Chapter 180
Jiang Jingwen and his wife asked Jiang Jingyuan many questions, and they cared about everything.Even Jiang Jingwen's two sons have never received so much care from their parents.

Jiang Jingyuan was only four years older than his eldest nephew Jiang Chengyi.Jiang Jingyuan was only two years old when the mother of Jiang Jingwen's brothers died.Jiang Jingwen and his wife raised Jiang Jingwen like a son.

What's more, the old man in the family dotes on the youngest son the most, and even Jiang Chengyi, the eldest grandson, has to stand back.

However, although Jiang Jingyuan was cared by the whole family, he didn't grow up a little bit. On the contrary, he was very outstanding and a role model among his peers.

Then Jiang Jingyuan asked about the Pang family.The police interrogated Pang Jialiang, who provided Pang Jiarong with drugs, but did not find any valuable information.

Pang Jialiang asked someone to find the medicine in a dance hall, and later someone came to him and provided him with the medicine.He didn't know that person at all, and he didn't see the real face of that person, so he couldn't find out the person who gave him the medicine.The clues just stopped.

The three members of the Pang family will end up in jail, and Jiang Jingwu also sued Pang Huijuan for divorce as quickly as possible.Jiang Jingwu and Pang Huijuan soon divorced because of Pang Huijuan's criminal facts.

Jiang Jingwu finally got rid of the marriage with Pang Huijuan and felt a lot more relaxed in his heart. The anguish and bondage that had been pressing on his heart finally disappeared, and he was finally free.From now on, he can live freely and work harder, without having to clean up the mess for Pang Huijuan.

As for his and Pang Huijuan's two children, he will fulfill his father's responsibility and support them to complete their studies until they can support themselves.

On the tenth day, Mo Qing finally found the second chemical ingredient he needed.This is undoubtedly great news for Jiang Jingyuan.

The remaining ingredient, Mo Qing, is going to find it from marine life.She directly asked Mi Gao to check the database and found out that this chemical composition was contained in a marine animal.

She drew this animal for Jiang Jingyuan to identify.Jiang Jingyuan looked at the strange thing on the painting and didn't know what it was.

Jiang Jingyuan went to ask a professional who studies marine life, and he was told that this kind of marine animal is called horseshoe crab, and its blood is blue.No one eats it, and it is not sold in the market.

Mo Qing got the news brought back by Jiang Jingyuan and looked at the date. School will start in five days. It is best for her to go to the beach in these few days.

If you can't catch it on the beach, you have to dive to the bottom of the sea to find it.Fortunately, these horseshoe crabs are in shallow water, so it shouldn't be difficult to catch them.

Mo Qing has advanced diving equipment, she can also dive, but it is not suitable for others to see.

So she was going to act alone, without letting Jiang Jingyuan know, otherwise he would have to follow.

When Jiang Jingyuan came to deliver food to her again, Mo Qing said: "Brother Jiang, I want to rest for two days. You don't have to bring me food for these two days. I don't know when I will sleep in the morning. I will eat by myself." Just make some food at home or go out to buy something. You are tired enough to run back and forth every day."

Jiang Jingyuan also knew that Mo Qing was really tired these days dispensing medicine for him, and he didn't doubt Mo Qing's words, "Well, you can take a good rest these two days. I won't bother you."

That night, Mo Qing put away all the instruments and equipment in the house, and she was worried about leaving them here when she was not at home.She packed some more things and set foot on the train to the coastal city the next day with a backpack on her back.

Because school was about to start, Mo Qing didn't go far, but chose the shortest way to go to the beach.That afternoon, Mo Qing reversed several times before reaching the beach.

The beach Mo Qing went to had no sandy beach at all, but a rocky beach.She walked along the sea for a long time before finally seeing the sand.

It was dark and cold.Taking advantage of the cover of night, Mo Qing put the backpack into the dimension space, and then changed into the diving suit.

Mo Qing's diving suit is a high-tech product. It can maintain a constant temperature without making divers feel cold or hot. There is also a self-made oxygen device that allows divers to work underwater for a long time.There is also a sonar detection system, which has the function of sound waves to drive away dangerous animals and so on.

In short, Mo Qing is not afraid even if he dives into the sea in the dark.Besides, she still has a dimensional space, if any large sea animal wants to hurt her, she can take it into the dimensional space.She also has special weapons for underwater use, so it is impossible to harm her.

Under the cover of night, Mo Qing walked into the sea and slowly sank into the sea.The lighting system of the diving suit is very advanced and can illuminate a wide range around.

Mo Qing has long been interested in the ocean of this planet, and has long wanted to see it, but has never had the chance.If it wasn't for dispensing medicine for Jiang Jingyuan this time, she probably wouldn't be able to make a decision.

Mo Qing was swimming in the sea like a lively fish.There are so many creatures in the ocean that Mo Qing feels that his eyes are not enough.

She puts away some of the creatures she is interested in, even if she doesn't eat them, she can still use them for research.The fish and shrimps and other seafood in the water are the most, Mo Qing just swallowed his mouth watering thinking about the delicious seafood, watching the fish swimming around in front of him are all delicacies.

Mo Qing couldn't help but caught a lot of sea fish, shrimp, and big crabs.When she goes back, she can enjoy a delicious seafood meal to her heart's content.

As Mo Qing dived deeper and deeper into the seabed, there were more and more marine life.

When Mo Qing turned her head, she was suddenly dazzled by a bright light. She turned her head and saw that it was a pink pearl.This big pearl was half buried in the sand on the bottom of the sea, if it wasn't for the bright searchlight in front of Mo Qing's head, it would have been hard to find it.

Mo Qing dug out this pearl from the sand and held it in his hand to measure it to two centimeters. It is really a big pearl.

Mo Qing estimated that the mother-of-pearl that gave birth to this pearl should have died, and for some reason this pearl was brought to shallow water.

I don't know how many years it will take for this pearl to grow to such a large size.It must be very valuable, Mo Qing felt that this trip was worthwhile, so she happily put the pearl away.

Mo Qing felt that the bottom of the sea was full of treasures, and she also found a lot of corals, so she directly collected two coral trees.

Mo Qing's most important thing is to look for horseshoe crabs, and finally found horseshoe crabs in the seabed sand at a depth of more than 40 meters.Mo Qing saw this ugly guy but thought they were cute.This is baby.

Mo Qing caught some horseshoe crabs, but she didn't intend to kill them directly, she just took a small amount of blue blood from each of them, and then released them again.In this way, these horseshoe crabs can survive.Mo Qing was not willing to kill such precious things.

(End of this chapter)

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