Yu Jun

Chapter 371 Excavation

At nine o'clock on the next day, the morning breeze stirred up the cold air and entered the room. It blew through the woman's black temples, brushed the remaining water in the basin, entangled the flames in the stove, rolled up the steam in the pot, grabbed the hems of passers-by's clothes, and made countless noises.

The excitement in the city drowned out the cold wind and the commotion along the Shuo River. Mo Lingfeng and his party moved away from the Kuanzhou City Gate and set up stakes at the location mentioned by Wu Jin.

The rear camp set up three large iron pots and boiled hot water. After the water boiled, the soldiers lifted the iron pots and poured the hot water on the ground.

After pouring hot water three times and waiting for a while, the soil was completely wet. The soldier quickly picked up the shovel, dug a pit, and continued digging for less than two quarters of an hour before the soil froze again.

After repeated watering three times, a pit three feet deep was dug. The soldiers lifted a straight log one foot long with a sharpened bottom and stood it in the hole. They hit it with a hammer and nailed it into the ground bit by bit.

The soldiers took turns beating, breaking the frozen sand. The wooden pile gradually sank under the eyes of everyone. At the beginning of noon, it was still half an arm's length.

Xiao Dou couldn't hide his disappointment, so he stopped, untied the water bag, and took a big sip - the bag contained rice wine, which he drank to ward off the cold.

He let out a breath of white air, picked up the hammer, and with a "drink" sound, he hit the wooden pile, and the wood moved down a little again.

Half an hour later, the wooden pile was level with the ground.

Xiao Dou was exhausted, holding the hammer in both hands, hunched over and looking at Mo Lingfeng: "General, it's over."

Mo Lingfeng sat on a piece of wood with a bonfire burning in front of him. His exposed face was blown purple by the wind. His hands were stretched out above the bonfire, but they were still cold.

She opened her mouth: "Eat."

The soldiers immediately got into action, burying pots to make rice, cutting ice to boil water. The rear camp did not dare to show their shame anymore, and honestly stewed large pieces of mutton in the pot. The broth gurgled in the pot, and oil splatters overflowed. Steamed noodle buns with dried vegetables.

Mo Lingfeng ate three steamed buns with dried vegetables and looked up at the sky. He saw clouds moving with the wind and occasional rays of sunlight, but there was no warmth.

Wu Jin woke up from the hut, washed and tidied up, drank a bowl of soup, and slowly walked to Mo Lingfeng and sat down: "How do you do?"

Mo Lingfeng scooped a bowl of stewed mutton soup for Wu Jin and handed it over: "No, we have to find a new position."

Wu Jin took the bowl, drank it and handed it to Hou Ying. He looked down at the horse dung and stones in the withered grass under his feet, as well as a few clusters of withered buckwheat that had withered but not fallen. Then he looked up at the direction of the city wall. The cracks are consistent with the records of the mansion.

The soldiers had eaten and drank enough and had the strength to dig again. Xiao Dou burped and ran to Mo Lingfeng: "General, where can we go this time? If it doesn't work, we can dig everywhere and we can always find it. "

In the vast withered grassland, it would take half a day to drive a stake, and how long would it take to turn the entire grassland one foot deep?
Yin Beidao: "General, how about driving piles every other mile around here?"

Wu Jin pointed to the wooden pile driven in: "Deeper it by three feet."

Xiao Dou looked at Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng nodded without hesitation. Xiao Dou immediately waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to chop out a short three-foot-long log and stack it on the previous one. Four or five people jumped into the pit and held the log firmly. Everyone got into their positions and continued to exert force on the wood.

After beating again and again, the daylight gradually dimmed. Xiao Dou took the hammer and started swinging it. After two blows, Mo Lingfeng suddenly said: "Stop."

Xiao Dou didn't know why: "General, don't you want to fight?"

Mo Lingfeng stood up and strode to Xiao Dou: "Knock again."

Little Dou followed the instructions, picked up the hammer and hit it hard. The sound of "dong" seemed to have changed slightly, and it was heavier and harder.

"Right here, dig!"

Wu Jin’s inference is correct!

"Dig!" 500 people were divided into ten teams, boiling water and irrigating the ground. Once the soil was soaked, they immediately began to dig deeply. Before the soil froze again, they dug out the mud layer by layer.

At the end of the day, when we were so busy, bonfires were piled up on the grassland, shining brightly. We dug down an inch or two feet deep, and finally dug out several stone slabs.

The stone slabs are three feet square, and not many of them are intact. Most of the stone slabs were broken due to the earthquake and fell into pieces, and their original appearance cannot be seen.

The wealth of the Mo family's ten states was also buried deep in the sand, with only one corner of the box exposed.

As soon as the corner of the box was revealed, everyone's hearts settled - they had found it.

Everyone worked together to dig out the box. Everyone in the deep pit yelled to be careful, fearing that the box would rot after years of contact, but unexpectedly the box was intact.

A piece of hemp rope was thrown down from above. The soldiers below used wooden sticks to pry up a corner of the box and tied it tightly. They shouted slogans and the people above used all their strength to pull up the wooden box.

The wooden box was heavy and creaked while hanging in the air, making everyone nervous. When the box reached the edge of the pit, Yin Bei took matters into his own hands and led four people to move the box in front of Mo Lingfeng.

The dirt on the wooden box was cleaned, and it glowed with a dark purple glow under the firelight. Mo Lingfeng recognized the box at a glance as being made by Nanfang Nan.

There are also several wooden boxes like this in the Mo family's warehouse, with natural landscape patterns on them. When the cloth is stored, there is often a fragrance.

Mo Lingfeng took the torch from Yin Nan's hand and stepped forward to open the lid of the box. Inside the box was a shining golden light, with a gold horse's hoof placed inside.

Wu Jin bent down and took out a piece of horseshoe gold. He and Mo Lingfeng looked at each other and smiled, and they both let out a long sigh of relief.

He handed it to Mo Lingfeng: "One pound and one tablet."

Mo Lingfeng held it in his hand and looked closely at the gold stamp on the horseshoe in the light of the fire.

Wu Jin looked at her amidst the noise. In his eyes, Mo Lingfeng pinched a sun - this golden light was the new life given to her by Mo Qianlan, the brilliance of heaven and earth at her fingertips, and the golden light that Mo Qianlan gave her. The rise of a family is the decline of a decadent dynasty.

It is also the life he has fallen for.

While everyone was shocked by what was in the box, only Yin Nan was arrogant, because standing behind Mo Lingfeng, Wu Jin's every word and action fell into his eyes.

She saw that Wu Jin's lips were tightly closed, with no smile or expression, but something was flowing in his eyes, and it was flowing all over his body. His whole body was like spring water, shimmering, like a returning bird, gentle and affectionate, like starlight, the golden night was the best.

This man named Wu is worthy of being his own general - she thought.

Mo Lingfeng put down the horseshoe gold, Wu Jin looked away and turned to look at Yin Bei: "Move the tables and chairs, bring pens, ink, paper and inkstones to make a book."

"Yes." Yin Bei accepted the order and left.

The stone slabs were moved out one by one, and the boxes were found one after another. Mo Lingfeng sat on the wood, his eyes filled with fire shadows, his nose was filled with the smell of earth and the faint fragrance of nanmu, and he suddenly felt in a trance.

She felt that Mo Qianlan was sitting next to them, wearing a spotless azure gown and a thick crane cloak, with his hands in his sleeves as usual.

He liked to be clean, so he put a cloak on the wood. He looked pale and clean under the firelight. He looked at her with a smile, as if he didn't care about the boxes of unbelievable wealth - as long as he wanted it, He can have it.

Mo Lingfeng knew it was false, but he couldn't help but burst into tears - it would be great if his brother was here.

She quietly looked away and watched Yin Bei staring at the boxes being carried up one by one, arranged neatly, registered by Wu Jin, and then escorted back to Mo Mansion by Yin Nan and Xiao Dou. (End of chapter)

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