Yu Jun

Chapter 369 Death News

The only sounds in the hall were heavy and dragging breathing, and the words from Kuanzhou were like a torture stick, borrowing the general trend of the world to hit the most noble father and son in the world hard.

The emperor closed his eyes for a while, then spoke to break the silence, ordered the prince to stand up, and said slowly: "Recruit strong men and brave women from outside Kuan and Jizhou to serve as garrisons, and select ten commanders from the forbidden army to train troops."

As he spoke, he thought about the prefectures and counties: "The military name is designated as a town. Wangzhou West intersects with Kuanzhou and Jeju East, so the army will be stationed here. Prefectures and counties are not allowed to interfere in military affairs and report directly to the Privy Council."

The prince responded: "Yes, I will inform Privy Envoy Wu before the court tomorrow morning."

The emperor took a few deep breaths: "Tea."

Zhang Gongfeng quickly brought ginseng tea and fed it to the emperor's mouth.

The emperor drank half a cup, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and continued: "Let the Privy Council sort out the military status and eliminate those over fifty and those who are weak. You are the prince and you are also in charge of the household department. How much money can you save by eliminating one hundred thousand soldiers?"

The prince carefully considered his words and replied: "I made a rough calculation. In one year, I can save 500 million taels of silver, 700 million bolts of silk, 100 million tons of cloth, and 300 million shi of grain."

"Then we will eliminate one hundred thousand soldiers," the emperor coughed. "I will do it for you, the bad guy. Just do it for the good guy. I can't let the country be cut off in the hands of our father and son."

After hearing this, the prince wanted to confess again and again, but he was interrupted by the sound of rapid footsteps outside the palace.

On such a windless and rainless night, the sound of footsteps was really harsh.

Zhang Gongfeng walked out quickly, and soon came back, handing the second Kuanzhou letter to the emperor.

"Who did it as an afterthought?" The emperor sneered and opened the sheepskin seal. He frowned when he saw that it was written in Hou Fu again.

"...Mo Mansion sent King Wei's coffin..."

The large piece of writing was shaking in front of the emperor's eyes. His hands were shaking, and so were the people. The words on the paper were filled with his son's blood.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in his ears - his son definitely did not die in the hands of Jin Lu.

Mo family!

With a "pop" sound, he spat out another mouthful of blood and sprayed it on the memorial. The man was like a dead tree, instantly decaying.

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Gongfeng almost fainted, "Send to the imperial doctor quickly!"

"Your Majesty...Daddy!"

The prince was so shocked that his whole body went cold. He managed to calm down and turned around to ask Zhang Gongfeng to keep a close eye on Yanfu Palace. He hesitated in his mind whether to make preparations in advance. He trembled while reading the memorial. Under the blood spots, he saw that there was something hidden in black and white words on the paper. A murder that satisfies his needs.

King Wei is dead.

He raised his head suddenly and looked at the emperor with a dull expression. All the sorrow and joy were hidden under this mask without revealing anything.

He saw that the emperor exuded the same rotten smell as this dynasty. His eyebrows were deeply carved, his face was wrinkled and covered with brown spots, but his eyes were still sharp and piercing.

Even if he is weak and powerless, even if the heavens turn and the dynasty weakens, the emperor is still the lord of the world and will never prostrate himself to the ground because of a strong enemy. The prince saw the frightening ruthlessness in his face.

"His Majesty……"

The emperor's mouth was full of blood, and he lowered his voice amid the chaos in the palace: "Abandon Kuanzhou, do not send military pay, do not send weapons and gunpowder, do not replace state officials, do not recruit soldiers, do not provide disaster relief, close the tea and salt market, close the granaries, and station troops in Outside Jeju, take a look at it slowly." "Yes."

When the prince came out of Yanfu Palace, it was past his prime. The emperor was seriously injured, but he still managed to block the Yanfu Palace to prevent the news of his serious illness from leaking, and then fell asleep.

At this time, the night was already deep, and it was still windless and rainless. The dark night was like a sticky ink, flowing above the majestic palace. The red palace lanterns stretched out one by one, dividing the entire palace into countless pieces.

On this huge chessboard, all the people in the world are not chess pieces on the chessboard, but just a speck of dust on the chessboard. With a casual wave of the sleeves of the players, their joys, sorrows, joys and lives will be wiped out.

No one in the world will find out that Kuanzhou has become an abandoned son, because there will be high-sounding decrees to fulfill the emperor's will. Only the best among them can find out the clues.

But what if it’s discovered?

It's just that death is more painful.

The prince had his hands in his sleeves and was confused, not knowing how to clean up this mess.

The coffin of the King of Wei has not yet arrived, and the funeral has been prepared by the Ministry of Rites beforehand. The peace talks have failed, and the world has to give an explanation. Those who may be held accountable are dead, so who can whitewash the peace?
The next day, when the emperor was out of court, the prince and the Privy Council discussed the establishment of a new army and the elimination of redundant troops. He selected Huang Yiren's confidants and the male members of Huang Yiren's family, and all were taken into the cell. Together, they were questioned about the crime of treason with foreign countries. Three days later he was beheaded.

The ministers in the court were all smart people. They knew that Mo Lingfeng would benefit the most from this incident. He could continue to control the military and control Kuanzhou. The prince's position was also strengthened due to the death of King Wei, but they were all willing to accept it. The Tian family was fooled, and even Yushitai did not dare to ignore the matter.

At the end of October, King Wei's coffin returned to Beijing. Apart from the funeral, the prince had to make decisions on all matters, but there was another matter that put the prince in trouble.

The Ministry of Officials routinely recommends governors, magistrates, and military governors of Kuanzhou. If they are repeatedly shelved, it will arouse suspicion.

He sighed and sighed in the East Palace for two whole days, and then reported to the emperor. On November [-], the emperor summoned the Hanlin Academy to draft an edict, recorded Huang's declaration, appointed Zhang Chongfeng as the edict, and delivered the edict to Kuanzhou.

When the imperial edict arrived in Kuanzhou, it was already mid-November.

In Kuanzhou City, a cotton workshop was built quietly, and female workers were invited to sew cotton clothes for a hundred dollars a day. Poor girls in the city flocked to it, hoping to have work every day.

Mo Lingfeng buried Mo Qianlan, and after inviting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva back from the Cheng family, he chose a sixteenth auspicious day and dug deep with Wu Jin twenty miles north of the racecourse.

There was a simple room built on the river bank, with a rose square table and two high chairs inside. A pot of charcoal fire was burning in front of it. Wu Jin sat in the chair and carefully looked through the fish scale book.

At this time, the pastures and the Shuo River are frozen solid, and the flowing sand on both sides of the Shuo River will not bite people until the next spring, when the glaciers thaw and everything revives, then they will begin to bite people silently.

At the end of the hour, Mo Lingfeng crushed the jade on the ground and walked back against the wind. Her mink fur was covered with snowflakes and her leather boots were stained with mud. She walked outside the house and stamped her feet hard to remove the heavy mud. , patted the mink fur hard, took off the hat, shook it twice, and put it back on.

She opened the door and entered the house, and a warm breeze hit her head and face, making her numb all over and unable to open her mouth. She simply walked to the brazier, knelt down, and warmed her hands before taking the tea cup from Yin Nan's hand.

The hot tea warmed her internal organs.

Putting down the teacup, she sat on the other side of the square table, took out the handkerchief and wiped her nose. After stuffing it back, she stretched her head to look at the fish scale book. When she saw Wu Jin was concentrating on reading the fish scale book of the second year of Yuan Zhang, she turned to Yin Nan and said: "Get some food."

Wu Jin then looked up from the book, closed the book, and drew a line on the paper: "Did you find it?"

Mo Lingfeng shook his head: "Driving down a wooden pile ten feet deep is a waste of effort."

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