Yu Jun

Chapter 394 Cutting the Trouble with a Quick Sword

People fled Jeju frantically.

There was chaos at the gate of the city, with people who had nothing to offer running at the front. There were businessmen riding horses and driving carts, wrapping gold and silver. There were scattered objects all over the ground. Some people took the risk of turning back to go home to get their things.

Wu Jin stretched out his hand to pick up the child who had been pushed to the ground. Cheng Taishan stood at the gate of the city with his arms and hands, staring at the panicked faces under the firelight.

Huang Yunshu, Qi Chang, and He Qing stood shoulder to shoulder, touching each other, one after another, standing behind Nomad Qing, looking at each other, and then looking at the long swords in the hands of Nomad Qing and others, their palms couldn't help but get wet - the people can Leave, officials cannot leave.

Huang Yunshu's sharp eyes saw a carriage from Zhang Shibo's residence crashing behind the crowd. His heart jumped suddenly. He reached out and poked Cheng Taishan in the back and said loudly: "The carriage with the blue curtain, Zhang Daoling!"

Cheng Taishan immediately pointed at the carriage: "Stop it."

The Nomad Qing waved his hand, and a soldier rushed over like an arrow. He directly pulled the coachman down, jumped onto the carriage, stretched out his hand to hold the bridle, reined in the frightened yellow horse, stopped the carriage, then lifted the curtain, and the female family members screamed in surprise. A middle-aged man with fair skin and tender flesh was pulled out from the sound.

The man was heavy and his clothes were bulging. During the struggle, the soldiers forcibly dragged him out of the carriage and dragged him to Cheng Taishan.

The laces on his clothes were broken, and the gold hidden in his arms fell to the ground and rolled at the feet of the soldiers. A small ingot of gold fell into a broken shoe that had been lost. It was particularly dazzling. Several men rushed forward to grab it frantically. Beat him outside the city gate.

A female family member on the carriage turned pale, stretched out her head covered with gold and jade jewelry, and burst into tears: "Master!"

Zhang Shibo was so embarrassed that he turned around and shouted: "Quickly leave!"

The female family member retracted her head with tears streaming down her face, trying to get the coachman to leave quickly. Unexpectedly, the coachman was nowhere to be seen. She suddenly became very anxious. A young man emerged from the carriage, grabbed the reins with all his strength, and with a vigorous shake, the carriage rushed out in an awkward manner.

Zhang Shibo saw his wife and children leaving with no one to stop him. He was half relieved, but he still felt as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling. His heart almost rolled out of his mouth, and his face turned red.

He was sweating profusely. Seeing that Huang Yunshu and others were intact, he barely had a glimmer of hope in his heart - Mo Lingfeng was guarding Jeju. He was short of money and food, but he had it.

He looked at Cheng Taishan and straightened his tongue: "Brother Taishan, please let me see General Mo. I have something important to discuss with General Mo!"

Cheng Taishan stared at the crowd and replied casually: "What's the matter?"

Ambassador Zhang Shi took out a bag of gold from his sleeve pocket and handed it to Cheng Taishan: "I have family wealth, and I am willing to use it as military pay! As long as General Mo spares my life!"

Cheng Taishan glanced at Wu Jin, walked out without taking the gold, and grabbed a colleague from the crowd who was trying to fish in troubled waters.

Zhang Shibo was very good at observing words and expressions. When Cheng Taishan saw Wu Jin, he immediately sensed that Wu Jin might be someone close to Mo Lingfeng. He also saw that Wu Jin had an elegant face and a gentle demeanor. He immediately stepped forward and took the two unknown people to him. Valuable knees fell to the ground.

"Comrade, please save my life!"

Huang Yunshu was impatient and rushed forward, snatched the gold from envoy Zhang Shibo's hand, handed it to the soldier on the side, and raised his hand to give him a slap on the face.

"The government office in the city has been in arrears with wages for more than half a year. Every time I ask your shipping department for taxes, you shirk all kinds of excuses. Now that you are fleeing, you just have a bag of gold and silver!"

He grabbed Zhang Shibo's collar and lifted it up - without moving, so he let go and pointed at Wu Jin: "This is Wu Zhuangyuan who remonstrated in front of the late emperor. Wu Zhuangyuan hates evil as much as his hatred. Tomorrow he will Hang you on the city wall and use you as a target!"

He turned around and asked Wu Jin, "Do you think so?" Zhang Shibo opened his mouth, his eyes widened, and looked at Wu Jin: "Xueshi Wu... no, Magistrate Wu..."

He knew the origins, grades, and promotions of most of the officials in the DPRK, and Wu Jin was one of them.

Wu Jin stood quietly in the chaos. Hearing this, he looked at Ambassador Zhang Shibo: "I still don't know the depth of the crime that Commander Shibo committed. Don't talk nonsense about killing people."

Zhang Shibo's eyes suddenly lit up. He felt that he had a chance to survive, but also felt that Wu Jin was being fooled. Just when he was about to speak to defend himself, he heard Wu Jin say: "Even capital crimes can be classified into serious or serious ones, such as strangulation, abandonment of the city, and imprisonment. They are all different and cannot be generalized.”

Huang Yunshu immediately laughed and said: "Those hanging on the top of the city are all light, it must be Lingchi!"

Wu Jin nodded and said: "Huang Zhizhou has been in charge of the general affairs of Jizhou for six years. He is also proficient in arithmetic. He is a talent in the line of planning. He knows the entrance and exit of the docks and the level of taxes. Soon I will sort out all the affairs in Jizhou and investigate. I would like to ask Huang Zhizhou to help us to clear up the malpractice."

When Huang Yunshu heard that Wu Jin highly praised him and mentioned the word "jixiang", he was immediately elated. He secretly said that Wu Jin has a bright eye and a bright heart. He is Huang's boss. He raised his hand and patted his chest: "This is natural."

The pain in his chest had not gone away. He suddenly came to his senses and felt that Wu Jin had quietly dug a hole and buried him in it - Jeju's future was uncertain, how could he sell himself?

Turning to look at the other two speechless friends, he looked at Wu Jin awkwardly: "Well... let's focus on immediate matters first..."

Wu Jin smiled calmly: "Huang Zhizhou's talented people are already in high positions in Zhizhou. No matter where they go in the future, they will not be buried. Wu will not force it."

Huang Yun's book is quick to speak: "A Zhizhou is a Zhizhou, but the Zhizhou of Jeju does not have three or two levels, and he has to eat himself."

He walked back and stood next to Qi Chang, taking a look at Wu Jin who was silent and then looking at the increasingly empty Jeju City. His thoughts were racing in his heart, and he had been moved by Wu Jin.

Within an hour, the people in the city kept leaving, and the streets gradually became empty. The people who were unable and unwilling to leave Jeju returned home. The Mo army entered the city one by one, putting their hands everywhere and digging deep trenches.

The silverfish caught under the city tower were standing in groups. Mo Lingfeng had no expression on his face. He came down from the city tower with a knife in hand. He glanced at the shivering officials of the Shipping Department and said to Wu Jin: "I don't know what happened to the camp outside the west city. You can leave for me." Just ask Zhong Tao to come over, I'll wait here."

She took the riding whip from Nomad Qing and gave it to Wu Jin. She assigned ten soldiers to accompany Wu Jin.

Wu Jin took the riding whip, rode away, and the downstairs of the East City was silent again.

Cheng Taishan took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "General Mo, of these thirteen people, six are officials from the Municipal Shipping Department, and the other seven are from the Tea and Salt Departments."

Mo Lingfeng glanced at it, took a step back, and said casually: "Kill."

The words that should not be criticized were spoken in an understatement. Everyone was shocked. Ambassador Zhang Shibo said loudly: "General Mo——"

With a "swish" sound, the sharp blade was unsheathed, and the cold light shone on the iron clothes. The soldiers stepped forward amidst everyone's exclamations, showing no mercy.

The speed was so fast that even Cheng Taishan stood on the spot in shock.

They hated these detestable colleagues and wanted to die, but death came so unexpectedly that they all felt infinite fear.

They had never witnessed the scene of soldiers fighting. An hour later, Mo Lingfeng cut through the mess with his sword and created a Shura field again.

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