The interstellar boss dressed as a poor ninety

Chapter 290 Proposing Engagement

Chapter 290 Proposing Engagement
Xu Tingyan looked at his daughter, "There are quite a few people who have taken advantage of Xiaoqing, and there will definitely be more in the future. You have to pay more attention in the future. I guess the higher-ups will provide Xiaoqing with bodyguards."

Mo Qing was surprised when she heard the words, "Don't be so exaggerated, I'm not an important person, why should I have a bodyguard?"

Xu Tingyan put a steamed stuffed bun in the plate in front of her daughter, "That's what you think. Do you know what it means for you to drive the alien spaceship back? It means that you have become an object of national focus and a national priority." object of protection.

In the past, whether there were aliens was speculation, and there was no actual evidence to prove whether they existed.But you drove the alien spacecraft back, which fully proves that there are really aliens in the universe.Then the blue star is also very likely to become the target of aggression from other planets.

Just like the Kesha planet you mentioned.They are short of various resources, and they are likely to try to invade other planets to gain living space, which we have to guard against.

Sooner or later, other countries will know that our country has obtained the alien spacecraft, and it is still uncertain what will happen.At that time, your existence will also become the target of many countries. "

After this incident, Jiang Jingyuan was even more worried about Mo Qing's safety, "I think Mo Qing should be equipped with bodyguards. Even if there is no action from above, I am going to ask two bodyguards to protect Mo Qing. Most of my comrades-in-arms are very skilled. I will find those retired Ask them. You can ask them to protect Mo Qing."

Xu Tingyan nodded, "It would be best if you have someone to choose, and I won't worry about it. If you can't find a suitable person, I will come to find you."

Mo Qing really didn't want to be surrounded by people all the time, "I don't need bodyguards. I'm also learning Kung Fu now, and I can also place weapons in the dimension space, so I can deal with the enemy at critical moments. I can also prepare some poisons like drugs , as well as pepper water, anti-wolf spray and so on. I can deal with bad guys by myself.”

Xu Tingyan directly dismantled the stage, "Then why did you return the Chinese medicine this time? If Jingyuan wasn't right there, you would have been taken away."

Hearing this, Mo Qing rubbed her nose and laughed, "Didn't you be careless this time?"

Jiang Jingyuan said: "No matter what, I still recommend having bodyguards around to protect you. Not to mention that you are a member of the research base, but that the new drug you have studied this time will definitely attract the attention of many countries if it is successful. In the future, you will If more new medicines are developed, what if some forces secretly plan to take you away and work hard for them? So the safety issue cannot be ignored at any time.

Not only you, but also Aunt Tong should pay attention, only Uncle Ye has too few bodyguards, at least one more bodyguard is needed.There should be someone watching over the house, too.If you have a laboratory at home, it is inevitable that someone will sneak into your home, and the defense of your home must be done well. "

After hearing the analysis from her father and her boyfriend, Mo Qing had no choice but to accept her fate, "Okay, I'll bring bodyguards with me, you can make arrangements. I just accept the arrangements."

Xu Tingyan just laughed, "That's right. It's also for your safety. Dad knows that it's inconvenient for you to have someone by your side, but there's nothing you can do about it. You just need to be more careful in the future. Don't use your dimensional space easily outside."

Xu Tingyan and Jiang Jingyuan discussed the issue of defense again.

Jiang Jingyuan suddenly had an idea in his heart that he had to change to a bigger house.

There are several more people in the family just for bodyguards. After he marries Mo Qing, half of Mo Qing's parents will have to live with them.In addition, Mo Qing's laboratory at home also occupies several rooms, so the current house is a bit small, it seems that he has to find a bigger house.

For a bigger house in Jinping City, you have to find the mansion of the former prince or high official, which is not easy to find.

Now there are big mansions, but many people live in many big mansions.But he has money in his hand, as long as the money is in place, he can buy all the houses from these people and then remodel them.As long as the place is big enough and the house is not enough, you can build it yourself.

As soon as this idea came out, Jiang Jingyuan decided to turn around and find someone to inquire about the house.

After the three of them finished eating, Jiang Jingyuan cleaned up the dining table and the kitchen, and cleaned up the toilet.Then the three of them were ready to go home, and Tong Hanyin was still waiting at home.

When Mo Qing went back to the bedroom to change clothes, Xu Tingyan pulled Jiang Jingyuan into the kitchen and closed the door and asked him in a low voice, "What happened between you and Xiaoqing last night?"

He was really worried, so he had to ask again.

Jiang Jingyuan was very helpless, "Second Uncle Xu, I have already promised you, can I still lie to you? Qingqing formulated the antidote yesterday and fell asleep shortly after taking it. I just stayed by her side all the time. Nothing happened. Do."

Now Xu Tingyan was relieved, and patted Jiang Jingyuan's shoulder, "That's good, thank you for your hard work. I will get together with your father when I get a chance later, and we can discuss whether you and Xiaoqing should get engaged first."

Jiang Jingyuan was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, "Really, Second Uncle Xu, do you agree to let me get engaged to Qingqing?"

Xu Tingyan said: "I agree, but you have to tell Xiaoqing yourself. As long as she agrees, I'm sure it's fine."

Jiang Jingyuan was so happy that he almost jumped up, "I'll convince Qingqing. Thank you, Second Uncle Xu."

Xu Tingyan also felt that Jiang Jingyuan should get engaged to his daughter after what happened last night, so that Jiang Jingyuan could take better care of his daughter in the future.

After all, the fiancé is half-husband, not a boyfriend or a partner.

After Mo Qing came out of the bedroom after changing her clothes, she saw Jiang Jingyuan standing in the living room giggling, she was a little confused, so, "Brother Jingyuan, why are you so happy?"

Jiang Jingyuan quickly restrained his smile, "It's nothing, I just thought of some happy things. You pack up, then let's go, Aunt Tong is still waiting at home."

The three of them put on their cotton clothes and locked the door before going downstairs and driving home.Mo Qing still took Jiang Jingyuan's car.

Soon the three of them returned home, and Tong Hanyin greeted Mo Qing as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing that her daughter needed Jiang Jingyuan's support to walk, she was very worried. She stepped forward to hold Mo Qing's arm and looked at it again and again, "Xiaoqing, how are you doing now? Are you all right?"

Mo Qing hurriedly comforted her mother, "Mom, I'm fine, I'm just a little weak, I'll be fine after two days of rest."

Xu Tingyan said beside him, "Yinyin, it's cold outside, let's go inside quickly."

"Oh, that's right, hurry up and get in the house." Tong Hanyin also helped her daughter into the house.

After entering the room, Xu Tingyan said: "Yinyin, Xiaoqing is still a little weak, let her go back to the room to rest first. Cook more nutritious food for her in the past few days. I have something to do with Jingyuan, and I will leave the family to you .”

Tong Hanyin waved her hand, "If you have something to do, go and do your work. I won't go to work today, so I will just stay at home and watch Xiaoqing. There is Ye Xin at home, so you don't have to worry."

(End of this chapter)

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