Tong Hanyin knew that her daughter's major in biotechnology majored in biopharmaceuticals, and her daughter often did experiments to study some drugs in the laboratory at home, and her daughter was indeed very good at this.

There are also several skin care products given to her by her daughter, which are very effective. Not only did she use them well, but she also gave two sets of them to the two female employees of the company, and the effects were also very good.This also made her believe in her daughter's strength even more.

Since the daughter said that she wanted to build a pharmaceutical factory, it will be built. Of course, she, a mother, must fully support what her daughter wants to do.

Tong Hanyin said: "Tomorrow I will ask Assistant An to draw up a proposal for building a pharmaceutical factory. You can do your research at ease, and we will handle the construction of the factory."

Mo Qing nodded, "Then let's choose a site to build a factory as soon as possible. Maybe after the factory is completed, my production license can also be approved. How about the cosmetics company's products?"

Tong Hanyin replied: "I have seen the new products produced, they are very good, I still use the brand of Vio, and go directly to the international high-end route, the price is very high, first try the water in some cosmetics counters under the group, There will be a response within three months. Maybe sooner."

Mo Qing nodded, "I believe the response will be very good. You can let the factory increase production, and I can guarantee that within two months, the market sales will definitely increase."

Tong Hanyin used the skin care products given by her daughter before, knew the effect, and believed what her daughter said, "I will ask Assistant An to inform the factory to expand production. If the sales abroad are good, I would like to rent a special counter in the mall to sell Violet in China. products, including this new product.”

The mother and daughter chatted a lot. Xu Tingyan saw that the mother and daughter were still chatting after finishing their work and said, "It's getting late, it's time to go to bed."

Mo Qing looked at her watch, it was almost eleven o'clock, "It's really late, Mom and Dad, please go to bed, I'm going to bed too."

Mo Qing went back to her room and took a shower before going to bed.

Xu Tingyan and his wife went to bed after washing up. Xu Tingyan put his arms around his wife lying in his arms and asked, "You two have new plans?"

Tong Hanyin moved her body to find a more comfortable position, "Well, Mo Qing wants to build a pharmaceutical factory, so of course I have to support my daughter. The new drug she is researching has entered the clinical trial stage and should be ready for production soon. "

Xu Tingyan also knew about Mo Qing's research, "The higher-ups are actually very concerned about Mo Qing. If the new drug she researched is successful this time, then our daughter will be a person who can be recorded in the annals of history in the future. I am very proud to be her father. "

Tong Hanyin said with a smile: "I'm also very proud. Our daughter is so good, I just regret that I didn't participate in her previous growth process."

Xu Tingyan sighed, "Why am I not? The two of us owe her too much. Fortunately, this child is broad-minded and kind-hearted, and didn't hold us grudges. The two of us are lucky."

The ten patients who participated in the clinical trial at the Second Central Hospital were all seriously ill, and their condition was significantly relieved after only taking the new drug for a few days.

Lu Jianmin paid close attention to the situation of these ten volunteers, and immediately organized the ten patients to undergo a comprehensive examination after receiving the feedback from the doctor below.

It was incredible when he got the test results.These ten people have undergone a comprehensive and systematic examination before using the new drug. The liver function, hepatitis indicators and many other data are very poor, which shows that the condition of these ten patients is very serious.Although it has not transformed into liver cancer, the situation is not optimistic.

It took only a few days for the new drug to be used, and the inspection data of the ten hepatitis B patients, especially those abnormal data, were obviously much better.And three of these ten volunteers are no longer contagious, which is simply too fast to recover.

Lu Jianmin suppressed the excitement in his heart. If this continues, will the illnesses of these ten volunteers really be cured?He is afraid that this data is only temporary, and he will have to see the situation in the next period of time.

Cheng Hongliang recorded the inspection data of ten volunteers. He was also very excited. He felt that their new drug was one step closer to being successfully launched.

He also called Mo Qing to tell the good news.

Mo Qing was not surprised, because it was within her expectation, "Very good, you continue to track and record the experimental data, and record all kinds of situations in detail. It will lay the foundation for future research."

Mo Qing stayed in the laboratory most of the time except for class. She began to guide Lin Xiaoxuan and Gao Junhui to do other experiments, this time researching drugs for repairing liver damage.In the future, it can complement the drugs for treating hepatitis B and repair the damaged liver while treating hepatitis B.

Although the drugs for treating hepatitis B also have the effect of repairing liver damage, some patients with hepatitis have severe liver damage and must be treated with more drugs.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and Mo Qing came out of the laboratory to go to the cafeteria for dinner, but when he left the laboratory building, he found that it was snowing.At first, it was just a dense small snow slag, and then it slowly turned into snowflakes.

By the time Mo Qing and Lin Xiaoxuan came out of the cafeteria after eating, the ground was already white, and the little snowflakes had grown a lot bigger.

Mo Qing was not too cold in a down jacket and a scarf.She reached out her gloved hand to catch the falling snowflakes.

Mo Qing carefully observed the snowflakes on her hand, "It seems that the snow today is not small."

Lin Xiaoxuan said: "The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the ground will be covered in a short while, and soon the sky and the earth will be completely white. I rarely saw snow in Shenhai before, so I came to Jinping to go to school. It snowed a few times. I like the snowy weather, I think it is better than the rainy day."

Mo Qing smiled and said, "If it snows heavily, then we can build a snowman."

Lin Xiaoxuan said: "Let's go, let's go back to the dormitory and drink some hot water. If you are here these two days, don't go to the laboratory. The laboratory is a bit cold."

Mo Qing nodded, "Okay, let's go to the dormitory to take a rest. The laboratory is indeed a bit cold, because the heating over there is not good. I will ask the teacher to fix it later."

The two of them returned to the dormitory facing the flying snowflakes, and slapped the snow off their bodies after patting at the door of the dormitory for a long time.

Entering the dormitory, a gust of hot air hits the face.Lin Xiaoxuan sighed, "Well, the dormitory is still warm. There is hot water in my thermos, Mo Qing, does your stomach hurt? Drink some hot water."

Mo Qing's health is very good, every menstruation does not hurt.It's just that it's snowing today, and the weather is too cold. Her stomach feels a little uncomfortable, and it feels cold there.Really need to drink some hot water to warm up the body.

Zeng Jiajia was also in the dormitory, she was lying on the bed reading a novel, she did not talk to Mo Qing and Lin Xiaoxuan.Neither Mo Qing nor Lin Xiaoxuan will take the initiative to talk to her, and the two sides will not interfere with each other.

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