Yu Jun

Chapter 275 The Heart Is Like A Mirror

"Where is the letter?"

"Letter? It rained heavily that day, and there was no leather seal on the letter. Shi Yuan carried it on his body and it was completely wet." Cheng Ting sighed, "Fortunately, there are only seven words. If there were too many words, Shi Yuan and I would not be able to remember it. "

He took a sip of tea: "It's life and death again, what does it mean?"

Mo Lingfeng didn't answer, but asked instead: "Since you can't figure it out, why are you here again?"

Cheng Ting leaned back wearily: "Dog, Lao Huang! You must let me come, and it bit all my clothes, and Hui Ran cut them for me!"

His heart ached when he thought about that piece of clothing: "I miss Wu Jin so much."

Mo Lefeng nodded: "I think so too."

Cheng Ting laughed, looked at Mo Lingfeng, and suddenly felt a special closeness in his heart.

This is his sloppy face. He has been a friend since he was a child. He thought that when he grows up, he will have his own family and separate. He didn't expect that after such a tragic war, he would be by Mo Lefeng's side.

He scooped up a bowl of porridge for Mo Lingfeng: "Is the pain bad?"

"It doesn't hurt much anymore, the plaster Li Yi posted can relieve the pain," Mo Lingfeng asked suddenly, "When I come back, will I take any medicine?"

"It's hard to get enough water and rice," Cheng Ting took the can of tempeh from the nanny, "Eat more."

Mo Lingfeng saw him striding out with the pot in his arms, he was tall and tall, with a chic posture, and he didn't have any worries in his heart, so he couldn't help smiling, and drank some porridge again.

After drinking the porridge, she went back to sleep, and slept until the second half of the day, when she woke up, she suddenly found that the sky outside had changed.

The sky was gloomy, not about to rain, but suddenly turned cold, the ice basin in the house was removed, the doors and windows were closed, and the wind whimpered.

Mo Lingfeng got up and put on some clothes, and asked Yin Nan to go to the second hall. Ze'er climbed down from the Jiusixuan tree and followed her.

The big yellow dog curled up under the corridor of the east wing, and when it saw Mo Lingfeng, it wagged its tail.

Li Yitie was stuck in the house, and there were only two aunts sitting on the porch, embroidering patterns, gossiping, talking raptly, but they didn't see Mo Lingfeng coming.

"The sky will change after a while, how long do you think it will be frozen?"

"It's still early. I used to like the freezing time the most. Once it freezes, I can work at home instead of going to the fields."

"I remember that when you entered the mansion, it happened to be freezing."

"Yes, I am thinking that I have no work and am living at home. If I sell it, I can earn back the bride price for my brother. You don't know that the day I first entered the house, I looked at the uncle and trembled with fear."

"Me too. In the past few years, I'm not so scared when I see you."

"But the uncle is good-looking. I've never seen such a good-looking person anywhere in the village."

"Yes, it's because we took advantage."

One of the aunts suddenly felt a chill on her back, turned her head and saw Mo Lefeng standing at the door, listening to their gossip carefully, almost slipping off the chair in fright.



The two put aside their work, got up in a hurry, saluted, and recalled what they said just now, their faces flushed with shame, trembling, waiting to be punished.

Mo Lingfeng lowered his head and looked at the fish and lotus flowers they had embroidered: "Interesting."

The faces of the two aunts changed suddenly, Mo Lingfeng saw that they were panicked, and explained: "It means that the pattern is embroidered well, so embroider one for me too."

After all, she opened the door and went in. Li Yitie was in the room giving Mo Qianlan an injection to continue his life. It was time to pull out the needle.

He took out the silver needles one by one, put them back into the medicine box, pressed Mo Lingfeng to change the wound medicine again, went out of the room, and planned to go back to the medicine shop.

Mo Lingfeng sat on the table, raised his left hand, hugged Mo Qianlan with one hand, buried his face in Mo Qianlan's chest, took a deep breath, raised his head, turned his head and told Yin Nan: "Bring the pen and ink. "Yin Nan went to the desk to fetch Li Yitie's unpacked pen and ink, Mo Lingfeng took the pen, dipped it in the ink, and drew a stroke on Mo Qianlan's forehead.

Mo Qianlan didn't respond.

Mo Lingfeng added another stroke, talking to Mo Qianlan while painting.

She said that Li Yitie was indeed a genius doctor, and that she had trouble getting in, but Li Yitie was able to pry open her mouth and apply insecticide to her.

She said that once the sky was fine, she stood on the parapet and looked out, and found that the sky was a very beautiful emerald color, which she had never seen on any porcelain. The sharpness of the Qiang people was related to the heaven and earth that raised them Either inborn or guided by God.

She said that Cheng Ting used to run away when he saw his uncle, but now he has the courage to guard here, full of thoughts and secrets, and his courage has grown.

After drawing Mo Qianlan's face full of flowers, she put down the pen and said in a low voice, "Brother smelly, I'll punish you."

She added: "Brother, have a good rest. I will take care of the outside matters."

The ink on Mo Qianlan's face was not dry, his expression remained unchanged, his breathing was normal, but his heart was beating violently.

Mo Lingfeng asked Yin Nan to wipe it off with a handkerchief, but before Yin Nan moved, Li Yitie came in suddenly: "My pulse"

He walked behind the screen, reached out to pick up the pulse pillow that he had forgotten aside, stared at Mo Qianlan, then at Mo Lingfeng: "This is..."

With a stern face, Mo Lingfeng replied solemnly: "This is the imprint, and I will find my brother in the next life."

"Then your brother's next life will be miserable, with scars all over his face."

Mo Lingfeng faltered and slipped away, his face was full of embarrassment that he had done something bad and was caught.

When Li Yitie heard the door closing, he shook his head and sighed, "Naughty."

Mo Qianlan opened his eyes and smiled helplessly: "This is Ah Shao."

The petting is all in this smile, no matter what Mo Lingfeng does, it is all interesting, cute, and good, even if he draws a face full of flowers, it is still weird.

Li Yitie couldn't bear to see his stupid face, twisted a handkerchief and threw it to him, secretly rolled his eyes.

When Mo Lingfeng walked out of the second hall, Zell was still waiting outside the gate of the second hall, playing with the Xun in his hand while looking at Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng stood in the dim sky, surrounded by water vapor, his hair was black and thick, glowing with faint blue light, a section of his neck was snow white, his waist was tied with a silk sash, he held it tightly, the wind blew through the hem of his skirt, wrapped in a slender and slender leg.

Every time she came out of the second hall, he felt that Mo Lingfeng was not an indifferent devil, but a human being.

At dusk the next day, Mo Lingfeng led his soldiers back to the fortress.

The victory in Baozhai was a major event in the country, and the people of Kuanzhou couldn't suppress their joy. The streets that had been empty for a long time were crowded with people, celebrating the victory and seeing off the soldiers who died in battle.

In a restaurant near Mo Mansion, the two of them watched Mo Lingfeng leading his entourage out on horseback. The young man whispered, "Do you want to wait another day?"

The middle-aged man held the wine cup and drank it down: "No need, I failed, change the goal."

"Do it here?"

"No, did you send the Baozhai good news away in a hurry?"

"Sent off on the evening of the [-]th."

"Let's go to Jeju to make arrangements first, and wait for His Majesty's emissary to arrive. When she enters Beijing, we will start on the road."


Putting down the wine cups, the two walked out of the restaurant in the cool breeze, put on soap-colored cloaks to block the sharp blades on their bodies, got on their horses, passed through the lights, and galloped towards Jeju.

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