded and made arrangements, and asked the servants to move the ice basin, and helped Mo Lingfeng to sit in the flower hall, and whispered to her about the two days.

In the flower hall, Cheng Ting was sitting drinking tea, and seeing that Mo Lingfeng was intact, he was relieved: "I'm in my early years too, and you have more invitations than my father!"

Mo Lingfeng sat down slowly, pulling at the wound when he raised his hand, his face distorted in pain, and when he calmed down, he saw that Cheng Ting's eyes and nose were also crowded together, hurting for her.

"I heard from Grandma that an assassin was caught at home?"

Cheng Ting nodded, and when he saw the servant bringing breakfast, there was a clear and long growl in his stomach, and he said quickly: "Let's talk about it later."

He reached out to grab a bowl of noodles in broth, picked up his chopsticks and stuck them on the fried horns, stuffed them into his mouth, chewed them twice, and picked up the bowl to take a big gulp of the soup.

He couldn't remember what he ate for the past two days.

Worrying about the war, worrying about Mo Lingfeng, being sent by his eldest sister, and almost being scared out of his wits by his uncle, at the same time, he thought about Wu Jin like crazy - Wu Jin was much smarter than him, and could solve any problem easily. I won't be as exhausted as him.

The grandma was carrying round-grained rice porridge to feed Mo Lingfeng, but Mo Lingfeng shook his head: "Grandma, I will eat it myself."

She took a sip of the porridge with a spoon. The porridge was warm and soft. After eating, she shivered and swallowed the porridge quickly.

Cheng Ting picked up the saucepan and poured it into the noodle bowl: "Toothache?"

Mo Lefeng took a breath: "Yes."

"Eat it cold, the teeth don't hurt that much. My father beat me up once and I had a toothache, so I had to let it cool even after I drank tea."


Cheng Tingfeng ate up the five dishes in front of him, wiped his mouth clean, and watched Mo Lingfeng clumsily and painfully drink the porridge with a spoon.

"Your captive little braid made a great contribution, that person pretended to be a servant of your family, and he saw the clue just by waving in front of him."

Mo Lingfeng took a sip of the porridge and hissed as he drank: "Where did you catch it?"

"Ertang, died on the spot, and was carried out by Yin Bei." He turned his head to look at Yin Nan, and pointed quietly, "It's very fierce."

After finishing speaking, he quickly retracted his finger, fearing that Yin Nan would break his finger after seeing it.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Mo Lingfeng put down his spoon, his mind cleared up a little, and he could listen carefully to every word Cheng Ting said.

"Why are you staying here?"

Hearing this, Cheng Ting felt that the words seemed familiar. He panicked for no reason, and beckoned to the nanny, "Grandma, today's tempeh is delicious. Ask me for a can, and I'll take it home."

He patted his stomach and hiccupped: "It's a long story. On the day of the war, Shi Yuan came back from Jeju to deliver Wu Jin's letter. When he and I chased Yin Bei to the Shuo River, the war happened. Shi Yuan had no choice. Tell me the letter."

"Written what?"

"Death is painful, life is also painful," Cheng Ting couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I still don't know what it means. Wu Jin just reads too many books, and everything he says is clouded!"

Mo Lefeng immediately discovered the secret from these seven words - one life and one death.

The emperor became murderous and suspicious.

Those who arrived in Kuanzhou earlier than Wu Jin's letter were sent by the emperor to enter the house in the chaos, and hid until now, until they were smashed by Zell.

And she and Mo Qianlan survived the catastrophe without knowing anything about it.

She had no fear, but felt that all the responses were just right. Cheng Ting, Ze'er, Yin Nan, and Yin Bei were all like puppets on strings, quietly controlling everything with one hand behind the scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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