Yu Jun

Chapter 334

When Wu Yi heard the word "break off the relationship", his face immediately turned pale, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and a layer of sweat on his back was as sticky as swim bladder glue, making his inner garment stick tightly to his back.

"Brother...what are you breaking up? Why do you want me to break up?"

He turned to look at Father Wu: "Dad, you don't want me anymore?"

Only then did Wu's father and Wu's mother know that Wu Jin had sent back a divorce document, but was stopped by Wu Yi.

Wu's mother gritted her teeth and slapped him twice across the face. She took out the chopsticks from the charcoal pot and hit Wu Yi on the back hard. Wu Yi wailed, threw himself forward and fell to his knees.

Wu Jin is not a mysterious person. Since the documents have been sent out, something big must have happened. The earlier they knew about it, the earlier they would have thought of a solution - begging for help, going to Beijing, whatever they could do, they would do it.

"Auntie," Wu Jin waved his hand, "punishment is useless. The more severe you are, the less regretful he will be."

Wu's mother was carrying the fire chopsticks and was so angry that she could only give up after hearing the sound. She glanced at Wu Yi and wanted to deal with him later.

Wu Jin looked at Wu Yi and saw that the arrangements were made casually but in an orderly manner: "If you break off the relationship and go out, you can avoid my involvement. If you can stay with the Wu family in the future, I will write the divorce papers for you tomorrow. Ah Mom will accompany you to the Yamen to change the yellow book."

"Tomorrow." Wu Yi was stunned, "Brother, what will happen to my parents? I will keep kissing, and I am not afraid of death."

There is no need to say anything about Wu Jin's disassociation with his family. Others will immediately know that this is an honorable act.

He had severed ties with his parents and Wu Jin. A sensible person might think that he wanted to leave a wife for the Wu family, but more often than not, they made various speculations about him, thinking that he was being kicked out of the family.

There was also his marriage - the divorce had to go to the Yamen, so there was no way he could hide it.

And his candy shop is open every day. What will those who come to buy candy say?
And will the friends he made still associate with him?

Thinking of what happened after the breakup, his body trembled involuntarily and he raised his head to look at Wu Jin.

Wu Jin's expression is still the same as before, without any sullen look, but he is thin and has sharp lines all over his body, which are clearly curved in the straight-sleeved shirt. His back is straight, his elbows are placed on the armrests of the chair, and his fingers are on The belly is crossed, the nails are meticulously trimmed, and there is a kind of immovable alienation.

It's different - Wu Jin is different from when he was calculated by the Liu family. It seems that he no longer feels disappointed in him.

He knew that Wu Jin never told lies, but when he thought about what happened in the future, he could not help but feel timid and numb, as if he had fallen into a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire. Regret came slowly and was very turbulent.

It would have been nice if Wu Mu had beaten him hard just now. If the mistake had been punished, it could have been gently brushed off.

"Brother," he walked forward on his knees and hugged Wu Jin's calf, "I was wrong. Can't you go tomorrow? Wait until I get married."

"Don't lie to others," Wu Jin pushed his hand away and stood up, "I'm going to rest."

He took a step out, and Wu's mother hurriedly stepped forward and took him to the east wing of the second hall to rest. Wu Yi knelt down and sat on the ground, thinking to herself: "Why was I so obsessed back then? I really don't have the shame to go out this time."

Wu's father pushed the scooter, put aside the medicine that Wu Yi had brought back, and called him: "Second Brother."

Wu Yi slowly turned around and looked at his father.

"Second brother, your brother asked you to break off the relationship. Firstly, I told your mother, and secondly, you made a mistake. That's right! Just breaking up the relationship can't break the blood. He didn't let you move out, he just kept it for you. There is a way out, but if you are stupid again, your parents will not have the shame to stay here."

Wu Yi listened and quietly recovered from the sea of ​​suffering. At the same time, the fear of Wu Jin came to his mind - Wu Jin would really give up on him.

The sound of the watch was heard outside, the sound of clappers was crisp and clear, and the sound of gongs was slow and fast. It was the time to watch the clock.

Boom! ——Boom!Boom!The watchman walked past the Tongpan Mansion and arrived outside the Zhizhou Mansion: "It's three o'clock at midnight, everything is fine!"

Boom! ——Boom!Boom!

The banquet for King Wei to receive the wind and wash away the dust was held in the Zhizhou Mansion. After the banquet, the King of Wei led the guards and servants to stay at the Yamen of the Zhizhou Mansion.

The king of Wei was supposed to stay in Jiedu's official office.

However, the residence where Mo Qianlan lived was the old residence of the Mo family. Because he did not want to move, he changed the residence of the Jiedu Envoy to the Mo family. The original residence of the Jiedu Envoy had been gathering dust for a long time. Even though Tan Xuan mobilized the craftsmen from Kuanzhou, the residence was hurriedly moved. It is also difficult to complete repairs.

Tan Xuan was extremely wary of Mo Qianlan - the Mo family had been disobedient for a long time and controlled the border. If the King of Wei came, it would be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Although King Wei was the emperor's envoy, and Mo Qianlan's killing him was tantamount to exposing the world's rebellion, he still did not dare to relax.

Mo Qianlan is such a cruel person. He regards Mo Lingfeng as a treasure, but he can still send her to the fortress to find a way out. You must not speculate on his mind using ordinary people's methods.

Therefore, he would rather move the female family members out of the inner house, but also put the King of Wei under his nose.

King Wei was exhausted and had already gone to bed.

There are guards everywhere in the inner yamen. One guard stands on the ridge of the roof, looking in all directions. The bang of a clapper is heard outside, and when the watchman calls out, the gong is struck.

There was a long "thud" sound, the remaining ice shattered, dead branches broke, a wild cat suddenly let out a piercing scream, and the sound of dogs barking could be heard in the empty streets. The state government officials, the guards of the King of Wei, and the government officials all looked at each other. .

Yin Bei stood at the foot of the outer wall of the Zhizhou Nei Yamen. He was dressed in soap-colored narrow sleeves and short brown. After the watchman left, he jumped over the high wall and quickly ran to the nearby inverted room. Kick, jump up to the roof.

The guard on the roof was looking for wild cats from a high position. He looked alert. Yin Bei was quick and fierce. He jumped from behind him. Before he could recover, he grabbed the guard's neck with one hand and crushed the guard's throat.

After the series of actions ended, the barking of the dogs had not stopped, and the guard's head drooped before he could say a word. The saber dropped from his hand. Yin Bei raised his foot to catch it, gently raised it up, caught it in his hand, and then took the body to the It fell down and turned into a blurry black shadow attached to the ridge of the roof.

He quietly peeled off the clothes on the body and slowly put them on. Then he stood up with a long knife and leaned over to look around the Zhizhou Yamen.

A group of guards crossed each other, leaving a short gap. He raised his hand and waved, and immediately there were people wearing the same soap-colored short brown clothes crossing the wall and sneaking into the official room to wait for the opportunity.

A guard grabbed the waistband and got in. A moment later, someone wearing ill-fitting guard uniforms, carrying a long knife, dragged a limp body out and threw it into the grass.

There is no smell of blood, and all movements are silent and precise.

Mo Qianlan's private soldiers are replacing King Wei's guards.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, evil spirits are rampant, and the candlelight in the corridor is flickering. The private soldiers of the Mo family are approaching the courtyard where King Wei lives. The courtyard door was painted with tung oil just yesterday, and there is a sharp smell. There are six first-class guards guarding it. and two chamberlains.

These six first-class guards are Huang Yiren and five Wude division guards.

As soon as the private soldiers approached, Huang Yiren immediately noticed something was wrong and his nose twitched. Although he did not smell the smell of blood, the smell of dead bodies filled the cold wind.

He strode towards the courtyard door and leaned against it, listening to the movement outside. Before he could take a closer look, a sharp knife was inserted through the crack of the door.

The tip of the knife cut through the jacket on Huang Yiren's body. He quickly stepped back. The tip of the knife was raised, and the door latch slid, opening the courtyard door easily.

Several people dressed as royal guards swarmed in, raised their hands and slashed their swords, and first killed the bewildered chamberlain standing at the door. (End of chapter)

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