Yu Jun

Chapter 335 Killing

The smell of fresh blood is hot, splashing, soaking into the stone slabs, dripping into the mud cracks, staining the beams and columns, splashing on the paper lanterns, and the firelight reflected changes accordingly, turning into a blood red color.

King Wei's crown was disheveled, his hair was disheveled, and his feet were bare. He felt the air-conditioning invading him, but he was startled and covered in cold sweat. He clung to the edge of the window with one hand and the fire chopsticks with the other. He was horrified.

Behind him, in the hollow carved copper brazier, there was a piece of agarwood from the land of Qiong Guan, the land of Li Mu. The smoke curled out, floating like boiling water in the dark, interlocking, lasting, and endless, as if It was wrapping him in a fog.

There was a "pop" sound, and a stream of blood rushed onto the window lattice, instantly staining the plain paper. King Wei stepped back repeatedly, fell to the ground, covered his mouth with one hand, and suppressed a scream.

Can Huang Yiren resist it?
Where is Tan Xuan, and why hasn't he come to rescue him yet?
He clutched the fire chopstick tightly, crawled under the window, his knees were trembling, and he supported the wall with one hand. He stood up tremblingly, carefully poked through the paper, and looked over to see what was going on outside.

At a glance, he saw the bodies that were not stiff on the ground. The blood was sticky and warm in the dark night firelight. It gathered and spread, intertwined and weaved, dragging people into hell.

In Kyoto and in the palace, he upholds the imperial power and walks around the treacherous court, scheming and being plotted, but he has never seen such a direct and straightforward killing, and people have truly become ants trampled on the ground.

All the blood on his face had faded, cold sweat was dripping down his back, the hand holding the fire chopstick was slippery and cold, and his temples were throbbing with pain. He forced himself to calm down and searched for Huang Yiren's figure in the shadows of swords and swords.


He didn't see Huang Yiren!
King Wei was stunned and couldn't see the corpse on the ground clearly. He didn't know whether Huang Yiren was dead or alive for a while. He could only stare wide-eyed and tried his best, hoping that Tan Xuansu would come to rescue him.

The fighting gradually stopped, the living people were separated on two sides, and there was a sound outside the courtyard door. King Wei's mind tightened, his finger joints were bulging, and they turned blue and white, and he shouted in his heart: "Tan Xuan!"

The door opened with a creak, and in the darkness, two figures stood outside the door and stepped in. One of them was hit by the strong bloody smell, and immediately stopped breathing. He bent over and coughed violently, until his face turned red and his ears were red, and he was dying.

After a moment, he gasped and straightened up, wiped the corners of his mouth with the handkerchief, and threw the bloody handkerchief to the ground.

Soon, his blood and the blood of the deceased were mixed together.

It's not Tan Xuan, it's Mo Qianlan.

King Wei's whole body was so cold that he looked at Mo Qianlan like a ghost. He was pale and his clothes were dark. His silk shoes stepped into a pool of blood, like stepping on karma fire or red lotus, approaching step by step.

Mo Qianlan coughed and collapsed in the strong bloody smell.

But his decline is not the willow tree, but the gods of heaven and earth. Even if the earth falls apart, they can still control the wind and rain, destroying all corners of the world.

King Wei suddenly turned his head and looked around the room. There was nothing behind the screen and it was difficult to hide. The same was true under the tables and chairs. He looked around in panic like a bereaved dog, rolling and crawling towards the screen, trying to hide under the bed.

At this moment, the door of the house opened, and the smell of blood was like a sword, piercing the cigarettes in the house,
King Wei was still one step away from the screen. He stopped suddenly, trembling, his teeth chattering, and his mind went blank. He squeezed out one sentence: "Mo Qianlan, are you going to rebel?"

Yin Bei stepped forward and lit the candle. Mo Qianlan sat down against the copper brazier. The copper beast on top of the stove gave off a hot yellow light under the candle. He warmed his hands and ignored King Wei.

King Wei seemed to be in a nightmare, and thought that Mo Lingfeng had left in a hurry and had not informed Mo Qianlan about the alliance. He immediately said: "I have an alliance with General Xiao Mo. When we were in Kyoto, I helped her, and she We promise the full support of the Mo family!"

Mo Qianlan glanced at him without saying anything, as if the King of Wei was insignificant. She covered her mouth and coughed, urging Yin Bei: "Go and have a look."

Yin Bei responded, walked to the door, looked around, turned around and said: "Uncle, here we come."

King Wei didn't know why, so he stood barefoot and scolded Tan Xuan in his heart. However, the next moment, Tan Xuan rushed in from outside the door.Also thrown in with him was Qi Chang.

Qi Chang lay on the ground, so dusty that he was not noticeable, while Tan Xuan was furious, jumped up and ran towards King Wei, spreading his arms and blocking him in front of King Wei. His anger was beyond words.

"Mo Qianlan!" He yelled angrily, "You are committing an unforgivable crime by rebelling! If you turn around now, you can leave a way for General Mo to survive!"

Although he was angry, he was powerless - both those who were alerted and those who were not alerted were already dead.

Mo Qianlan smelled the aroma in the room and said calmly: "Why am I rebelling? There are powerful enemies in front of me and a big country in the back. The rebellion is also due to the splint."

King Wei sensed a glimmer of hope, but was still confused. Tan Xuan snorted coldly and was about to speak, but Mo Qianlan suddenly said: "Do it."

Yin Bei suddenly made a move, grabbed Tan Xuan, cut off his hands, pushed him to the side of the smoker, kicked away the bamboo smoker where clothes were smoked, revealing a copper basin of water, with a piece of incense floating in it, and a weak charcoal fire below. No one comes to add fuel to the fire.

Tan Xuan struggled, but Yin Bei restrained him with one hand and held the top of his head with the other. He pushed him to his knees and pushed his face into the copper basin.

The man who had just spoken righteously began to struggle and roll in an instant. When he was about to die, his strength was amazing, and he was able to lift his head from Yin Bei's hand: "Pfft."

Yin Bei firmly grasped his wrists and pushed him in again.

Soon his struggle subsided, and only his head was still swinging from side to side. Gradually, even this little swing was gone. He no longer struggled or twitched, and a large pool of filth flowed out from his crotch. Qi also filled the room.

King Wei was extremely frightened. His body was like mud mixed with water, and it was difficult to lift even one of his heavy fingers.

Tan Xuan——dead?
So easy?
Yin Bei picked up Tan Xuan's bun, lifted him out of the copper basin, and placed him on the ground.

King Wei looked at Tan Xuan's ferocious face and heard a violent beating sound in his chest. His legs seemed to be broken, and they fell straight down in pain.

He felt like he was scattered on the ground, falling apart and difficult to pick up.

Mo Qianlan coughed again. After coughing, he pointed at Qi Chang: "This."

Qi Chang lay on the ground, and the water on Tan Xuan's body soaked his sleeves. He did not dare to raise his head, but opened his mouth and shouted what he had prepared for a long time: "Uncle, I did not betray, it was Mr. Zhao who ordered me to do it!"

"Shiheng?" Mo Qianlan stood up and walked to Qi Chang, "Get up and talk."

Bending for too long was also hard on him.

Yin Bei lifted Qi Chang up with a wet hand.

Mo Qianlan held Qi Chang's shoulders: "He ordered you to falsely accuse Ah Gu?"

His hand had no warmth at all, fell weakly and had no strength, but Qi Chang felt as if he was nailed to the ground by an iron claw, making him dizzy.

Swallowing his saliva, Qi Chang shook his head: "It's not the general, it's Wu Jin. In the end, it's to force Wu Jin! Mr. Zhao accepted me as a disciple and taught me, all in order to send me to Kyoto and break Wu Jin's wings! It's just that Mr. Zhao died. It’s so sudden, I haven’t even had time to tell you!” (End of Chapter)

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