Mo Qing worked all night to collect enough horseshoe crab blood, and swam ashore before dawn.

It wasn't until she changed out of her diving suit and put on the clothes she was wearing that she felt that this morning at the seaside in the first lunar month was really too cold.

Mo Qing took out two warm treasures with solar cells, opened them and hung them directly in her arms. Soon the warm treasures brought warmth to her body, and she didn't feel so cold anymore.

She looked around, and there was no one around here. She took out a small soup pot and cooked a pot of hot instant noodles for herself directly on the solar induction cooker. There were also some sea prawns she had peeled in it. People's appetite is greatly increased.

Mo Qing cooked three bags of instant noodles and a lot of shrimp meat, and all of this pot of seafood instant noodles went into her stomach.The stomach is full, and the body feels warm and comfortable, and it is not cold anymore.

Mo Qing was enjoying the beautiful scenery of the sea in a happy mood, but she didn't know that Jiang Jingyuan and Xu Tingyan couldn't get through her phone because there was no mobile phone signal here, and they couldn't reach her. Both of them were in a hurry.

Mobile phones are still scarce now, and there are not base stations everywhere.Mo Qing, there may be a signal somewhere in the wilderness here.

Both Jiang Jingyuan and Xu Tingyan couldn't get in touch with Mo Qing. They were both very anxious, so they went to Mo Qing's house after talking with each other.But two people knocked on the door for a long time but no one opened the door.That is, there is no one at home.

The two went to ask the security guard at the gate of the community.There are not many people living in the community now, and the security guard in the community knows Mo Qing, "Oh, you are talking about that little girl. I saw her leave the community with a backpack on her back yesterday, and I haven't seen her come back since then."

Jiang Jingyuan and Xu Tingyan looked at each other.

Listening to the security guard's description, Jiang Jingyuan guessed that Mo Qing probably traveled far away.Thinking of the things he still lacked in dispensing his own medicine, Jiang Jingyuan suggested that it was very likely that Mo Qing went to the beach by himself.

Does she want to go into the sea by herself to catch that kind of scary-looking horseshoe crab?
Jiang Jingyuan felt that Mo Qing had many secrets.She didn't let herself know that her going to the beach might involve her secret.

Xu Tingyan was very worried about his daughter. He looked at the thoughtful Jiang Jingyuan, "Do you know where Mo Qing went? She didn't tell you where she wanted to go?"

Jiang Jingyuan said: "Mo Qing said she wanted to rest for two days without me bringing her meals. I thought she would rest at home. But she once said that she wanted to go to the beach. I don't know if she will go to the beach."

Jiang Jingyuan was really afraid that Mo Qing would really go to the beach to look for horseshoe crabs by herself, what if she went into the sea?What if there is an accident?The more Jiang Jingyuan thought about it, the more worried he became.

Xu Tingyan thought for a while and said, "School will start in a few days. Even if she goes to the beach, she won't go too far. Let's go to the coach station and ask."

The two went to the long-distance bus station together and asked the driver of the long-distance bus to the nearest coastal city, Bencheng.

Mo Qing didn't know that Xu Tingyan and Jiang Jingyuan were looking for her. After she was full, she mentally checked who was around, and then quickly put away everything.The garbage was also packed in a plastic bag and was ready to go back and throw it away.

Looking at the blue sea, Mo Qing really couldn't bear to leave, she finally came here, the next time she has the opportunity to come to the beach alone, she doesn't know when she will have to wait.

She really couldn't restrain the yearning in her heart, and used her mental strength to check that there was no one within a few miles, so she quickly changed into a diving suit and dived into the sea.

The sea in the daytime is another scene, and the world under the sea in the shallow sea is more beautiful under the sunlight.Swarms of fish swim around, and all kinds of marine life that Mo Qing has never seen make Mo Qing feel like he is in a natural treasure house.

Mo Qing collected a lot of marine life and wanted to take it back for research.There are also a lot of edible seafood, big lobsters, big crabs, all kinds of shellfish, all kinds of sea fish, everything that one expects to find, makes Mo Qing ecstatic.

Mo Qing swam towards the deep sea, under the water, the sunlight would soon be out of reach, so Mo Qing turned on the lighting equipment, and the eyes immediately became bright again.

A group of fish suddenly swam past, and Mo Qing followed the fish to the depths.Suddenly Mi Gao's voice sounded, "Master, there is energy from the star field ahead, master, I have sensed the energy from the star field."

Mo Qing was overwhelmed with surprise, "There is star field energy in this seabed? It's great. Let's go and see what exactly contains star field energy."

Mo Qing followed Mi Gao's guidance to swim deeper into the sea, and soon her mental power also sensed the existence of the energy of the star field.It really didn't take much effort to find nowhere to go, but fortunately she went into the sea again, otherwise she would have missed the energy of this star field.

Mo Qing sensed the energy of the star field and didn't need Mi Gao to guide her. She quickly swam towards the place where the energy was transmitted, and soon she found that there were many strange rocks in front of her, just like the place on land where there are many mountains and rocks.This should be the mountains and rivers under the sea.

Following the induction, Mo Qing came to a cave, the entrance of the cave was not big, and the dark cave entrance looked very dangerous, as if some monster would rush out of it at any time.

Mo Qing felt a strong star field energy coming out of the hole.But she didn't enter the cave immediately, instead she used her mental power to probe into the cave, she had to check if there was any danger inside.

There are many kinds of marine life in the cave, but none of them are dangerous. As Mo Qing's spiritual power deepened, she suddenly discovered that there was a plant that she was very familiar with growing in the cave, and the number was huge.

She discovered this kind of plant on a planet during an interstellar trip. Because this kind of grass grows in a very dark place, she named it Dark Grass.

This plant contains a lot of very valuable chemical components, which can promote cell regeneration very well, and also have the function of promoting collagen production, which has a very good effect on beauty and beauty.The most important thing is that one of the chemical components can repair the body's nervous system.Anyway, this plant has many benefits.

Mo Qing didn't expect to encounter such a good thing after discovering the energy of the star field, which was really an unexpected surprise.

Mo Qing entered the cave without realizing the danger. The fish in the cave were startled by Mo Qing's sudden arrival and fled in all directions.

Mo Qing came to the depths of the cave and sensed the strong star field energy filling the cave.Under the illumination of the lighting equipment, Mo Qing found that there were many crystal clear stones on the cave wall, because the reflection seemed to be that they were glowing.

Mo Qing understood why the dark grass grew in the deep sea, it was because of the energy of the star field.

Mo Qing took out her tools and started digging the dark grass in the cave. She wanted to go back and cultivate them, so she dug up the roots and put them away.It's also fortunate that she has a dimensional space, otherwise it would be really troublesome, she couldn't take away so many things.

Although she has a positioning system, she can accurately record the location of this place, and she can find it again when she comes back, but it may not be when she will have time to come again.She still gets some more at a time.

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