Jiang Jingyuan sent Mo Qing back to the room, helped Mo Qing go to bed, covered her with a quilt, and said: "Rest at home, I will definitely seek justice for you about this time."

Lying on the warm and soft bed, Mo Qing took Jiang Jingyuan's hand, "You don't have to worry about your work. There are my mother and Uncle Ye at home."

Then Jiang Jingyuan and Xu Tingyan left the house in a hurry.This matter needs to be investigated to the end, they still have a lot of things to do.

Xu Tingyan left the house and went straight to work.As soon as Jiang Jingyuan got in the car, he received a call from his elder brother, "Jingyuan, come back quickly, our father knows what Cheng Hao did, and we have to use family law against him. I'm afraid our father will be angry, so you come back quickly to persuade him .”

Jiang Jingyuan frowned when he heard that, "Damn it, I didn't want our dad to know about it so quickly, but now he knows about it, I'll just get over it."

His father is not in good health, he is really afraid that his father will be angry.

Jiang Jingyuan drove quickly to the old house, and when he entered the door, he heard the old man's scolding.

Jiang Jingyuan entered the room and saw that his father was standing in the middle of the living room with his hands on his hips, yelling at Jiang Chenghao who was kneeling on the ground, and his second brother Jiang Jingwu was also kneeling beside him.The eldest brother, sister-in-law and third brother persuaded him.

Seeing his younger brother coming, Jiang Jingwen hurriedly said: "Jingyuan, please persuade our father, he insists on enforcing the family law himself."

Jiang Jingyuan stepped forward to support his father, "Dad, we don't need you to enforce the family law, we are here."

Mr. Jiang grabbed his younger son's hand and asked with concern: "How is that girl Qingqing? Are you all right?"

Jiang Jingyuan replied: "Qingqing prepared the medicine herself and took it. She was safe and safe, and nothing serious happened. She is resting at home now. It's just that the medicine is very overbearing, and she is still a little weak. She has to rest at home for two days. Don't worry , don't get angry, pay attention to your body."

Mr. Jiang glared at Jiang Chenghao when he heard the words, "Can I not be angry? This kid dared to do such a thing that is inferior to a beast. I don't know who he learned from, but he even drugged him. He knew that Mo Qing was If your partner still does this, he will be punished. If you don’t teach him a good lesson this time, you might do something bad and make a lot of trouble in the future.”

Jiang Jingwu knelt beside him feeling very guilty, "Dad, Jingyuan, it's all because I didn't educate this beast well. I will definitely discipline him in the future. Dad, today's family law will be enforced by me personally, and I will teach him a lesson."

At this time, Jiang Chenghao knelt on the ground with his head down, his hands clenched into fists, trying to bear it.

Jiang Jingyuan stepped forward to help the second brother up, "Second brother, he is already an adult, he has to be responsible for what he does, you don't have to kneel for him. Today's family law will be enforced by me personally."

Jiang Chenghao couldn't help but tremble when he heard this.

He knew that my uncle must hate him to death now, if my uncle was allowed to enforce the family law, what would happen to him?He just wanted to fight for his own interests, and he just did something wrong once, so he was going to be punished with family law, but he refused to accept it.

Jiang Chenghao suddenly raised his head and stared into his scarlet eyes and said, "I did something wrong, but I just wanted to fight for my own happiness."

Jiang Jingyuan heard Jiang Chenghao's sophistry and kicked Jiang Chenghao out several meters.

Jiang Jingyuan looked at Jiang Chenghao with a gloomy and cold face, "That's how you fight. Others don't like you and don't want to talk to you, so you just use this dirty way? Our Jiang family has always had a bottom line in everything we do. You But without a bottom line, he used drugs to deal with a young girl.

I told you clearly that Mo Qing will be my wife and your elder. If you still do this, do you still have any sense of shame and family affection? "

Jiang Chenghao stood up suddenly, his eyes were scarlet, and his fists were clenched tightly, arguing loudly: "Don't tell me about family affection, do you have family affection for me? My grandfather liked you and the eldest brother the most since I was a child. What am I, I have never It's all that nobody cares about.

Since childhood, the resources in the family have been dominated by you. When did you take care of me?My family couldn't support me, so I had to figure it out on my own.I like Mo Qing, she will still help me in the future, why can't I fight for her?
You chase Mo Qing, don't you have other selfish motives in wanting to marry Mo Qing?Didn't you fancy the strength of Mo Qing's parents?There is also the new product developed by Mo Qing for you. You made a lot of money easily by using her. Do you dare to say that you don't like these?Don't make yourself so noble, it's just that you have covered up your selfishness very well.It's just to deceive Mo Qing in the name of liking. "

Mr. Jiang was really angry, "You heartless thing, if the family doesn't care about you, can you be admitted to Jinping University? Do you think anyone can enter Jinping University in the name of a special student? The family let you study music, Huahua, finding a good teacher for you, and how much money it cost you, have you forgotten all of this? You said that no one at home cared about you.

Alright, since you said that, the family will never care about you again. Let me see how far you can go with your own strength. "

Jiang Jingyuan looked at Jiang Chenghao with a gloomy expression, and he no longer wanted to reason with him, "The relationship between me and Mo Qing is not something you can judge. Second brother, you can discipline your son yourself."

At this moment, Jiang Jingyuan's cell phone rang, and he connected the phone. After hearing what the person on the other end said, his face became even colder, and his gaze towards Jiang Chenghao became even more stern.

Everyone in the room felt the hostility emanating from Jiang Jingyuan.

Jiang Jingyuan hung up the phone silently, threw the phone on the coffee table, and then stepped forward to beat Jiang Chenghao without giving Jiang Chenghao a chance to react.Jiang Chenghao also resisted, but his force value was far from comparable to that of Jiang Jing.

Seeing Jiang Jingyuan answering the phone, the others beat up Jiang Chenghao like crazy, but no one dared to step forward to stop him.They knew that Jiang Chenghao must have done something bad.

In the end, Jiang Jingyuan directly beat Jiang Chenghao to the ground, unable to get up, only screaming.

In the end, Jiang Jingyuan grabbed Jiang Chenghao by the collar and lifted him up. Gritting his teeth, he said fiercely: "Jiang Chenghao, I didn't expect you to not only do things without bottom line, but also to be extremely stupid. You are unworthy of doing anything for your purpose." Be a descendant of the Jiang family. You are no longer my nephew, and if you dare to play against Mo Qing in the future, I will never let you go."

Speaking of Jiang Jingyuan, he threw Jiang Chenghao on the ground, and he turned to look at his father, "Dad, did the Chu family come to our house two days ago?"

Old Mr. Jiang heard the words and replied: "Yes, the Chu family came to visit me and mentioned your marriage, intending to match you and the daughter of the Chu family. But I refused directly. I said that you already have a date, and I am also very satisfied. They didn't say anything more. What, is there a problem?"

Jiang Jingyuan said with a gloomy face: "The Chu family came up with other means since you failed to achieve their goal. Mo Qing took Chinese medicine yesterday. You can ask Jiang Chenghao who gave him the medicine."

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