Yu Jun

Chapter 392 Quarrel

The Mo family's troops were divided into three groups.

On the first route, Mo Lingfeng led the nomadic ministers and a thousand elite soldiers to capture Jeju with an unstoppable force.

The elite soldiers wore armor weighing fifty-eight kilograms and could fight on foot or on horseback. They carried knives at their waists, carried bows, arrows, and shields. When facing Jinlu's armored cavalry, they could fight one against ten.

The team along this route is the most important. If you decide on Jeju, great things can be expected.

The second group, Xiao Dou, Chang Long and Zhong Tao, led 30,000 troops and headed to Jeju one hour later to replace Jeju's defense.

On the third route, Yinnan took half of the Mo family's military talismans and led 20,000 soldiers to defend Gaoping Village and rescue them at any time.

In the battle of Jeju, there is no need to set up an ambush, just attack with all your strength.

When the time of Xu arrived, Mo Lingfeng led the elite troops first. Wu Jin rode on the side, whipping his horse and whip to keep up with Mo Lingfeng's speed.

The weather in Kuanzhou is chilly, withered grass lying low, and frost condensing under the grass. When a horse's hooves step on it, it will make a breaking sound. It has no time to spread, and is quickly drowned out by the sound of the horse's hooves.

Horse hooves trampled across the racecourse and ran through the streets of Kuanzhou, which shocked the hearts of the people of Kuanzhou. Someone turned on the lights and quietly pushed open the straight window. They saw the female general galloping away. There was a cloak tied outside the armor. The cloak looked like it was filled with wind and waves. It lay flat behind her and became a cloud.

Before they even had time to see who the unarmored scribe beside the female general was, the team had already soared away like a black eagle in the wind.

At Hai hour on the 17th day of the first lunar month, the noise in the city of Jeju gradually subsided. The prefect's Yamen was brightly lit, and several sedan chairs were parked outside the inner Yamen. The gate was tightly held, and the door of the second hall was bolted from the inside, with several attendants guarding the door. , waiting quietly for the people inside to come out.

There were two or three oil lamps burning in the house, and there were shadows of people on the windowsills.

Cheng Taishan sat on the main seat, stretching out his hands to pinch hawthorn sticks to eat. On the other two chairs sat the Jeju governor. Jeju Huang Zhizhou couldn't sit still and wandered around the room.

He stuttered in front of Cheng Taishan: "Are you coming or not?"

Cheng Taishan nodded: "Yunshu, please take a rest."

Huang Yunshu felt a little relieved, let out a breath, frowned, and raised his heart again before it fell to the bottom.

After sitting down for a cup of tea, he stood up again and paced back and forth in the room. After a while, he walked up to Cheng Taishan and said, "Are you sure? Mo - will you come or not? This is no small matter!"

Cheng Taishan rolled his eyes - this colleague asked four or five times in a quarter of an hour, which made the other two people anxious. Qi Zhuan wiped his sweat three times: "Don't worry, I will definitely come."

Huang Yunshu sat back again, and as Cheng Taishan expected, a quarter of an hour later, he leaned over again: "Old Cheng——"

Cheng Taishan stood up suddenly, grabbed a handful of hawthorn sticks and stuffed them into his mouth, pushed him back to his seat, and pushed him into the chair with a slap: "Aren't you fucking annoying? I told you to come later, It will definitely come, who are you trying to worry about in your busy schedule?"

He walked back, picked up the candy box, and placed it on the small table next to Huang Yunshu with a bang: "Can you shut your mouth?"

Huang Yunshu was startled, quickly came to his senses, spat out the stick in his mouth, jumped up from the chair, and pushed Cheng Taishan's chest hard - without pushing.

He pointed at Cheng Taishan's nose, spittle flew, and cursed: "You think I want to ask? Do you think I want to get on your pirate ship? I am a state magistrate, and I can only live in peace with you to kill the nine tribes. Ask Can’t you ask two questions? The garrison at the East City Gate has not rebelled yet, and there are no less than 100,000 soldiers and horses in Wangzhou, so I can’t ask? Mo Lingfeng is still a womanizer, a woman is in charge of the house, and the house is falling apart, so I can’t worry? "

The other two people seemed to have this intention, but they were unable to speak and could only look at Cheng Taishan with their eyes.

Cheng Taishan stretched out his hand to wipe his face, strode to the door, pulled the door open with his hand, and pointed out: "Get out! Get out now! I put the knife on your neck? Qi Chang, He Qing, the same for you, It's too late to leave now!" Huang Yunshu immediately shut up, sat back in his chair angrily, and said weakly: "I'm still a state official, where can I go?"

Working with Cheng Taishan, they were really helpless.

On the surface, the battlefield was in Kuanzhou, but the imperial troops were stationed in Wangzhou. It was obvious that Jeju was regarded as the rotten flesh surrounding the abscess and should be pulled out together.

The officials of Jeju have become abandoned by the imperial court. Leaving the territory privately is a capital crime, and staying on the battlefield is even more difficult to save their lives. When the Mo family army enters Jeju, they will definitely wipe out Jeju first.

They were so anxious that they could only grasp Cheng Taishan's life-saving straw in order to find a way to survive - if Leaffeng won, everyone would be happy; if Leaffeng lost, they would just retort.

What's more, there are still people who can't even find this way to survive.

Cheng Taishan stretched out his hand to close the door, walked back and sat down, with a serious face: "General Mo has a heavy army, so he cannot think of an ordinary woman. She can drive the golden captives to the yellow sand. The Mo family's army should not be underestimated. Besides -"

He glanced at the three of them: "She is not a soft-hearted little girl. When she takes charge of Jeju, she is the king and we are the ministers. Any inappropriate word between the king and his ministers is a death penalty. If you don't understand the situation clearly, please ask leave."

He picked up the tea cup, drank it in one gulp, and said with a sneer: "I know that after the edict, you all wrote letters calling her an evil star evildoer. Now when your lives are at stake, you'd better put aside your prejudices."

Huang Yunshu nodded quickly: "This is natural."

The room fell silent for a while, and the three of them buried their heads in front of the candy box. Although the food was tasteless, they also blocked their mouths.

Full of thoughts, they chewed numbly, their faces looking dull and lifeless. Just when Huang Yunshu's cheeks were hurting, there was sudden movement in the direction of the west city tower. Someone entered the house on horseback. They dismounted until outside the second hall and kicked the door latch. , shouted: "Zhifu Cheng, here we come!"

After stopping eating and drinking, Cheng Taishan stood up, twisted his neck, and strode to the door: "Entering the city?"

The garrison who reported the news walked to the foot of the stone steps, saluted, and replied: "Yes, we have already headed to the east city gate!"

Huang Yunshu quickly ran to Cheng Taishan: "Isn't that a fight?"

Cheng Taishan sarcastically said: "If we don't fight, General Mo will have a drink with them."

Huang Yunshu reached out and touched his nose, speechless. He raised his eyes again and saw a scholar wearing a straight-sleeved gown and a crane cloak walking into the courtyard. Under the light, this man was tall and tall, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. Clear and clear, without any trace of panic, when he walked to the front of Mount Cheng Tai, he bowed deeply and said, "Prefect Cheng."

Cheng Taishan cupped his hands and returned the greeting: "I wish you well, Magistrate Wu."

Everyone in the room blocked the door. When they heard the word "Wu", the word "number one scholar" came to their mind, and they couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

Under Mo Lingfeng's command, there was not only a cunning guy like Cheng Taishan, but also the world-famous scholar Wu Jin!

Cheng Taishan stretched out his hand to brush away the three people who were in the way, and asked Wu Jin to come in: "Although these three people are not honest, they are considered to be honest in Jeju, and they also have their own strengths. Huang Zhizhou is good at arithmetic and served as an official in the Privy Council of Kyoto. Fang Chengshi, his calculations were too clear, so he asked people to be transferred here."

Wu Jin turned around and looked at Huang Yunshu, cupped his hands and said, "Wu also likes arithmetic. I will ask Zhizhou for advice in his spare time."

Huang Yunshu thought of Cheng Taishan's words about monarchs and ministers. Since Mo Lingfeng is the monarch, Wu Jin is the slanderer. He can't afford to offend him, so he returned the favor and said, "I don't dare to do it."

Cheng Taishan introduced the other two people to Wu Jin, and after sitting down, he asked, "Is General Mo's trip going well?"

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