Yu Jun

Chapter 370 Treasure Hunt

The wealth of the ten states of the Mo family is hidden by the Shuo River and cannot be dug out except in the cold winter months.

It’s just that time has passed. From the early years of Yuanzhang to the 30th year of Yuanzhang, Kuanzhou suffered three serious floods. The river overflowed and surged tens of feet high. The pastures were gone. There were also earthquakes and the city wall was [-] meters high. Zhang Zhang collapsed, and the wealth of the ten states was no longer where it was.

The soldiers drove down the stakes to no avail.

Yin Nan came back quickly, holding a bag of sugar triangles in one hand and a bag of cakes in the other. He stood at the square table and saw that there were piles of pens, inks, paper and inkstones, fish scale books, and tea cups on the table. There was no room for more.

She tried to put the stack of cakes on the table. Wu Jin moved the tea cup and put the bamboo paper he had drawn on into the book, leaving a space as big as a palm. Yin Nan immediately put the cakes and the sugar triangle on it. , stood aside.

The sugar triangle was deep-fried and was crispy and delicious when it was on the table in Mo's house. However, after traveling here with Mo Lingfeng, he experienced a lot of wind and cold. It was harder than the frozen Shuo River. Mo Lingfeng almost broke his teeth after taking one bite.

She threw away the sugar triangle and went to get the cake.

The cake was made by Hou Ying. It is said that it lasts for a long time and is thinner than steamed cake. The fried sides are golden and still a little warm. She took a bite and pulled the cake forward with both hands. She tilted her head back and made a muffled sound. Afterwards, the person bounced in the chair, his neck "cracked", and his head suddenly buzzed.

She spat out a mouthful of cake and looked at Wu Jin with a blank face: "Is this a cake or a donkey skin?"

Then she handed it to Yin Nan: "Try it."

Yin Nan pulled the cake hard and stuffed it into his mouth. His cheeks were bulging and he was strong, and he quickly swallowed it.

Wu Jin took a piece of cake, tore it into small pieces, and soaked it in a teacup for Mo Lingfeng: "Soak it and eat it."

Mo Lingfeng ate one with hot tea. He was so tired that he couldn't close his mouth. He stretched out his hand to rub his cheeks and said, "Why don't you dig it all over ten miles? You can always find it."

She stood up and put the teapot on the copper brazier. She took the tea cup with her left hand and was about to pour the tea. Wu Jin leaned over and took the teapot from her hand: "I'll do it."

He poured tea, packed up the cakes and sugar triangles, and put them together on the copper brazier cover. He took out the handkerchief and wiped the table clean. He took out the paper he had just put in and spread it out. He put his fingertips on it and said, "I compared it with the Yuanzhang period. The changes in the banks of the Shuo River are not significant due to floods, but they change greatly after the earthquake. In addition to the Yuanzhang period, we also need to find the fish scale books from the Xizheng and Tianyou years after the earthquake."

On the paper are the riverbank lines he has drawn over the years.

Mo Lingfeng blew on the teacup twice, took a sip, held the teacup, bent down to look at the undulating lines on the paper, and after reading it, he raised his head and glanced at Wu Jin.

Wu Jin's complexion gradually improved under Li Yitie's irritable care. The mink fur draped over his broad shoulders and broad back made him look taller and less cumbersome. As long as his words were slightly playful and his expression was slightly charming, he was a romantic figure.

But he is too upright, too old-fashioned, and meticulous in everything he does, which hides a lot of his charm.

Wu Jin raised his head: "What's wrong?"

"I see you're feeling much better."

Wu Jin smiled and put away the book of fish scales he had read: "Yes, Doctor Li said that when spring comes, the needle can be used to draw out the evil heat. After two years, it will be fine for life."

He took out a piece of bamboo paper, wrote down the year of the earthquake in the years of Xizheng and Tianyou, and handed it to Mo Lingfeng: "That's it. After reading it, it's almost done."

Mo Lingfeng put down the tea cup and took the bamboo paper. He smelled the faint medicinal smell on Wu Jin's body and felt a sudden pain in his heart. His eyes were quietly moist. He turned his head pretending to be relaxed and handed the paper to Yin Nan: "Let someone get it. "

She lowered her head and laughed at herself: "The Mo family knows how to hide things."

Just like her, she turned Mo Qianlan into a deep pool, hiding it in her heart and moistening her for the rest of her life.

Wu Jin just didn't know: "Yes, it is hidden here. It has to be the coldest month of winter to break ground. But in this weather, it is difficult to dig down even an inch. To dig things out, people, money, and things are all indispensable."

If you bury it in other high mountains and ridges, you can't dig it today, but you can dig it again tomorrow. If you keep digging in spring, summer, autumn and winter, you can always see something. If you bury it by the Shuo River, you can only break ground in March in winter.

This time, Mo Lingfeng came prepared, but the treasure was no longer where it was.

For the whole day, Wu Jin stayed in this room and read the book of fish scales. Mo Lingfeng was tortured to death by the tough pancake, so he asked Yin Bei to go back to the city to get food.

At the first moment of the Youshi hour, Yin Bei returned from riding, bringing three servants from the Mo family, four food boxes, and a square table, and squeezed into the house.

"General," Yin Bei whispered to Mo Lingfeng, "The imperial envoy from Kyoto has arrived." Mo Lingfeng glanced at Wu Jin - Wu Jin was distracted and immersed in a sea of ​​books. The fish scale book from his early years was missing and incomplete, so he had to read it from other places. Find.

"Go out and talk." Mo Lingfeng took Yin Bei out.

The snow stopped, and the sky turned into a gentle and thin cyan, like a veil covering people's bodies, getting darker little by little.

"Who is coming?"

"The eunuch named Zhang lives in Hou Fuzhong's house and went to our house to report the news."

"Have you gone to Tongpan Mansion?"

"We're gone. Wu Yi went to deliver the letter. Shall we go back to the city now?"

Mo Lingfeng shook his head: "Leave him alone and don't allow him to leave the city."


She turned around and went in, dug Wu Jin out of the mountain of books onto the table, and ate two vegetable buns, tofu, and winter bamboo shoots. Wu Jin ate a jar of rotten mutton soup and sat back down.

Candles were lit in the room, and the sky turned completely dark. Wu Jin fumbled for the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp - there were only a few drops of cold water left in the tea cup. He wet his lips, put down the tea cup, and said nothing. Continue to read the government and county records for the tenth year of Tianyou.

Mo Lingfeng poured the hot water for him and handed the empty teapot to Yin Nan. Yin Nan smashed the ice floe on the barrel, scooped a ladle of ice water and poured it into the teapot. With a "click", the teapot cracked into pieces. Two halves.

Xiao Dou jumped over ten steps away and greeted Yin Nan.

Yin Bei closed his eyes, rolled his eyes hugely in his mind, cursed "Idiot" secretly, took a deep breath, walked to Yin Nan, raised his foot, and pretended to kick Xiao Dou. Xiao Dou would not be able to do anything to his future uncle. Brother used force and ran away. He ran out for about ten steps and then slipped back: "Brother Bei, are we going to dig tonight?"

"Get out!" Yin Bei took the gourd and ladle from Yin Nan's hand, turned around and ordered someone to get another teapot, and at the same time motioned for Yin Nan to get out together.

There was more sound at Haishi.

There was more noise at midnight.

It was even louder when it was ugly.

The lights in the house were kept on, and soldiers from the five capitals took turns patrolling and slept separately. Yin Bei and Yin Nan went back and forth to rest, while Mo Lingfeng guarded Wu Jin, motionless.

The night was still, the soldiers' footsteps were heavy, the snow made a loud noise under their feet, and the campfire made the sound of wood collapsing from time to time. Mo Lingfeng once again gave Wu Jin some water, and Wu Jin suddenly raised his head: "Lingfeng, what time is it? "

Mo Lingfeng said: "Half of the time you are ugly."

Wu Jin stood up in disbelief: "When there is any movement in the city, we will drive piles again."

His eyes were bloodshot: "Twenty miles to the east, five miles to the north."

He took a step forward: "I'll take a rest..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell forward. Mo Lingfeng stepped forward quickly and opened his arms to catch him: "Wu Jin!"

Wu Jin's head was lying in the crook of her neck, his hands hanging limply on both sides, and his two long legs half-kneeling on the ground. Mo Lingfeng was knocked back two steps by his weight, and his back was pressed against the square table. At the same time, he heard His breathing was long and he seemed to be tired and fell asleep.

She held him tightly with both hands, and her heart suddenly became quiet.

Fortunately, there is him.

My lungs are about to cough up. I'll take a day off tomorrow to have a look.

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