Yu Jun

Chapter 277

When Zhang Mansheng's words fell, the Jiyang County King winked at his entourage, and the entourage stepped forward, stepping on muddy feet, and slapped Zhang Mansheng across the head.

There was a crisp sound of "pa", and there was another silence in the field.

The Prince of Jiyang County looked at Wu Jin fiercely: "Xueshi Wu, most of my farmland is here. Could it be that I also measured my own farmland wrongly?"

Wu Jin used his fingers to measure the imperial ruler: "That's what the prince said."

He weighed the ruler: "Then work hard for Li Xiancheng. First measure the land of the county king tonight, and measure the land of the common people later. Don't let the county king wait for a long time."

Li Xiancheng didn't dare to take the ruler, his face turned from blue to white, and he didn't dare to lift his head.

The large ruler was replaced by a small ruler, and the people's land shrank, and they had to pay a lot of taxes. The remaining land belonged to the prince of Jiyang, but the prince could only enter but not get out.

And this is not the first time, that's why the common people are so furious - that's how the poor are, if they can bear it, they will bear it, and if they can't bear it, they will stick their necks and scream twice.

If the land of the Jiyang County King is measured first, then the County King will not only have no way to eat and occupy more, but the Zongtian will also shrink accordingly.

Li Xiancheng faltered: "Tonight...it's too late, so I don't want to measure it. I'll measure it tomorrow."

"No matter when you measure it, it has nothing to do with you, Wu Jin!" Prince Jiyang snorted coldly, "So what if there is something wrong with the ruler, am I still not allowed to take it wrong?"

Wu Jin put the ruler into his sleeve: "Whether it was the wrong one, the prince will go to the court to find out tomorrow."

He looked at Li Xiancheng: "As a county magistrate, you really don't know how the Taifu ruler is? You have read the books of sages and sages, don't you know how to be an official and the people? The official food and Lumi you eat come from this-"

Pointing at Zhang Chunsheng, Wu Jin's eyes were bright, and he turned his finger and pointed it directly at the face of Prince Jiyang: "Not from there!"

Li Xiancheng was flustered, dripping with cold sweat, knowing that if Wu Jin impeached the county king, he would not be able to run away, so he couldn't help turning his head slightly to see the Jiyang county king.

The prince of Jiyang County was filled with old and new grudges in his chest. His eyebrows were filled with anger, his teeth were chewing through his gums. He stretched out his hand to open Wu Jin's fingers and said fiercely: "Okay! Okay! I'll tell you in front of His Majesty tomorrow!"

He shook his sleeves abruptly, left the field, and walked up the official road. With a wave of his attendants, four porters with big arms and round waists carried the sedan chair and stepped forward, pushing down the poles, waiting for the king of Jiyang County to enter the sedan chair.

The prince of Jiyang County stood still and saw that Wu Jin had also entered the official road. He said a few words to the Taoist leader, got on his horse and wanted to leave, then stepped forward and said in a hateful voice: "Wu Jin, what are you doing?" You have to fight against me!"

Wu Jin was condescending, and said slowly: "The king's words are serious, if you behave properly, you will naturally miss me."

He held the bridle, he didn't want to say much, but when he looked up, he saw a cold moon hanging in the sky at some point, shining white and shining on the earth.

Suddenly, he said, "Someone once taught me that a gentleman should be respectful with the straight inside, and righteous with the outside. Respect for righteousness and virtue is not alone. I just practice one or two things."

"Stop making sour farts!" The Duke of Jiyang didn't take what he said to heart, and he never remembered Zhao Shiheng. To him, Zhao Shiheng was just an insignificant passer-by in his life, which had already disappeared.

He was just angry. Seeing that Wu Jin was about to hit the horse to leave, he suddenly reached out, took the long hairpin from the golden crown on his head, and slammed it into the horse's ass.

The rented yellow-flowered horse suffered from the great pain. Immediately, its front legs were raised high, and the person stood up. The stunned Wu Jin almost fell off the horse. After that, he let out a long hiss, spouted two streams of white air, and galloped forward.

Wu Jin held on to the bridle with all his strength. When he was thrown by the horse, his feet slipped from the stirrups. At this time, the horse bolted and ran wildly. He tried his best to steady his body and retrieve the stirrups in the wind and lightning. He let out a long "whisper", but the horse stopped. There was no sign of stopping. Instead, he became even more frantic because of the wine waving in the wind beside the road.The houses and trees on both sides flashed past Wu Jin's eyes, and the horse's speed continued unabated, getting closer and closer to the city gate.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

There were more and more pedestrians on the road, and they all tried to avoid them, but the horse showed no sign of stopping. For a while, there were loud screams and curses along the way.

Wu Jin saw many peddlers carrying their loads into the city to do business in the night market, the gates of the city were blocked, and there were children running around, she became more and more anxious.

He raised his heart, looped the reins around his left wrist, then slipped his feet out of the stirrups, loosened the reins, and jumped off the horse!

The horse was still galloping, and his side had landed suddenly, and the reins were pulled forward quickly. He rolled on the ground, his back facing the sky, and before he could make any movement, he felt severe pain in his wrist, and his whole body was also pulled forward. go.

His back was run over on the gravel, and the Taifu ruler was broken in two in his sleeve. He desperately stretched out his right hand and held the rein tightly. Stop at the door.

Wu Jin's back hurts, she fell to the ground, took off the rein on her wrist, saw the blood dripping from the buttocks of the yellow horse, dripping to the ground, her own back was also sticky and hot, and the blood flowed continuously.

There were people all around, with constant chirping and shadows, blocking out the lights and skylight. Wu Jin's eyes were filled with golden light, and his ears were buzzing. Only his heart was beating so hard in his chest that the sound was deafening.

Slowly, other voices penetrated into his ears.

Someone seemed to have recognized him and stretched out his hand to help him up. Another person led the injured horse to a tree beside the road. Not far away, several children ran after the juggler, laughing constantly. He followed the hands of others, I walked to sit on a stool outside the foot shop and thought about how many people would have been trampled if the frightened horse had been unable to stop and rushed into the crowded city.

Thinking of this, he was terrified, a chill ran straight from the soles of his feet to the top door, his disgust for the Prince of Jiyang was beyond words, and turned into a sneer.

A jujube rolled to his feet, he looked up, and saw a basket was trampled to pieces by a horse, the jujube rolled all over the ground, and many were trampled and picked up, a young man squatted on the ground, and Anxious and afraid, he kept putting the remaining dates into another basket.

Wu Jin moved her hands, only to realize that the palm of her hand was worn by the reins, covered with sticky blood stains, she reluctantly untied the money bag, took out a small silver coin, walked forward, bent down and handed it to the young man: "Sorry."

The young man looked at Wu Jin in surprise, stood up in a hurry, wiped his hands cautiously, and whispered: "Wu, Mr. Wu, no, not so much."

Without saying anything, Wu Jin gave him the money and said, "If it's too much, give me some dates to eat."

Only then did the boy accept the money, and happily asked, "Where do you live?"

As soon as the words fell, there was another rush of horseshoes on the official road. The people who had just been frightened scattered away, leaving a wide avenue. After a while, a fast horse galloped across the road, behind the person on the horse. With a small flag on the spread, the horse was whipped, and the horse was only slightly reined in at the gate of the city.

Wu Jin stared at the person, knowing that it must be the situation of the Kuanzhou military.

Less than half an hour after the military information was sent to the palace, the good news of the victory spread throughout Kyoto and everyone knew about it.

This victory, because it was unexpected, made people more joyful and encouraging. BMW cars came and went one after another, and the vendors shouted loudly. There was a firecracker.

The horses and passers-by were startled, and then quickly laughed loudly, which was very lively.

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