Mo Qing often heard about some things about the cultural exchange meeting from the students around him, and occasionally Xu Yonghuai would tell him about it.

Especially in two days, Xu Yonghuai and his classmates will start to hold a computer competition with the college students accompanying the M country delegation.

Mo Qing knew that my cousin had made great progress recently, and he should have no problem dealing with those college students from country M.

That day Mo Qing was teaching in the classroom, suddenly the leaders and counselors of the department came to find Mo Qing, and called Mo Qing out of the classroom during the class.

The students didn't know what the head of the department wanted Mo Qing for, and they all talked about it in the crowd.

Mo Qing and two teachers came to the office, and the counselor Liu Xuedong said, "Mo Qing, are you proficient in computers?"

Mo Qing was taken aback by the counselor's question, "It's okay."

At this time, the leader of the department said: "Student Mo Qing, you should also know that the college students of our country and the college students of country M held computer competitions in the past two days. In fact, other competitions were held before, and the representatives of our country did very well.

The two-day computer game is also a very important game.You also know that country M's computer technology is very advanced, and it's very difficult for us to win against others.But we can't lose too ugly.

Several students, especially Xu Yonghuai, performed very well yesterday, because he made our score very close to that of the country M team.

But this morning Xu Yonghuai started to vomit and have diarrhea not long after eating breakfast. He was rushed to the hospital saying he had food poisoning.It is very likely that someone deliberately drugged him. "

Mo Qing was very anxious when she heard that, "Then is he alright now?"

The head of the department said: "Emergency treatment was done, but we have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Xu Yonghuai is very weak now and cannot participate in today's competition at all. The representative of the competition is missing a classmate.

Xu Yonghuai recommended you to us. He said that he learned a lot of computer knowledge from you.He said you are better than him.We also believe what Xu Yonghuai said, student Mo Qing, I hope you can help. "

Mo Qing narrowed her eyes, "Senior Brother Xu's poisoning at this juncture must be someone trying to cause trouble, and also to make it look ugly for us to lose. Well, I agree to go to the competition for Brother Xu."

The two teachers were very happy. They both knew that Mo Qing was not easy. Since she said she agreed to go to the competition, she was sure.

The two teachers directly sent Mo Qing to the competition site together.

Although Xu Yonghuai was hospitalized, the game couldn't be postponed just because Xu Yonghuai was alone, so the opponent only gave him half a day to find a substitute.

Unexpectedly, it took half a day to find a substitute from Country C.Those who waited for Mo Qing to show up to watch the game were all amazed by Mo Qing.But at the same time, everyone also had an idea in their hearts, could such a beautiful little girl be a computer expert?not like.

In fact, the classmates who competed with Xu Yonghuai also knew Mo Qing. After all, Xu Yonghuai often asked Mo Qing for advice, and his classmates also knew about it.

Seeing Mo Qing coming, the students in the competition cheered up, and all of them stood up again.Maybe they won't lose this time, they will win the M country team.

When Xu Tingyan learned that his nephew was hospitalized, he went to the hospital to inquire about it. When he learned that his daughter was going to replace his nephew in the computer competition, Xu Tingyan also came to the competition site. He wanted to cheer for his daughter.

The competition started soon. Yesterday's competition was relatively simple, but today's competition is more difficult.The first is a programming competition to see who can complete it first according to the requirements.The last is computer network attack and defense confrontation.

After the two teams got the programming topic in today's competition, everyone must discuss how to program it.After Mo Qing and the others got the topic, Mo Qing glanced at it and walked in front of the computer to start programming.

The National M team is still studying the requirements of the topic, and Mo Qing has already finished editing it.The teammates standing behind Mo Qing were stunned, it was too fast.Doesn't Mo Qing need to think about it, or is this topic too simple for others?

Mo Qing was the first to raise her hand to show that she had completed the question.

The scoring results of the judges are known to each other. Mo Qing and the others get full marks, while the M country team gets zero marks.The main reason is that Mo Qing's speed is too fast, the other party has not yet figured out how to program, Mo Qing and the others have already finished their work.

This time, the people watching the game never expected it. This is simply a slap in the face.Xu Tingyan looked at his confident daughter from his seat and smiled silently.This is his daughter.His daughter is just amazing.

The morale of the country C delegation soared, and there was applause from the audience.Although everyone was very qualified and did not cheer, the intense applause fully expressed people's excitement and joy.

And the members of the delegation from country M couldn't react. The students who came from the bench were actually better than those who officially participated in the competition?So why didn't she play in the first place?

At this time, some people who did bad things felt that it was a wrong decision to make Xu Yonghuai unable to participate in the competition.

Mo Qing did not discuss with his teammates at all the next programming topics, and completed them all quickly and well by himself.

And it didn't give the opponent a chance at all.She also wanted to avenge her cousin a little bit.

The guests and audience from country C in the auditorium couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts, which really made people feel elated.You must know that country M boasts that it has the most advanced computer technology and is at the forefront of the world.Now there are more powerful people in my own country, which is really exciting.

The members of country M's representative team in the game almost collapsed, and they don't know how there is such a perverted guy in country C.They are not at the same level as others.Is she really a college student?Not an expert?

In the end, it was confirmed that he was not only a college student, but also a freshman, which was even more embarrassing.

In the first round of the competition, Mo Qing and the others won a complete victory, without giving their opponents a chance to score.

The second project is the network security competition, which is mainly a contest between the two sides in network attack and defense.This part of the game was even more exciting. The two sides began to confront each other on network offense and defense, and the commentator wanted to explain it.

This time Mo Qing didn't plan to be too aggressive, and planned to let the country M team hold on for a while, and finally captured them.

Although everyone couldn't see what was displayed on the computer at the scene, everyone could see the players on both sides operating the computer with their fingers flying.Coupled with the wonderful explanations of the commentators, this game is very exciting.Of course, the country M team was captured in the end, and within the time set by Mo Qing.

This computer game made the audience hooked.And Mo Qing is also famous for his wonderful and outstanding performance.That is to say, Mo Qing became famous again after the number one scholar in the college entrance examination.

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