The news that Mo Qing won the M national team with his own efforts quickly spread back to Jinping University, and now almost all the students in the school know Mo Qing.

Many students in the biotechnology class were proud of Mo Qing when she learned that she had done such a remarkable thing.

As soon as Mo Qing returned to the school, the students in the biotechnology class surrounded Mo Qing and asked about the situation at that time. Mo Qing couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the students and simply talked about it.

Lin Xiaoxuan said: "You don't know, Mo Qing is very good at computers. She not only learns our professional knowledge very quickly, but also has computer knowledge at her fingertips. Mo Qing is a computer genius."

Mo Qing felt embarrassed by Lin Xiaoxuan's all-round praise.

Mo Qing showed an extraordinary talent in computer, not only many domestic experts have their eyes on Mo Qing and want to accept her as a student, but also some foreign computer experts have their eyes on Mo Qing.Who doesn't want such an excellent student.

The computer major of Jinping University is already well-known throughout the country, and several professors in the computer department wanted to transfer Mo Qing over.

Liu Hongmin, the dean of the Department of Computer Science, directly approached Zhao Dongming, the dean of the Department of Biology, "I said, Lao Zhao, a good seed like Mo Qing should not be wasted, and she should be transferred to our Department of Computer Science."

Zhao Dongming rolled his eyes, "Hmph, of course Mo Qing is a good candidate. She is the most potential student in our biology department. It is impossible for you to transfer to your department."

Liu Hongmin said: "You have also seen that Mo Qing defeated the country M team by himself. It would be a waste of talent if Mo Qing stays in your biology department."

Zhao Dongming was even more reluctant now, "Why is it a waste of talents to stay in our biology department? Let me tell you, Mo Qing is also very talented in biology research. She has already finished her junior professional courses. I I plan to let her study directly as a graduate student in the future."

Liu Hongmin said: "Anyway, I think it is more promising for Mo Qing to transfer to our computer department. The country is in urgent need of computer talents, and Mo Qing will have a bright future. Don't rush to refuse, let someone call Mo Qing to ask Just ask her. If the little girl is willing, you can't stop her."

Zhao Dongming was very angry, but he also knew that even if he didn't ask Mo Qing to come now, Liu Hongmin would contact Mo Qing in private later.In that case, it would be better to bring Mo Qing to explain it face to face.

Liu Hongmin also saw Zhao Dongming's reluctance, and said, "I can tell you, several computer professors in country M are also very interested in Mo Qing. What if they find Mo Qing to bring Mo Qing is studying abroad, what should I do if I can provide all the help to lure Mo Qing? This has to be guarded against. We two are fighting here and don't let others take advantage of the loopholes. What we have to do now is not to compete with each other, Instead, we should work together to keep Mo Qing behind."

Zhao Dongming felt that what Liu Hongmin said was also reasonable, so he asked a classmate to call Mo Qing to his office.

Just after class at noon, Mo Qing wanted to have dinner with Lin Xiaoxuan, but was told by a classmate to go to the department head's office immediately.

Mo Qing didn't know what was going on, so she went to the department head's office.

At the door of the department head's office, Mo Qing knocked on the door lightly, and a loud voice came from inside, "Please come in."

Mo Qing pushed the door open and entered the office, "Director, are you looking for me?"

Mo Qing discovered that there was another male teacher in the department head's office.

Zhao Dongming said: "Mo Qing, come, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Liu Hongmin, the director of the computer department. He wants you to transfer to the computer department. I called you here to ask your opinion.

I know that you are very talented in biotechnology research, and I personally hope that you will continue to study in biotechnology.But I don't want to be arbitrary and prevent you from going to the computer department.The final choice is up to you. "

Mo Qing knew that it was because of the competition at the cultural exchange meeting that the leaders of the computer department noticed her.

Anyway, she also wants to apply for a second degree in computer science in her sophomore year, and this time is just a chance.

Mo Qing said: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhao, in fact, I was planning to apply for a second degree in computer science in my sophomore year. I don't think it is necessary to transfer to the computer department to study computer.

I like the major of biotechnology very much, and I don't want to change majors.But this does not affect my computer learning, I can apply for a second degree in computer science.At that time, you can still go to the computer department to take classes. "

Zhao Dongming was very happy to see that Mo Qing had no intention of changing majors, "Mo Qing, I knew you were a discerning child. Our biotechnology major is also a promising major with great promise.

I know that you have finished the knowledge of the professional courses in the third year.It is a waste of time if you are asked to continue learning step by step.We are going to have a meeting to study it, so that you can take the exam and go to graduate school in advance, and I can take you personally. "

When Mo Qing heard that there was still such a good thing, she was overjoyed, "That's great, Teacher Zhao, I can take the school's exams for all ages and pass the exams with high quality."

Zhao Dongming said: "Okay, let's study it as soon as possible."

Liu Hongmin saw that Mo Qing really didn't intend to change his major, so he can apply for a second degree in computer science.At least Mo Qing can be regarded as a student of their computer department.

Liu Hongmin said: "Mo Qing, you don't have to wait for a sophomore to apply for a second degree in computer science. I approve that you can take classes this semester. You can take any class you want, and no one will stop you. Then you can attend Exam, if you have excellent grades, we can directly recommend you to graduate students majoring in computer science. I will take you personally."

Zhao Dongming saw that Liu Hongmin couldn't compete with Mo Qing at the university stage, so he started to rob Mo Qing to go to their graduate school. He really didn't suffer.

Mo Qing was very happy to hear that the two teachers were vying to give her benefits, "Thank you two teachers for your love, I will work hard and try to repay you with the best grades."

With Liu Hongmin's leadership, Mo Qing soon became a student of the computer department.Even if it is a second degree, it is still a student of the computer department.

Liu Hongmin gave Mo Qing a lecture certificate, which allowed him to attend the courses of any teacher in the computer department.

Liu Hongmin felt that with Mo Qing's level, he might be better than the teachers in the computer department.Let her go to some lower grade courses for fear of delaying the little girl's time.So Liu Hongmin signed a class certificate for Mo Qing and let the little girl choose by herself.

Mo Qing has been even busier since she started taking computer courses.

Mo Qing was soon approached by a professor of computer science from an internationally renowned university who participated in this cultural exchange meeting.He came to recruit Mo Qing.He promised to take Mo Qing to study abroad, so he could study in their school and be his student.

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