Yu Jun

Chapter 318 Strong

At the fourth watch on September 26th, the sky was already freezing cold, and his hands were in his sleeves as if they were carrying ice. The ministers were in the waiting courtyard, trembling all over, as if they were ringing bells.

The little charcoal fire in the courtyard was insignificant, and the officials huddled together to keep warm, their teeth chattering from the cold, and they talked lazily. Although the snow had stopped outside, it was still completely white, and the servants kept waving their brooms to clear a path.

There was silence at first, but suddenly someone came out to deliver the emperor's order. This order was not delivered in the morning, but at the fourth watch. It was strange at first. When everyone heard the order again, they became more and more surprised.

After the herald left, a group of distinguished officials immediately chattered and opened and closed their mouths. The courtyard was filled with white steam.

Officials are not as naive as students, and will not think that this edict is the victory won by their advice - even if Wu Jin is martyred, the bystander's pen is as sharp as a knife, public opinion has been able to overturn the boat, and the whole world is wailing, it cannot lift the imperial power The supreme authority said that this kind of victory must be the result of the game between imperial power and military power.

This is Mo Lingfeng's victory.

They had to think more, because from ancient times to the present, the victories of those with real power were like the undercurrent of the abyss, which could easily crush the shrimp soldiers and crab generals swimming in the abyss.

Yang Shaoqing of Dali Temple rubbed his hands and asked Qiu Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment in a low voice: "Did any military report enter the city last night?"

Qiu Shangshu stamped his feet back and forth: "I only found out after asking Privy Envoy Wu, but the two families who live nearby said that they did hear the sound of horse hooves last night, and there was a military report. What is written in the military report is more important."

The two of them looked back at Wu Hongzhe who was dominating the brazier at the same time, and both thought in their hearts: "Old guy."

The old man is old and self-aware, he is wearing heavy clothes, carrying a heater in his arms, holding a meat pie in his right hand, his mouth is full of oil as he eats, shaking his head and tail, and has no time to speak.

Prime Minister Lu Zhongnong put his hands behind his back, avoided several clan members, walked to Wu Hongzhe, and bowed slightly: "Prime Minister, this cake looks like the cake from Dongtoulou."

Wu Hongzhe swallowed and said, "Exactly."

Lu Zhongnong smelled the aroma of meat cakes and swallowed his saliva: "Last night, there was an army report entering the palace. I heard it was Yu Xi?"

Wu Hongzhe picked his ear with his left hand: "What did you say?"

Lu Zhongnong rolled his eyes at his shameless act of pretending to be deaf, but he was helpless.

The clan members had no time to worry about the military affairs, so they gathered together to discuss the matter of Jiyang County King's investigation.

"Although he is imprisoned, His Majesty has always loved Jiyang. In my opinion, when the limelight passes, Jiyang will be released and he will be fined three years of lumi."

"It's hard to say. If nothing else, I'm afraid Zong Tian will have to re-measure everything."

"I think so. The one with the surname Wu is a completely mad dog. If the matter is taken care of hastily, he will definitely hold on to the matter and keep barking."

"Your Majesty should let him go outside. If he stays here any longer, he will wipe out all our wealth."

If he were to be released outside, Wu Jin's official career would be cut off.

In addition to the clan members, others were discussing Mo Lingfeng's morning visit today.

Mo Lingfeng is a female general.

There are very few female generals, and only a handful of them have gone to court, and this dynasty is even more unique. After Mo Lingfeng entered the capital, she attended palace banquets and prisons, but never entered the court.

When a woman enters the court, where should she stand?
When a beauty enters the court, what kind of attire should she wear?
There was a flurry of words, and it was only when they entered the palace that they calmed down for a while, and then the prince and the king of Wei arrived hand in hand, adding another strange atmosphere.

Another quarter of an hour later, Mo Lingfeng entered the forbidden palace.She was wearing a piece of five-color silk armor that the Ministry of Rites took the time to find out after thinking about it. The silk armor was gorgeous, with thick fabrics, and was lined with a scarlet gown, which hid the gold necklace that Fu Yan returned to her. Not dancing in the wind, there were two things she brought out from the general's mansion falling inside.

Her black hair is pulled into a bun on top of her head, tied with a flower crown, and she holds a tooth wat in her hand and moves forward steadily.

Her eyes passed over the dragon pillars on the Chinese dial, her feet stepped on the gold bricks that made a sound, and the hem of her clothes brushed against the white marble dragon-patterned pillars. Three stone bridges lay across the front of the Zichen Hall, with the Royal Bridge in the middle and the civil and military bridges on the left and right. Where the officials were walking together, she stepped onto the arch bridge on the right side without any emotion or hesitation.

If a man can walk, so can she.

In the cold weather and snowy ground, the Forbidden Palace was still neat and majestic with its eaves and towers. She counted the palace lanterns and illuminated the carved couplets and lintels of the Zichen Palace. She strode into the Golden Palace and looked calm under the scorching eyes. Officials from Honglu Temple guided her to stand. At the end of the military attaché, she walked straight ahead and stood behind Wu Hongzhe.

As a rule, she is a third-grade military attache, so she can stand here.

The officials of Honglu Temple did not dare to force her to change places, so they could only retreat silently. The officials whispered among themselves. The inspector of the Yushitai coughed heavily, stepped forward, looked around, and wanted to record the unbecoming official in the book.

Only then did the chirping sound stop.

Mo Lingfeng acted as if there was no one around. He slowly raised his head and looked at the empty golden platform. His expression was calm. There was no surprise, no joy, no surrender, no awe. Instead, he had a feeling of "it's just that".

Once he has the same power in his hands, the emperor who is respected by all people is nothing more than that.

She and the emperor will stage a great drama here where the king is wise and his ministers are wise.

The emperor sat on the golden platform two moments later. Mo Lingfeng knelt on the ground with everyone else and bowed to the emperor. After the emperor excused himself, she glanced at the emperor on the golden platform and still felt that this was nothing more than that.

The court was silent, and the emperor stared at Mo Lingfeng. The firelight reflected in her pupils, which were bright and bright, showing no trace of the embarrassment she felt after being imprisoned.

He had a slight headache and a bitter taste in his mouth. The medicine he had taken could not help but go up and down. It took him a while to swallow the bitter taste and said: "General Gui De is coming to the court. It is a blessing for the country."

Mo Lingfeng should have knelt down to thank the emperor for his kindness, but he did not move at all, nor did he pay attention to the glances from the guide of Honglu Temple.

No one cheered, and everyone was staring at their feet. The emperor said to himself: "There was a military report last night. Although the situation in Kuanzhou has improved, Jinlu is still harassing small groups. Magistrate Tan is too busy with trivial matters to take care of both. , I think that among the hundreds of officials, General Guide is the most brave, and I specially order General Guide to return to Kuanzhou quickly, pursue the victory and wipe out the thieves."

He knew full well that this move was undoubtedly to let the tiger return to the evil mountain.

Lingfeng then raised his hands and stepped out of the queue, lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty has entrusted you with an important task. I should kneel down to thank you for your grace. However, I have been in the army for many years and I have always been confused about something. I would like to ask your Majesty to clear up my doubts."

The emperor's closed eyes suddenly widened, and he immediately felt like he was standing on the edge of a knife.

This woman is sharp and has a purpose in everything she says and does. Only then does her true intention begin to become apparent.

He cheered up: "Why don't you know something, my dear?"

Mo Lingfeng bent down and placed the tooth wat on the ground. The sound of gold and jade clashing immediately sounded in the silent hall, and the officials could not help but look at her with suspicion.

She reached into her right sleeve pocket, took out a purse as big as her palm, pulled off the tether, and held it in her palm: "Your Majesty, this is the military rations sent to the fort during the blizzard last year. Since I entered the military camp, the military rations have been So, is the financial resources of the country really so difficult?"

Wu Hongzhe turned sideways and stretched his head to take a look at the military rations, and was so shocked that he almost screamed.

When others craned their necks to take a look, Zhang Chongfeng had already come over, took away the military rations, and presented them to the emperor.

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