Yu Jun

Chapter 327 Jujube

The kitchen immediately became quiet except for the sound of eating porridge. The four of them all added bowls, and they felt so comfortable after drinking. The coldness disappeared and their hands and feet became warm.

Wu Jin's veins in his limbs were no longer cold and stagnant, and the pain in his lungs was slightly relieved. He couldn't help but sigh: "I can sleep peacefully."

Mo Lingfeng ate a few chestnuts, clapped his dark hands, and untied the xun bag from his waist: "I'll play the xun for you."

Seeing her heavy eyelids, Wu Jin quickly stood up, took the cloak from the back of the chair and tied it on: "It's too late today, go to bed."

In fact, there are still many things he doesn't know, but there is no need to ask at this time, and there is no need to listen at this time.

From now on, they would have countless days and nights to talk and listen to, and he was not in a hurry.

He stepped forward, and as soon as he took a step, he stumbled forward.

Nomad Qing dropped the chestnut in his hand and stepped forward to help him. Mo Lingfeng jumped up and rushed to Wu Jin. Seeing his face flushed, he knew that he had been sitting upright for too long. ,tired.

"Xiao You, I'll carry you." She picked up the mink hat from the table and put it on his head. Sheng Nan quickly stepped forward to open the door and decisively let them out.

The three of them walked back quietly.

There was no sound of breaking, no swaying lights, the ancient branches were staggered, the leaves had fallen off, and the tip branches were bent by the snow, falling to the snow, making a light and muffled sound, making the night more and more quiet.

Wu Jin lay on Nomad Qing's back and looked sideways at Mo Lingfeng, who was striding forward.

The heavy snow swallowed the sound, the heavy snow eroded everything, and the heavy snow hid all traces. The whole world was in a state of confusion, and they were the only ones left walking here.

In the simple woodshed, Qi Chang lay on the wooden board and heard the crunching sound of his leather boots in the snow. He raised his head, reached out and grabbed the edge of the window and looked out through the hole.

He saw Wu Jin on Nomad Qing's back and was about to speak when he saw Mo Lingfeng walking to one side. He closed his mouth again and buried his head.

After losing his identity and status, he immediately became sensitive and alert, lest he make one wrong move and fall into the abyss.

His eyes can distinguish between good and evil in people, and see who can be flattered, who can be perfunctory, and who cannot be offended. This is an eye developed since he was a beggar.

From participating in Qiu Wei to serving as a lecturer at the Hanlin Academy, just a few years were like a dream. After waking up from the dream, the books of sages were of no use to him. His eyesight was what he relied on for survival.

So when he saw Mo Lingfeng, he immediately stopped and retreated again.

Mo Lingfeng cannot be provoked.

If he wants to survive in Kuanzhou, the only person he can rely on is Wu Jin - if Mo Lingfeng wants to kill him, then Wu Jin is the only person who can control Mo Lingfeng.

He covered himself with the quilt, his hands and feet were so cold that he could hardly feel anything. His heart sank into the ice cave and beat weakly. He thought: "Will Wu Jin save me?"

It has been snowing for two hours, and the sky turned from dark to blue at Mao hour. The Mo army stood up rustlingly, quickly dressed and washed, and lined up in front of the post. The flags were ringing, the horses neighed, and the heat was rumbling. The female soldiers held their heads high and mounted, No lethargy.

However, King Wei and his entourage were procrastinating. Although the guards had been assembled, they were groggy, yawning continuously, and lacked energy. King Wei and his servants were nowhere to be seen.

Mo Lingfeng stood in front of the gate of the hotel, holding a riding whip that had been folded in half in his right hand. He struck it three times on the palm of his hand and said to Xiao Dou: "Tell King Wei to wait for him for a moment. If he doesn't arrive in a moment, leave now." .”

Xiao Dou was an honest man and took Mo Lingfeng's words word for word and went straight to King Wei.

The war horse kept breathing and its tail swayed lightly. A passing villager was startled and did not dare to move forward. He tremblingly stepped to one side while carrying his burden.

Mo Lingfeng looked up and suddenly saw a bright red color in the basket, so he stepped down the stone steps.

The snow covered her insteps. She walked neatly and strode to the farmer. She stretched out her hand to stop the villagers who were about to kneel. When she lowered her head, she saw two baskets of jujubes.The jujube is red in color and has thick flesh.

She bought it together with the basket. The villager took a small silver and hurriedly went to get the money bag from his waist: "Look for... I will do the math..."

In the money bag was a string of copper plates tied tightly with cotton rope. Before he could take it out, Mo Lingfeng had already grabbed two handfuls of jujubes and left.

Nomad Qing waved his hand: "Old man, take the money. It's not easy to sell dried dates in the snow."

He reached out and grabbed a date and put it in his mouth: "Yes, thank you for your hard work, I will pick it up to the eaves."

The villagers thanked them profusely, carried the load and put the two baskets under the eaves, and stood aside respectfully waiting for instructions. Immediately, the women's army came down one by one to get the jujubes. The villagers looked at it quietly, and were suddenly shocked and thought to themselves. : "Could it be that she was a female general just now!"

He hurriedly turned back to see Mo Lingfeng, but Mo Lingfeng had already brushed through the heavy snow and got into the carriage.

In the carriage, Wu Jin opened the window and tied up the curtains. Under the dim light, there was a cold aroma of grass and trees. It must be that Wu Jin chewed willow branches and teeth.

He sat upright, under the faint skylight and snowy light, and during this short and uneventful time, he rolled up a book, half-reading and half-reciting.

Mo Lingfeng saw that he was wearing a crane cloak and a white robe underneath. His hair was as black as ink in the dim light, and he was meticulous. The mink hat was placed by his side, but he had not yet put it on.

His eyebrows were calm, his manners were elegant, and the dust disappeared. Mo Lingfeng secretly said: "That's great."

She held the red dates and smiled at Wu Jin: "Hands."

Wu Jin was fascinated when he suddenly heard her voice. He was startled. He quickly put down the book, stretched out a pair of big hands and put them together. When Mo Lingfeng put a pair of small hands on top, the dates rolled away. It fell into his hand.

She took back her hand: "You have lost weight."

In just a few days, he was reduced to ashes.

Wu Jin grabbed the dates with her right hand, picked one up with her left hand and handed it to her: "Ye Shuhuai, the dean of Tunan Academy, likes the way he looks like an immortal."

"It's enough to have a brother with an immortal spirit." Mo Lingfeng didn't want the dates that Wu Jin handed over, "You keep them and eat them on the way, I won't eat them."

Wu Jin put the jujube in his sleeve pocket and looked at her face carefully: "Toothache?"

Mo Lingfeng nodded: "A little bit, I ate some candy."

Then she took out the remaining two candies and handed them to Wu Jin: "Here you can eat."

Wu Jin took it in his hand and stored it separately from Dazao. He couldn't help but smile: "How did you rescue me?"

"The people's will is that they don't need my rescue."

Wu Jin knew that when the court seemed as quiet as a snowy night, there would be undercurrents. Now that the whole world was in the mud, what kind of turbulence would be happening in the dark?
The so-called popular support may be able to shake the courtiers and the government, but it cannot shake the emperor's hatred for him.

He could sit comfortably in the carriage, so what did Mo Lingfeng do to make the emperor obey his words?
He didn't need to ask, the answer would emerge later.

Just as Mo Lingfeng was about to ask him if he was hungry, he heard the words "Come on, come on" outside, and then, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps.

"King Wei." Mo Lingfeng made a face, stepped out of the carriage, straightened his face, and quickly stepped forward to welcome King Wei as he mounted.

The sound of whips sounded continuously, and the horses galloped forward in pairs. Only the villagers selling jujubes were left standing in the corridor, watching the huge team leave. In the end, only the mud on the ground and the hands were left in their eyes. Enough for him to chew silver for more than half a year.

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