Yu Jun

Chapter 393 Fire

The Mo army entered the city from the west of Jeju, dismounted from their horses, and the soldiers in heavy armor silently approached the east gate with light and fast footsteps. Two miles away from the city tower, they could already see the torches lit on the city tower.

The Jeju garrison has not fought for many years, and its greatest achievement is to capture bandits with the Yamen. It has long since lost its heroic spirit of killing the enemy. After eliminating the old and weak, there are now only 8,000 soldiers and horses left, divided into three armies, two of which are under the control of the army. The soldiers who surrendered without fighting retreated all the way into the embrace of Mount Tai. There was another army that the commander was unwilling to join with the rebellious ministers and traitors, and Wu was not afraid of death, stationed at the east gate.

This army has less than three thousand people. They have been waiting here for a long time for Wangzhou's military order, but no order has ever been received. The messages sent out are like mud and cattle drowning in the sea, with no response. It seems that the wind and rain are dissipating, and everyone's spirit has relaxed.

A soldier came out of the foot shop to urinate, walked to the city gate, yawned loudly, and just stood up when he suddenly saw a longing figure in front of him. He secretly thought that something was wrong. When he opened his mouth to scream, a sudden cold felt on his neck, and blood spurted out.

The killings came quickly and urgently, and the blood soaked the mud in an instant. The soldiers in the camps on both sides of the tower woke up from their deep sleep. They hurriedly prepared their knives and left the camp. They were beheaded as soon as they appeared.

The people near the East City Gate were awakened by this rapid battle. The cold wind carried the smell of blood, penetrated through the cracks in the doors and windows, and was sent to the people's noses in strands.

The nearby Yan Pavilion had already extinguished the lights when the first shout came out. The sound of silk and bamboo instruments rang a few times and then stopped quickly. Everything stopped and the sound of weapons clashing became louder and louder. Getting bigger, the sound of the blade cutting through the rough cloth armor and cutting into the skin and bones can be clearly heard.

In just four moments, the battle situation was decided.

People in the Yan Pavilion heard the sound of fighting gradually subsided, and some drinkers quietly opened the windows and looked out.

Torches were lit everywhere outside the window, illuminating the towers. Battle flags were thrown to the ground. The ground turned into a lake of blood. Bodies were in pieces, like duckweeds, floating on the pool of blood. The sky was dark, not with clouds, but with hundreds of crows. , the wings glowed with blue-green light under the firelight, flying and singing.

The chirping of birds was noisy, and the soldiers in iron armor bent down and lifted up a leg from the ground, dragged a corpse upside down, threw it under the tower, and stacked it on top of each other.

The drinkers couldn't help but be dumbfounded when they saw a big flag planted on the top of the city, with gold characters on a black background and the word "Mo" flying in the air and fluttering in the wind.

Mo Jiajun rebelled!

Gwanju is not a battlefield, Jeju is!

Jeju will definitely be besieged!


Several drinkers who were watching in front of the window panicked and backed away suddenly, shouting "Run!" as they rolled and crawled down. The entire Yan Pavilion became panicked, and the actor's long and wide sleeves She was stepped on and fell to the ground. Immediately, a man's big feet stepped over her body. The brazier in the house was overturned. Hot ashes and red coals rolled down, igniting the curtains hanging on the ground. There was a "sudden" sound. , the fire started raging, but in the blink of an eye, it had already licked the beams.

The smoke is thick, the flames are connected, the beams collapse, and the cries for help are mixed. The closed doors on the street gradually open - the houses are connected to each other, and if you don't rescue, you will soon be burned on your head.

The firelight illuminated the horrified faces. The restaurant next to the Yan'an Restaurant was the first to take action. While shouting to put out the fire, he picked up a bucket, fetched water from a water tank on the street, and poured water into the Yan'an Restaurant that was on fire.

People on the Yan Guan side of the street started to move. People on the other side of the street were dumbfounded, hesitated for a moment, and then started to put out the fire.

Black smoke was everywhere, rubble was broken into pieces, and the ground was covered with scorched earth. Just as the strong wind was rising, the fire suddenly spread into the sky, red flames flew randomly, and the sky was full of fire. The night was like day, and the swallow restaurant, restaurant, and foot shop were reduced to nothing in a blink of an eye. , the fire had already burned to the volcano wall, and the gathered crows fluttered their wings and scattered into the air.

The whole city was shocked.

Several people from the prefecture's Yamen sat up in shock and brought their Yamen servants, waterwheels, long ladders, machetes, and fire hooks to put out the fire.

The manpower was so weak that they could only dig trenches around the volcanic wall. The fire didn't stop until half of the street was burned.

The smoke and ashes annihilated the actors and prostitutes, burned and killed the children of drunkards, and burnt out the huts on the towers. The people gathered around here and no one noticed that the battlefield of Dongcheng Tower had been tidied up, and Jeju was about to be turned into a battlefield in an instant.

Wu Jin let go of the bucket, his hands were red, and turned to look at the east tower. Once the fire was extinguished, the top of the city was also dim, but he could see people on the gate tower, arrow tower, main tower, city head, partition wall, and east and west corridors. handle. He could tell Mo Lingfeng apart at a glance. Even though he couldn't see her face clearly, her expression at this moment could still be seen in his mind - that kind of indifference that was very similar to Mo Qianlan's. The suffering of the common people was not in his eyes, and the people of the world were not in his heart. Just win or lose, just look at the pros and cons.

When a young tiger grows into a ferocious tiger, it still needs a cage.

He withdrew his gaze, and Cheng Taishan also looked eastward: "Fire"

The rumble of horse hooves interrupted his words and rolled into the ears of everyone in the city like thunder. The noisy fire scene suddenly became silent. Everyone was frightened and looked towards the west side where the sound came from.

The sound got closer and closer, and stopped outside the city gate. Just when everyone didn't understand why, the sound of horse hooves started again.

A small group of men and horses rushed into the city, and within a moment, they appeared in front of everyone. The military flags rolled like dark clouds covering the moon, and the spearheads shone like frost and dew. The swords were unsheathed, lying horizontally in their hands, and they headed straight for the east city gate. .

Cheng Taishan shouted "get out of the way" and pushed the people away with both hands to get out of the street. The people ran around in disorder. This group of people, led by Zhong Tao, reached the place where the fire broke out in the blink of an eye. Due to strict military discipline, no one paid much attention to the tragic scene of the fire. , walked directly to the east city gate, rolled his saddle and dismounted, and went up to the city tower to pay his respects to Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng quickly arranged for soldiers to guard the gates of Jeju City and control the main roads of Jeju. The most important thing was the East City Gate bordering Wangzhou.

Although the east gate is high, it is not dangerous. The trench is narrow and short. The river has dried up. There is a smooth road outside. It is necessary to dig a deep trench immediately and arrange knives and forks to stop horses.

Zhong Tao led people back to the west city gate to deliver the order, and the soldiers below the city tower opened the gates under the gate tower and the archery tower in turn.

The door below the city gate opened and closed every day. Although it was heavy, the door hinge was very flexible. Two soldiers moved the copper bolts weighing hundreds of kilograms, and the remaining six people separated on the left and right, holding the door leaf, and pushed it out little by little.

The door is open, and there is a solid mud road outside the city gate. Thirty miles further, you will reach Wangzhou.

The people were silent. A man sitting in the ruins suddenly stood up and ran towards the city gate.

The sound of footsteps was ear-piercing, and under the astonished gazes of everyone, the man rushed past the soldiers like wind, rushed out of the city gate, and fled from Jeju.

Mo Lingfeng lowered his head and looked at the dark crowd below. He did not stop him. He pointed at Wu Jin, who stood out from the crowd in the fire field, and told Nomad Qing: "Take ten people over to help Magistrate Cheng catch the silverfish."

The shivering crowd was still noisy.

"There's going to be a war!"


"I haven't picked up the things yet—"

"What are you taking! There's no telling when the city gate will be closed!"

The sound of horse hooves came from behind again, and the soldiers had begun to set up defenses. Someone was carrying his mother on his back and holding his wife in a panic, and hurried out of the city gate. There were parents running out with their children. When they passed the soldiers, the children's shoes were too big. He fell to the ground involuntarily, rolled up and got up, and ran out of the city gate with bare feet.

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