Song Hongguo didn't care whether the art troupe was bad or not, what she cared about was Feng Qiuping's purpose.

The system also reacted and said anxiously, "Feng Qiuping won't shamelessly steal the country's cultural relics by touring everywhere, right?"

Song Hongguo said calmly, "Be confident, she just had this idea, and she dragged Wang Erni with her to act as a shield for her."

The system suddenly became anxious, "What should we do? Is there any way to stop her?"

Song Hongguo reminded, "Isn't the key to this matter your colleague? No matter how talented Feng Qiuping is, he can't go hunting for treasures by himself. The source lies on No. 19. Feng Qiuping is just a tool."

Hearing this, the system suddenly became mute.

Song Hongguo was extremely curious, "Can't your system report it? This behavior on the 19th clearly violates the law. Isn't there no one who can control it?"

The system kept it secret, "Some things are not as simple as you think. They are not black and white at any time."

Song Hongguo sneered, "In short, there's nothing you can do about it, right?"

The system said a dull "hmm" and added in a respectful tone, "This is all temporary, and there will definitely be a solution in the future."

Song Hongguo mocked lightly, "I understand, justice will be late, but it will never be absent. I understand."

The system smiled bitterly, and then said to please, "Host, let's think of a solution from Feng Qiuping's end. As long as we can stop her, No. 19 can't go anywhere else."

Song Hongguo snorted softly, "Don't count on me, I can't help it."

"Host..." The system continued to beg coquettishly.

"Stop!" Song Hongguo was completely unmoved, "I've said it before, I'm not that great, and I don't want to be a hero. I know how much I weigh. There are some things I can do, but there are some troubles. Humph, should I take care of it?"

In the end, he couldn't calm down, so he added unhappily, "I'm just a doctor, not Jingcha. Besides, ask yourself, do I still have too few things to take care of now?"

After hearing the last sentence, the system was completely speechless.

After the meal, several children were full of energy and ran out to catch cicadas with poles. The four of them moved to the front building and sat in bamboo chairs to drink tea.

With reed curtains to provide shade and a clump of green bamboo as a backdrop, the place looks particularly leisurely and cool.

Song Hongbing slumped in his chair, waving the cattail leaf fan and sighing like Han Ying, "It's so comfortable. Your life is so beautiful. I'm envious..."

Han Ying hit him, "It's useless no matter how envious you are. In the future, only Huo Gong can live here and enjoy it."

Song Hongbing choked and turned to ask Huo Minglou and Song Hongguo, "When are you going to take care of your affairs? Do you have to go back to the imperial capital?"

Song Hongguo found it difficult to answer this, but Huo Minglou said, "It's almost time."

"Huh?" Song Hongguo turned to look at him. Why didn't she know it was almost time?
Huo Minglou cleared his throat uncomfortably, and said with a gentle tone, "Didn't you say that we would go to the teacher's house for dinner at the end of the month? There are still five days, isn't it soon?"

Song Hongguo was speechless. He was trying to change his concept, but she couldn't refute it.

There was a voice in her heart that made her not want to refute.Song Hongbing smiled ambiguously, "It turns out that it's the end of the month. That's really fast enough. Hehe, it seems I have to save money quickly. When my brother gets married, he must give a generous red envelope."

After saying that, he didn't forget to cue Han Ying, "You can't be stingy about your relationship with Dr. Song, right? How much money are you planning to give? Tell me and make me jealous."

Han Ying rolled her eyes and said, "Take care of yourself, don't wait until we are all married, you are still a bachelor, you can't receive a red envelope, just follow others, that will be an embarrassing tragedy. "

Song Hongbing fell back in anger.

Song Hongguo changed the subject decisively, "Um, do any of you have connections that can help arrange a job in the factory? It doesn't matter, just do it temporarily."

Hearing this, Huo Minglou asked, "Is he someone very close to you?"

According to her temperament, she would not say this unless she was close to someone.

Song Hongguo said, "Well, call me cousin, Xu Jiashu. She is fifteen this year. She is very diligent, has a flexible mind, and has good eyesight. His parents have passed away, and he was also an employee of our factory during his lifetime."

After hearing this, Huo Minglou guessed who it was, "In his case, it is said that he can enter the factory without finding a way out, and he will still be treated like a formal worker..."

After a pause, he said clearly, "Is it because his parents' job opportunities were taken up by other relatives in the family?"

Song Hongguo said "Yeah", "Otherwise, he wouldn't be doing part-time work outside. It's really not a long-term solution to have a meal without a meal."

Huo Minglou nodded, "That really won't work. If it's bigger, it might be harder to get a foothold. I'll go to the personnel department to ask in the afternoon. It shouldn't be difficult to arrange temporary workers..."

Han Ying cracked the melon seeds and took over the words very naturally, "Our trade union can also help us talk about this kind of thing. I will also go there in the afternoon. There is strength in numbers."

Song Hongbing was more direct, "If he can endure the hardship, I can help him arrange a position in the loading and unloading team. The salary is also good. It will not be difficult to become a full-time employee in the future."

Before Song Hongguo opened her mouth, Huo Minglou refused, "He is still too young, and the work of the loading and unloading team is a burden to adults. Even if he can endure hardships, he can't do it. He should go to some workshop to learn It’s a practical technique. If you work as an apprentice for a few years, you’ll have a bright future when you graduate.”

After finishing speaking, he asked Song Hongguo, "What do you think? In the long run, I think this arrangement is better. Of course, we have to respect his ideas. Otherwise, you can tell him about these situations and ask for his opinion." ? Sometimes, what we think is good may not necessarily be good to others."

Song Hongguo smiled and nodded. Her boyfriend was very considerate, had a long-term vision, and had an attitude towards others, which was very popular with her.

The system couldn't help but said sourly, "The male god is so good at behaving and doing things. He talks about everything in your heart, right? If we are in love with each other and have the same three views, you are God's daughter, right?"

Song Hongguo ignored the sour words and replaced the wine with tea, thanking Han Ying and Song Hongbing. It was so difficult to find a job now, but with her words, people refused without any hesitation. This was love.

Taking advantage of the time, Huo Minglou and Song Hongbing rode away. Han Ying took a day off and didn't need to go to work in the afternoon, so he stayed until they had another meal of dumplings in the evening and then went out with her.

Today it was Song Hongguo's turn to go to class, but this time the brothers did not follow her. Instead, Zhao Zhenhua called them to swim in the reed pond again.

When we arrived at the commune, it was only seven o'clock, and the dumplings she brought were still hot. Huo Minglou was waiting for her at the entrance of the park. After the two met, they found a quiet place to eat before going there leisurely. to school.

It was rare for the two of them to have such a leisurely opportunity to walk on the street, and there were no children following them, so there was a bit of annoyance between the two of them. When they entered the school, before it was time for class, Huo Minglou's eyes dropped several times. On her slender waist, he couldn't hold it back in the end, and pulled her into the woods with a blushing face. (End of chapter)

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