Yu Jun

Chapter 319 Swallowing the sky

Chapter 319 Swallowing the sky
The emperor lowered his head and looked down. The evil fire rushed to his sides again. His heart was pounding, his head was dizzy, and his face instantly turned pale.

Zhang Gongfeng saw that the emperor seemed to be having trouble breathing up and down. His palms were sweating nervously, and he was ready to step forward to support the emperor at any time.

The emperor slowly calmed down, exhaled a breath, stretched out his hand to grab a handful of grain, and put it in front of his eyes to take a closer look. The colors in his palm were various, the rice was red and black, and some could not be distinguished, and some were wet. A lump of chaff mixed with sand.

He took a few deep breaths, picked up the small bag of food, and threw it off the golden platform.

The contents of the bag fell to the ground with a rustling sound, and rolled to the feet of the civil and military officials. The red color was the same as the red robes they wore, and the black color was the same color as the black gauze hats on their heads. It hit their spines with incomparable precision.

In the eyes of everyone with wide eyes, maggots emerged from the chaff and crawled on the supreme golden palace. It was filth and filth that even the splendor could not hide.

Wu Hongzhe, the Privy Councilor, no longer pretended to be deaf and mute, and went out of the office neatly. He knelt down on the rice and said: "Your Majesty, I failed to supervise you well. I am guilty!"

He knelt down, and the chief and second deputy envoys of the Third Division also knelt down without hesitation.

Those who did not kneel down and fell silent - this silence seemed familiar, as if a few days ago, they had also been so silent under the questioning of their colleagues and the anger of His Majesty.

But the silence that day was like sitting on the sidelines, but the silence today is a sign of disaster.

Mo Lingfeng took out a neatly folded piece of cloth from his left sleeve pocket: "Your Majesty, this is the winter coat sent to Baozhai from the North and South workshops."

Wu Hongzhe raised his head and looked sideways at the so-called winter coat in Mo Lingfeng's hand. Before he could see it clearly, Zhang Fengfeng had already hurried over and presented the thing to the emperor.

This was a piece cut from a winter coat. The emperor rubbed his fingers on the cloth twice and knew that it could not keep out the cold.

It is not the thick silk that should be used for winter clothes. There is no interlayer, and the warp and weft are sparse. When you lift it up to a bright place and look at it, the light shines through countless small holes.

The emperor smelled the musty smell emanating from the cloth, which was strong and pungent and diluted the aroma in the palace. He almost felt sick and threw the cloth into Zhang Chongfeng's hands.

The holes in the cloth are the holes in the country.

At the same time, he knew that Mo Lefeng had been waiting for this moment.

She is not Wu Jin, her purpose is not to redress the injustice of the soldiers, and she does not want the court to be clear and clear. What does she want at this moment?
He said solemnly: "Let them all see their winter clothes."

Zhang Gongfeng quickly asked the young chamberlain to take it down and hand it to everyone to watch.

So three more people went to work and knelt down to accept their guilt.

Mo Lingfeng bent down and picked up the wat tablet on the ground, holding it in his hand: "Your Majesty, since I joined the army in the fortress, the food and military supplies have been falling apart year by year. I thought it was because of the country's difficulties, and I have been a monk for many years. There was a heavy snowstorm last year, and I spent all my wealth to survive the disaster.

But when I entered the capital, I saw that my colleagues were underweight, my clan members were piling up gold and jade, and the city was full of luxury, which was beyond my expectation.

Now your majesty's kindness is as deep as the sea, and I should be ashamed to accept it. However, the beetles have eaten deeply into the osmanthus trees, and the national money cannot support a large army. The roots of Mount Tai are shaken, and my family's wealth is empty and unable to support it. If your majesty cannot support it, I dare not support it anymore. Guard your troops.

I request your majesty to appoint the envoy of the Kuanzhou Festival in Zhenzhen to manage and regulate the tax revenue of Kuanzhou for military needs. My brother's soul has left his body and cannot be used by the court. I will relieve him of his official duties. Your Majesty can appoint his clan members as the envoys of the Kuanzhou Festival to lead troops to defend against the enemy. When the enemy retreats, the enemy will return, and soon the town will be suppressed. The tax will be returned to the court as soon as the matter is over. "

She lowered her head, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled silently.

The emperor had no choice.

Now all the Kuanzhou garrison has entered the fort, and most of Jeju's troops are led by Tan Xuan to defend the enemy in the fort.

Even if he wanted to abandon the fortress and defend Kuanzhou like last time, where would he mobilize the garrison from?

There are Hulu in the north who are eyeing them, so don't move lightly. The south is too far away, and Kuanzhou may have been lost before the garrison arrives.

There were several leading generals among the Forbidden Army, but the Forbidden Army only guarded the safety of Jinye. During the time of the late emperor, the border was extremely turbulent. The Forbidden Army knelt down to ask for help from the capital, but the late emperor never allowed it.After the words fell, Manchao was shocked.

King Wei quietly took a look at Mo Lingfeng - she actually asked the emperor for the real power of Jiedushi, to gather wealth and military.

When the time comes, the Mo family will be powerful and it will be easy to support him on the throne.

He didn't think about how to eliminate the Mo family's power in the future, he only wanted to break through the predicament at hand. He couldn't help but smile, and suddenly felt like a light on his back. When he looked up, he saw the prince staring at him with a stern look in his eyes.

He secretly screamed and made a sad face.

The prince looked back silently and looked at Mo Lingfeng.

At a young age, he has been planning every step of the way.

Once Mo Lingfeng has money and troops and masters the authority at the border, it will be difficult to control him.

Mo Lingfeng must not be allowed to grow any longer, otherwise it will become a serious problem.

This world is not the world of the Mo family, and this court is not the court of the Mo family. How can it be controlled by her.

Mo Lingfeng stood holding a scepter, his scarlet sleeves no longer burdensome. They swayed with the cold wind that sneaked into the hall. The burning coals in the hall were swallowed up by the cold wind, showing a kind of weakness that could not be supported.

She is the quietest person in the center of the hall. The blood flowing through her limbs and bones is cold and merciless. The bricks she steps on are the bloody path paved by Mo Qianlan for her. The corpses of innocent people lie there openly. Below, her own blood and the blood of the soldiers watered this road together.

And Wu Jin’s blood.

The grain, grass, and cloth that had only shocked the court a moment ago became embellishments, and the courtiers truly saw clearly the power of this little Mo.

They waited quietly for the emperor to speak.

The emperor had never been silent for so long on the golden platform.

He did not dare to abandon the fort and defend Kuanzhou like last time - he did not expect that the garrison of the imperial court was so weak that it could not resist even a thousand gold prisoners, let alone defend the city.

When he looked at Mo Lingfeng, he felt like he was seeing a beast stretching out its claws and claws, chasing after the prey and biting off a piece of flesh and blood, opening its huge mouth and swallowing it.

Should we drive away tigers and devour wolves, or give up the confinement and let the imperial army go to war?

At this time, Lu Zhongnong suddenly came out of the queue and said loudly: "Your Majesty, as General Mo said, it must not be done. The national money is as safe as Mount Tai, and must not be touched lightly! There was an example in the previous dynasty. Jiedushi took financial power, hoarded huge military expenditures, and raised soldiers. , the soldiers did not know God's grace, but only relied on the generals, and the authority was so heavy that they focused on the outside and neglected the inside. This is why Chengde Jiedushi spoke arrogantly."

This person once said, "The emperor would rather have the seed?""He who has a strong army and a strong horse is his ear." Lu Zhongnong couldn't say it in the main hall, so he could only point it out.

The emperor nodded: "What does Prime Minister Ji think we should do?"

Lu Zhongnong said: "I think we can send the Imperial Army to Gaoping Village with grain and grass to completely annihilate the Jinlu."

Wu Hongzhe was still kneeling on the ground, straightened his back, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, the security of the ban is also as important as Mount Tai. You must not use the ban lightly! I thought that we could negotiate a peace to avoid the turmoil of the national funds and control the power. "

A young and energetic Hanlin Academy official came forward: "After the war, the morale of the Jinlu has declined. Now they are just a small group of harassers. If they don't pursue the victory, they still want peace? All the hard work in the past will be ruined in one day!"

Wu Hongzhe said: "How can it be considered ruined if the Jinlu are made ministers and pay tribute every year?"

(End of this chapter)

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