Yu Jun

Chapter 326

Chapter 326
Wu Jin stood up and moved forward with his hands on his hands. Every time he moved, his internal organs seemed to be shaking violently in his abdomen. By the time he sat down on the edge of the bed, sweat was already forming on his forehead.

It's been five days since I left the palace.

The trauma medicine has been used very well. The wound is healing and scabbing. The inconvenience caused by movement is gradually disappearing and the pain is bearable. Only the shock to the internal organs is still difficult to reset.

He tried to straighten his back, but his internal organs suddenly erupted with a huge pain, and his body twitched. When he got through it with a cold sweat on his head, he gritted his teeth and forced himself to straighten.

If you lie down for too long, your joints will make crisp sounds. This is another form of torture, but you must endure it, otherwise you will become rickety forever.

Slowly, he put his hands on his sides, lowered his head and took a breath. He inserted his feet into his shoes and tried to lift up the heels. His chest was squeezed and his lungs immediately felt as if they were being pierced by thousands of roots.

He froze and waited for the pain to pass. He stood up holding on to the wall, pulled on his shoes, walked to the door step by step, and raised his hand to approach the door latch.

He wants to see her.

But the hand slowly fell again.

It was late at night, Mo Lingfeng must have rested after a long day of exhaustion.

The mice were rolling around on the beams, and their "squeaking" sounds were heard one after another. The sound of winter insects dragging broken branches could be heard outside the door, and the dead leaves shook and fell to the ground.

He stood for a moment holding on to the wall, listening intermittently to the sound of "rustling" outside. The movement of the mouse gradually weakened, as if it could not stand the severe cold and quietly returned to its hole.

"Is it snowing?" he asked himself, wondering in a low voice.

Suddenly, a haunting voice came from outside the door: "Not yet, the wind has knocked down the leaves."

His heart was shocked, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand to unlatch the door, stepped out, and stepped out of the threshold. Mo Lingfeng had already stretched out his hand to hold his arm firmly.

Nomad Qing emerged from the darkness, peeked into the cocoon-like sinus, and said to himself: "It's not a good thing to eat."

He closed the door, stood up on tiptoes, put a camel fur hanging in his arms on Wu Jin, and put a mink hat on him.

Mo Lingfeng also wore a velvet hat on his head and said with a smile, "This will keep the cold at bay."

After that, she grabbed a lion lactose from her sleeve, raised her hand and stuffed it into Wu Jin's mouth: "Does your body hurt?"

Wu Jin's lips and teeth were fragrant, and his mouth was full of sweetness. He smiled and lowered his head, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and stuffed the hair scattered on both sides into his hat, trying his best to make himself look tidier: "I can still bear it, it's okay."

The shoes were still hanging, and just when he was about to bend down to lift up the heels, Nomad Qing had already knelt down to lift them up for him: "Wu Tongpan, I will carry you."

Wu Jin was really unable to support him. After thanking him, he leaned over and lay down.

The waning moon is gone, the stars are disappearing, the mountains and mountains in the distance are like a thick line of ink on the painting paper, the wind is blowing past my ears, it is indeed a scene of heavy snow.

In less than a moment, the wind calmed down and the heavy snow fell. In an instant, the bow and knife were covered with snow.

Everything is silent in the snow, and the sound of snow falling to the ground can be heard quietly all around, and the long breathing can also be heard.

They walked to the kitchen of Guanyi. The fire was raging in the kitchen. Sheng Nan stirred the rice porridge in the pot, turned to Mo Lingfeng and smiled: "General, it will be ready soon."

There was a "crackling" sound in the stove, and the fragrance of chestnuts came out.

They are people who are used to being tired. After entering the hotel, they still have the energy to occupy the kitchen and fill their stomachs.

Nomad Qing carefully put Wu Jin into the chair. Sheng Nan turned around and called to him: "Give me the salt shaker."

The Nomad Qing handed over the salt, squatted on the ground again, and used a stick to pull the chestnuts in the fire.Mo Lingfeng took off Wu Jin's cloak and took off his hat: "Eat some hot porridge before going to sleep. You can still sleep for three hours. There is no rush."

She did not lose weight due to the struggle in Kyoto. She turned around and grabbed a handful of chestnuts from the ground, peeled a few for Wu Jin, and said brightly: "The emperor was almost angry to death by us, which shows that he has no tolerance for others."

Wu Jin smiled slightly at the word "we", chewed lactose, swallowed it, and twisted a chestnut in his hand: "If your majesty is tolerant, you are a wise king. You don't need me to die to advise you, and you don't need to plan this."

He thought the plan was still in the military intelligence section, but he didn't know that Mo Lingfeng was like a devil, with vicious and neat methods, turning Kyoto upside down when everyone was unprepared.

In the blink of an eye, the hot porridge came out of the pot, and the dried meat thrown inside was already soft and rotten. Sheng Nan filled a bowl and placed it in front of Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng pushed it to Wu Jin, took another bowl, turned the spoon around, scooped up a spoonful and put it into his mouth.

Wu Jin quickly put her hand in front of Mo Lingfeng's wrist: "It's hot."

This movement made him almost gasp in pain, but his expression remained unchanged and he retracted his hand with a smile: "The porridge should be cooled down when it comes out of the pot, otherwise it will burn against the throat."

Mo Lingfeng put down his spoon, rested his elbows on the table, and said with his cheek, "It's up to you. Now that you have added a general judge, you can control me, a general in Kuanzhou."

Wu Jin smiled and said: "It turns out that he is still an official, so it seems that King Wei is not going to become a vassal."

Mo Lingfeng stood up, bent over, and put his lips to Wu Jin's ear: "He is going to die."

The firelight in front of Wu Jin's eyes dimmed, and Mo Lingfeng's aura rushed to his face like a tsunami. He couldn't help but close his eyes, and his face turned red. At the same time, he felt that he had come from the world of Kyoto where people kill without blood. He escaped and returned to the familiar chaotic and disorderly world headed by the Mo family.

It is also a world with her, wind and light.

When Mo Lingfeng was about to retreat, he whispered: "Don't move."

Mo Lingfeng stopped in confusion, moved back slightly, and faced him face to face.

Wu Jin looked at her black hair. Although it was just a bun, it was like clouds. Looking at her face, her skin was like snow. Looking at her eyes, they were as bright as sparks. When she looked down, she saw that her right earlobe was red and swollen, as if she was going to have a baby. frostbite.

He couldn't help but raise his hand, gently kneading her earlobe, then raised his palm to touch her face, his thumb gently rubbed her cheek, and then moved up to touch her neatly combed bun.

This is the little girl he loves.

"I have frostbite. Did you bring any ointment?"

Mo Lingfeng shook his head: "Just go home."

The pain in Wu Jin's body subsided quietly, as if he had received a dose of good medicine, and he said happily, "Don't talk nonsense about King Wei."

Mo Lingfeng stepped back with his eyes full of joy: "He is going to be a military governor. The emperor delegates power to the whole state, and the military governor is worthy of his name."

When Wu Jin heard this, he sincerely praised: "Awesome."

Twenty years back in Yuanzhang, Mo Qianlan and Zhao Shiheng were worried about the future, Cheng Taishan avoided talking about political affairs, and Wang Yunsheng was domineering and greedy. Who would have thought that Mo Lingfeng could grow to this point?

At that time, Mo Lingfeng was still a child with a sweet tooth. She often had toothaches and had an unstable temperament. There was only Cheng Ting around her who could tolerate her, but her courage was as big as ever. She could go there alone. Xiongshan Temple Run.

The way she smiled now was completely different from the past. He couldn't tell which one was better, but maybe they were all good, because he loved them both.

He scooped up the porridge and took a sip. It was hot but not hot, and said, "Drink it quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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