Tonight's class was as enthusiastic as last time. After it ended, many people still shouted that they hoped she could come every day and not change people all the time.

This proposal attracted many people's approval.

There was an outspoken person who said directly, "None of the other people's classes are as interesting as Dr. Song's. It's boring to listen to."

When these words came out, someone immediately echoed, "Yeah, it's still fun to listen to Dr. Song's class. I never tire of it. For others, it was okay the first time, but after listening to it again, it's like eating chewed sugar cane." ."

"I still have too little ink in my stomach. I make it up again and again, just a few things and nothing new. Unlike Dr. Song, the story is different every night. Oops, now I don't listen to it any day. I won’t be able to sleep.”

"Hahaha, what Dr. Song talks about is not a lullaby. What he talks about is spreading knowledge. Don't just listen to the story and forget everything you should learn and remember. That will betray Dr. Song's good intentions. "

"Yes, yes, we can't put the cart before the horse. The lesson that Dr. Song painstakingly compiled is not to coax us to come and listen to stories. It is to spread gynecological knowledge and for the health of us lesbians. Everyone should also take it. Such love."

"That's a must……"

With such voices of support and praise, naturally there are also negative thoughts. However, the positive voices are louder and overwhelming, making some small thoughts dare not come forward at all.

Comrades from the Women's Federation came to discuss with her, "Dr. Song, you see, we cannot ignore the voice of the masses. Can your hospital consider it?"

Song Hongguo smiled helplessly, "I have no say in this matter."

If she opened her mouth to mention it, she would definitely gain a reputation as someone who could not be tolerated.

In fact, she didn't care at all. If someone offered to help her share the work, how could she refuse stupidly?

The other party is also very understanding of human nature. Hearing this, he nodded understandingly, "Then let me mention it to you, Dean Zhang, later. Although this class is not about treating a doctor, not everyone can do it. Let's organize this event together. The original intention The purpose is to benefit the majority of lesbians and learn more about gynecology, but if they don’t buy it and can’t even listen to the class, then wouldn’t the point of organizing this event be lost?”

What they said was clear and logical, but Song Hongguo couldn't refute it at all and could only listen with a smile.

On the way home, Song Hongguo asked Huo Minglou his opinion, "What do you think about this matter?"

Huo Minglou said without thinking, "I think the masses have sharp eyes, and the voices of the masses should be taken seriously. The Women's Federation's decision considers the issue from the standpoint of the majority of lesbians, and deserves recognition and support." "

Song Hongguo, "..."

Huo Minglou asked, "Are you worried that other colleagues in the hospital will have opinions?"

Song Hongguo shook her head, "I don't care too much about other people's attitudes, I just feel like I'm taking on too much..."

The more she takes on, the greater the responsibility. It’s no wonder that the system wants to push all the work to her.

Huo Minglou said seriously, "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight."

"I didn't want to wear a crown." "But depending on your ability, whether you are willing or not, the crown will be put on your head. Wearing the crown, you have to bear its weight, but at the same time, the crown is also an armor to protect yourself. .”


The Women's Federation's work efficiency was still very high. The next day, they found Director Zhang and reflected the opinions and expectations of the female employees in the factory. At the end, they explained in a very sincere manner, "We don't have any opinions about Dr. Liu. Dr. Liu's class is also very good, right? Everyone prefers to listen to Dr. Song's lectures, haha, everyone has their own preferences for carrots and vegetables, and we can't control it, right?"

Dean Zhang understands in his heart that it is not that everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables, but that with the pearl in front of him, it will be difficult for others to take notice.

After the people from the Women's Federation left, he called Liu Jinglai, expressed the Women's Federation's attitude tactfully, and finally said with relief, "Don't be discouraged, your lectures are still very good, but the people in the factory Female workers may be used to listening to Dr. Song’s classes, so..."

Liu Jing's face changed before he finished speaking. She couldn't listen to the so-called comforting words that followed. She sat on the sofa, holding the corners of her clothes hard with her fingertips, trying not to lose her composure, but her voice was still the same. He couldn't help but be a bit sharp, "Is this the Women's Federation's decision, or is it Song Hongguo's decision? Or is it your decision?"

Hearing this, Dean Zhang's face darkened in displeasure, "What do you mean by this?"

Liu Jing said mockingly, "What could I mean? How dare I mean anything? I've only had two classes, and she couldn't tolerate it. Ha, I said, why did she agree so happily before? It turned out to be She has such an idea, first give me hope, and then take it away with her own hands, she is really good at it!"

The more Dean Zhang listened, the darker his face became, "Do you miss Dr. Song so much?"

Liu Jing asked unwillingly, "What else? In the past two days, I have received a good response from my classes. The female workers all listened with interest, and the learning effect is obvious to all. But after she takes over again, she will kick me out. What do you want me to think? She? Dare you say that this matter was not instigated by her? I think it was designed by her from beginning to end, just to make me laugh and highlight her own abilities. "

Dean Zhang shook his head in disappointment, "Dr. Song doesn't need to rely on this method to show off herself. Her ability cannot be blocked or replaced by anyone. You think too highly of yourself. You are not even her opponent." , why does she need to spend energy designing you? What does she want? "

These words were slapped on Liu Jing's face mercilessly, even harder than a slap on the ear. They simply dragged her down and trampled her down to the point of being worthless, destroying the pride she had gained for so many years.

She stood up quickly, trembling all over because of humiliation and anger, "Dean Zhang, they say you are fair, but is this how you treat every comrade fairly? Your equal treatment is to suppress others and bias Song Hongguo one?"

Dean Zhang laughed angrily!

Liu Jing still said, "I'm not convinced! I demand fair and equitable treatment, but you still can't do it. I can only react like a superior leader."

Dean Zhang pointed to the door, "Just go!"

He, Zhang Zhengde, stands upright. Sitting in this seat, he has never done anything untoward, yet he even threatened him...

Liu Jing clenched her fists and walked out. When the wind blew, her mind became clearer. However, she had already let out her cruel words. Now she was riding a tiger and couldn't get off, so she could only walk all the way to the dark side.

Furthermore, she had no other choice. If she left in despair according to Dean Zhang's wishes, would she still have the face to see others?
Didn't what she did before really become a joke?
Besides, she didn't think she was any worse than Song Hongguo. In the final analysis, it was Song Hongguo who was reluctant to give up the glory and only wanted to monopolize the glory, while Dean Zhang favored her, protected her, and helped her eliminate dissidents.

Therefore, she couldn't admit defeat and was forced to a dead end. She could only give it a try. If she won, Song Hongguo's glory would be hers from now on. She would turn around from now on. If she would just be like this. Could the situation be worse? ?

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