Yu Jun

Chapter 276 Chaos

Chapter 276 Chaos
The news of the great victory in Kuanzhou was rushed to Kyoto.

At this time, in Kyoto, due to the continuous autumn rains, the mountain floods were triggered, and a mountain torrent flooded many fertile fields in the capital. The counties can only redefine the land according to the fish scale book.

On the evening of July [-], the county magistrate and the district chief of Yuntai County each took the fish scale book and took the government servants to re-measure the land in Yuntai County.

The setting sun was shining at night, a stream of water came out of the mountain, the sound of the water was surging, and the cold air was blowing away. There was no smoke in the county.

Li Zheng opened the picture album: "Zhao No. [-], household name Zhang Mansheng, underground, square, two points and six centimeters, sitting in Zhang Xiantang."

After the yamen servant took the Taifu ruler to measure it, he inserted the long pole and pulled the hemp thread. Zhang Mansheng immediately shouted: "Your measurement is wrong!"

He stepped into the mud, walked beyond the boundary line he had just measured, bent down to grope in the mud, and grabbed a handful of soybean seedlings full of mud: "Wheat harvested the late soybeans I planted. In the surrounding fields, I'm the only one who grows this! Where have you measured my land!"

The county magistrate shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about! This is an official ruler, how could it be wrong! The bean sprouts were washed out by the water, don't mess around!"

A row of yamen servants with knives came forward, forced Zhang Mansheng out, and blocked the people fiercely, and continued to read: "Zhao [-], household name Zhang"



Accompanied by two shouts, Zhang Mansheng suddenly rushed out, broke through the barriers of the government officials, ran to the field, grabbed the long pole, pulled it up vigorously, and threw it into the mud.

Trembling with anger, he raised his hand to grab the Taifu ruler. The yamen servant who took the ruler took three steps back, shouted angrily, raised his foot, and kicked Zhang Mansheng. Zhang Mansheng got kicked and fell into the mud. , still refused to give up: "Return my land!"

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "Yes, return my land!"

"I'm so big, the egg measured for me is big!"

"With such a quantity, I would rather not grow it!"

Dozens of middle-aged men rushed to scatter the yamen servants, tore off the twine, pulled out the wooden poles, and threw them into the mud.

Li Ling, the county magistrate who was drinking tea in the wooden shed, stood up abruptly, glanced at the chaos ahead, and cursed: "Troublemaker."

He turned around and smiled apologetically at the King of Jiyang County: "I let you see the joke, I'll get it right now."

Prince Jiyang raised the corners of his lips and glanced outside with contempt: "Hurry up, it's been delayed all day."

"Yes." Li Xiancheng picked up the hem of his clothes and walked out. The Jiyang County King waved behind him, and the entourage bowed, followed Li Xiancheng, and walked out together.

Li Xiancheng walked quickly to the muddy bank, and yelled, "Whatever you are doing, arrest them all!"

The yamen servants drew their knives one after another, beat and kicked, threatened with knives, tied up the troublemaker and pushed him to Li Xiancheng, the people shouted louder and louder.

Li Xiancheng's face was ashen, and he saw that there was a Taoist priest among the troublemakers, and immediately ordered someone to push the Taoist priest out, and shouted: "Which Taoist temple are you from?"

The Taoist sneered and said, "You don't care what Taoist temple I am, just look at your broken ruler."

Li Xiancheng said coldly: "If you don't want to say it, you can go to the prison and say that you gather a crowd to make trouble and interfere with the measurement of the fields, which is against the imperial court!"

He turned his head and looked at the Taifu ruler in the master's hand: "Bring the ruler!" The master hurriedly handed the ruler to Li Xiancheng. Li Xiancheng took the ruler and hit the Taoist priest hard on the face. A red mark immediately appeared on the Taoist priest's face. .

Li Xian Cheng said happily: "Keep measuring, if there is another talkative one, just take him back and talk about it later!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden rush of horseshoes on the official road. When everyone looked up, they saw two good horses galloping on the official road. One of them was wearing a Taoist robe, and he was a Taoist priest from Yunyang Taoist Temple in Yuntai County. Wearing a soft-footed headband, a scarlet round-neck and large-sleeved shirt, a leather belt around the waist, and no crane cloak, it can be seen that he was just on duty, and was found by the head of Yunyang County, and came on horseback.

The person who came came with a fluttering head and soft feet, his wide sleeves fluttering, his appearance was bright, his eyebrows were sparse, when Li Xiancheng saw his appearance, he was shocked and said: "Why is he here?"

Then he suddenly remembered that Wu Jin lived in a Taoist temple in Yuntai County before she was the number one scholar.

The person who came on horseback was none other than Wu Jin.

Li Xiancheng looked down at the Taifu ruler in his hand, his heart skipped a beat, he held both ends of the ruler with both hands, and was about to bend one leg and break the ruler downwards, when he suddenly caught the eyes of these people, stopped his hands hastily, and plugged the ruler Give it to the master, suggesting that the master will hide the ruler.

The entourage of the king of the county also recognized Wu Jin, and immediately turned around to tell the king of Jiyang that he only took two or three steps, and the king of Jiyang had already come out of the shed, grabbing the falling leather belt with both hands, Lifting it up, he also lifted up the knee pants, and looked at Wu Jin while walking towards Li Xiancheng.

Wu Jin also reined in his horse at this time, turned over and dismounted, folded both ends of the whip and put it in his waist, tucked up the corners of his clothes and strode down the official road, his feet stepped into the mud without hesitation, and the dark red sunset fell on the All decorations were washed away from his body, and he became a thin and sharp knife!

The common people fell silent and stood in a row, looking at Wu Jin eagerly.

They knew Wu Jin. When Wu Jin was the number one scholar, he went to the city to watch the number one scholar go out on horseback. It was because of Wu Jin's merits in controlling locusts. In May, he wrote a book "Ten Rules for Controlling Locusts". It was also heard that Wu Jin was a "cake official", his family was poor, and he made a living by selling cakes, so he was a poor official.

When the government officials saw the crimson official robe he was wearing, they didn't dare to say anything. They put away their swords and stood on both sides.

Wu Jin took big strides, walked straight to the King of Jiyang County, bowed his hands, saluted, and then looked at Li Xiancheng.

Li Xiancheng also hurriedly bowed his hands in salute. When he bowed deeply, Wu Jin stretched out his hand, grabbed the master's right hand, took out the Taifu ruler from his sleeve, and held it in his hand.

When Li Xiancheng straightened up and raised his head, he was already looking at the Taifu ruler.

"Scholar Wu"

The rays of light disappeared in an instant, and night fell. Wu Jin did not look at him, but turned to the Yamen servant and said, "Bring a lantern."

King Jiyang laughed and said: "Xueshi Wu is very lenient in his business, and you can also take a hand in measuring the fields."

Wu Jin's demeanor is sharp, but his expression and words are always gentle: "Your Majesty appointed me as a doctor in the capital, and I will be in charge of illegal affairs, vagrants, and slaves in the capital."

He looked at Li Xiancheng: "He is also in charge of the merits and demerits, job replacement, and replacement of officials in various government agencies in the capital."

Li Xiancheng remained motionless, with his head bowed down, almost like a clay sculpture, a lamp was lifted in the cold wind, illuminating the layers of cold sweat on his forehead.

The King of Jiyang gritted his teeth, his eyes were cold: "There is no lawlessness here, so you don't need to show off your authority."

Zhang Mansheng, who was tied into a rice dumpling, struggled and shouted: "Xianggong Wu! Yes, there is something illegal! There is something wrong with the official ruler!"

(End of this chapter)

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