The interstellar boss dressed as a poor ninety

Chapter 281 Proposing to build a pharmaceutical factory

Mo Qing planned to let Cheng Hongliang follow up on the clinical trial in the hospital. After all, Cheng Hongliang had the most time, and he could write a thesis on a certain stage of the experiment as his graduation thesis.

Mo Qing also agreed that he could use some experimental data to write his graduation thesis.Now Cheng Hongliang's graduation thesis has been settled, so he is full of energy.

Lu Jianmin acted quickly and found ten volunteers within a few days.These ten volunteers have been suffering from hepatitis B for a long time, their condition is serious, and their families cannot afford their medical expenses.Now there are free drugs to treat hepatitis B, even if they are allowed to be experimenters, they are willing.

Lu Jianmin also attached great importance to this clinical trial, and gathered these ten volunteers together to allow them to be hospitalized and use drugs for free.In this way, more accurate test results can be obtained.

Several people from Mo Qing also produced the medicine for clinical trials, and Zhao Dongming took Mo Qing and Cheng Hongliang to Jinping Second Central Hospital.

Lu Jianmin's first reaction when he saw Mo Qing was that this little girl was really beautiful, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is a country and a city.And so good, really talented and beautiful.

Zhao Dongming made an introduction to the two parties, and Lu Jianmin was filled with emotion, "It's really a hero. I heard from Lao Zhao, Mo Qing, you have completed all the courses of the four-year university in just over a year and passed the exam with almost perfect marks. Graduated The thesis is also very well written.

If the new drug you took the lead in researching this time is really successful, it will be a great boon for mankind, and it will save hundreds of millions of people from the plague of hepatitis B.I look forward to being successful. "

Mo Qing said: "Dean Lu, the result will definitely not disappoint you. My new drug takes effect very quickly, and the effect can be seen in a few days, and it can cure hepatitis B in one to two months. I am still developing it. A drug for repairing liver damage, this drug can assist in the treatment of hepatitis B in the future. It can help hepatitis B patients repair liver damage caused by the disease."

Lu Jianmin nodded, "Okay, you all work hard, and I can promise that the clinical trial of your next drug will also be done here."

Mo Qing was very happy, "Then thank you, Dean Lu. You will definitely not regret today's decision."

Cheng Hongliang was left behind to track the data and effects of the clinical trial volunteers.

Chu Ran had suffered from Jiang Jingyuan before and did not give up. She first went to Jiang Chenghao who lied to her to settle the score.

Chu Ran found Jiang Chenghao and questioned him angrily, "Jiang Chenghao, why did you lie to me back then? Brother Jingyuan said he never asked you to tell me that he would wait for me to come back."

Jiang Chenghao saw Chu Ran who came back from studying abroad, and he didn't feel guilty when he heard her questioning, "I was entrusted by your father to say that. You were hesitant to go abroad. It was your father who found me and hoped that I could help. To convince you, that's why I lied to you to say those words, so that you can go abroad with peace of mind."

Jiang Chenghao felt that there was nothing wrong with him. He was also entrusted by Chu Ran's father to say those words to deceive Chu Ran.Chu Ran should go to her father if she wants to settle accounts.

Chu Ran was very sad to be confirmed by Jiang Chenghao. Sure enough, Jiang Jingyuan never said those words, and Jiang Chenghao lied to her.No wonder Jiang Jingyuan didn't take the initiative to contact her in the past few years when she was abroad.

She also came back when she was studying abroad, but she didn't see Jiang Jingyuan. She also gave Jiang Chenghao her contact information for him to convey. It seems that he didn't convey it to her at all.

Jiang Chenghao looked at the tearful Chu Ran and his heart moved, "Chu Ran, you really like my uncle, do you have to have him?"

Chu Ran sniffed, "Of course I like him. I have been working hard to improve myself, and I hope to marry him after returning to China. But who knows that he already has a girlfriend by his side."

Jiang Chenghao's eyes flashed when he heard the words, "Chu Ran, in fact, my brother-in-law's girlfriend is a junior sister from the same school as me. I pursued her first, but my brother-in-law snatched her away. She is my brother-in-law. The person I like, I am determined to win her. Since you like my uncle, how about the two of us working together?"

Chu Ran looked at Jiang Chenghao when he heard the words, "How to cooperate?"

Jiang Chenghao's eyes were cold, "As long as they are broken up and I get Mo Qing, you will have a chance to marry my uncle. You just say whether you want to cooperate with me."

Chu Ran gritted her teeth, "Okay, I will cooperate with you. As long as I can marry Brother Jingyuan, I am willing to do anything."

Jiang Chenghao said: "Well, I will tell you what to do when the time comes. You wait for my news."

Mo Qing knew that the drug she was researching would definitely be successful, and she would apply for patents at home and abroad, firstly to recover her research funding, and secondly to hold the ownership of the drug in her own hands.However, she is not going to use this drug to make money in China, and if a pharmaceutical company wants to produce her drug, she will not charge high patent fees.

She will research more new drugs in the future, so she plans to cooperate with her mother to build a pharmaceutical factory.

Tong Hanyin's clothing company invested and established in Jinping has been put into production, and the company produces mid-to-high-end clothing.Tong Hanyin's DN Group has its own clothing design team. The clothing companies and clothing studios under the group have mass-produced clothing and private customization.They are all taking the middle and high-end route.

The clothing styles of Liyuan Clothing Company in Jinping are all designed by the designers of the DN Group's clothing design team.The products produced by the company belong to fashion, and the design style is relatively generous and fashionable, which is very popular with some working women with certain social status.There are also ladies and wives from wealthy families who also like Liyuan's clothes very much.

It can be said that Tong Hanyin still understands the psychology of women in the upper class.

Her cosmetics company has also been put into production, and there are only two products that have just been produced, both of which are the formulas given by Mo Qing.The production process was also formulated with the help of Mo Qing.

The two newly produced products, Tong Hanyin, know that the skin care effect is very good, so she directly positioned the high-end route, and they were not listed in the domestic market, but were all exported.Because the price of the product she ordered is quite high, she will go to the international high-end market first and then return to the domestic market, and the market will be opened soon.

The most important thing is that the output of the two skin care products is still relatively low, which belongs to trial production. Tong Hanyin wants to try the reaction of the international market first.

The mother and daughter chatted for a while about the situation of the two companies, and then Mo Qing talked about her own research on new drugs, and also about building a pharmaceutical factory.

Tong Hanyin said: "You want me to build a pharmaceutical factory?"

Mo Qing nodded, "The clinical trial of the new drug researched this time is definitely no problem, and it can be applied for production and marketing soon. Not to mention the whole world, our country alone has more than 1 million hepatitis B patients, let alone hepatitis B virus carriers Or even more.

The drug will be in great demand in the future.I asked you to build a pharmaceutical factory to balance market prices in the future.Although I will apply for a patent for this drug, I will not charge a lot of patent fees.I want to benefit hepatitis B patients all over the world.Get rid of this disease as soon as possible.

In the next step, I will study drugs for treating liver cancer, drugs for treating kidney disease, and so on.I still have formulas for other medicines in my hand, so it is still necessary to build a pharmaceutical factory. "

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