The interstellar boss dressed as a poor ninety

Chapter 334 Powerful Electromagnetic Network

Chapter 334 Powerful Electromagnetic Network

Now that you have decided to visit the interior of the island, you need to make some preparations first.Mo Qing and Jiang Jingyuan both changed into thick camouflage uniforms, wore helmets for protection on their heads, and protective masks on their faces.My feet were put on high leather boots so that people below the knees would not be afraid of being attacked by venomous snakes and other poisonous things.

In addition to the protection they wore, the two men also carried weapons, each with a pistol and a dagger.There is also a long knife in Mo Qing's space that can be taken out and used at any time.

The two men were fully armed and headed towards the center of the island.

Mi Gao has scanned the terrain of the entire island, and Mo Qing's mental power has also been used to explore it.The island is not very large, and Mo Qing's mental power can completely detect the center of the island.

But the strange thing was that Mo Qing's mental power was bounced back. Her mental power could not detect the specific situation in the center of the island, which also shocked and worried her.There must be special protective measures for people with mental powers.

Anyway, if you go to the center of the island and have a look, you will know what is going on.

The two of them walked into the woods for a short distance without encountering any danger. Mo Qing also discovered several rare plants.After determining the specific situation here, she must dig up these rare plants and take them away.

After walking for a while, Mo Qing suddenly grabbed Jiang Jingyuan who was walking in front of her, "Brother Jingyuan, there is danger ahead, please stop and take a look."

Mo Qing's spirit has been tense since entering the woods, and he has been carefully exploring the surrounding situation with his mental strength.Mi Gao warned her in time, so she immediately discovered an invisible electromagnetic net ten meters away from them.Most people can't find it at all.If humans come into contact with this electromagnetic net, they may be injured or even killed.

Mo Qing had seen the power of this kind of electromagnetic network in his previous life, but he didn't expect that there was such a thing here.This made Mo Qing even more convinced that there must be something extraordinary in the center of the island, something beyond the technology of this world.

Jiang Jingyuan never dared to show off in front of Mo Qing. After being pulled by Mo Qing, he didn't dare to move forward. "Why, is there any danger ahead?"

Mo Qing pulled Jiang Jingyuan forward about ten meters and stopped, "There is an electromagnetic net here. If you touch it, you will be injured or even killed."

Jiang Jingyuan was startled when he heard this, but he looked carefully for a long time and found nothing, "Qingqing, how can there be anything here?"

Mo Qing said: "The electromagnetic network is an invisible thing that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Let's talk about the physics we study. There is an introduction to electromagnetic waves, magnetic lines of force, etc. They are invisible to the naked eye and are real. It exists. If electric energy does not drive various electrical appliances, equipment, lighting, etc., who can say what electricity is like? It is just a kind of energy.

This electromagnetic network is actually similar to the power grid, except that this electromagnetic network is more powerful than the power grid and does not require a medium for conduction. "

Mo Qing picked up a branch from the ground and probed the branch forward, but there was no response from the electromagnetic net.

Seeing this, Mo Qing took out a piece of pork from the space and threw it forward. Immediately afterwards, there was a stabbing sound in front of it. In a flash of white light, the pork became burnt and even white smoke emitted.

Jiang Jingyuan broke out in a cold sweat when he saw this situation. If Mo Qing hadn't stopped him in advance, would he have turned into charcoal and died?

Mo Qing took a few steps to the side, and after digging through the grass, he saw the bones of many animals in the grass. "Did you see it? These were all animals killed by the electromagnetic net in front of me. This electromagnetic net is really strong." . This requires very strong and long-lasting energy, and there must be something in front that provides energy.”

Mo Qing took Jiang Jingyuan and walked some distance back, "We can't go there like this, it will be troublesome if the things inside are radiated. We have to wear protective clothing to go in."

As she spoke, Mo Qing took out two sets of protective clothing she developed in her previous life.Jiang Jingyuan looked at the silver-gray thing in front of him of unknown material and asked, "Is this the protective clothing you are talking about?"

Mo Qing nodded, "I was mentally prepared when I decided to come here to investigate. Just in case, I made protective clothing and I actually used it. This protective clothing can protect against all kinds of radiation. Put on this protection We can also pass through the electromagnetic net directly without any harm. I'll help you put it on first."

Mo Qing asked Jiang Jingyuan to take off his camouflage uniform, helmet, and leather boots, and then helped him put on the protective clothing bit by bit.

Although the protective clothing developed by Mo Qing is one piece from head to toe, the material of the protective clothing is relatively light and thin, so it does not look too bulky when worn on the body.

Jiang Jingyuan had also seen some kind of protective clothing. In his impression, protective clothing was relatively bulky, but the one Mo Qing wore for him was much lighter.He waved his hand, allowing him to fight even if he encountered an enemy.

After helping Jiang Jingyuan put on protective clothing, Mo Qing quickly put on protective clothing herself.

This time, Mo Qing was walking in front. When he reached the place where the pork was thrown, Jiang Jingyuan grabbed Mo Qing. He was very worried, "Qing Qing, are you sure it's okay if we just walk over there like this?"

Mo Qing nodded, "Don't worry, I'm very afraid of death. I'm very sure."

Even though Mo Qing repeatedly emphasized that he was very sure and there would be no problem, he still felt uneasy, "Then I'll go ahead. You follow me."

Even if there is a problem, he is the one who gets hurt first.

Jiang Jingyuan's actions made Mo Qing feel warm in his heart, "Brother Jingyuan, I will not make fun of either of our lives. I promise there will be no problem."

Mo Qing simply said that she had often encountered this kind of electromagnetic net in the past and knew how to deal with it.

Jiang Jingyuan pulled Mo Qing behind him. He took a few steps forward, then stopped, stretched out his hand and slowly pushed forward with one finger.His hand was not hindered when he extended it forward, and he had already passed the position where he threw the pork before, so it was really okay.

Jiang Jingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said with a smile, "It's really okay."

Mo Qing smiled helplessly, "I told you it's okay, so you can go forward with confidence."

After saying that, she strode forward, dragging Jiang Jingyuan with her.

Jiang Jingyuan looked back at the burnt pork on the ground, "I have never encountered such a situation before. Will my life be at risk if I encounter this kind of electromagnetic net?"

Mo Qing said: "Electromagnetic nets are also strong and weak. The weak ones only serve as a warning and will not harm people's lives. This electromagnetic net is considered very strong, so the things protected by this electromagnetic net must not be simple."

Jiang Jingyuan was very curious about the situation in the center of the island. He didn't know what the situation was that could lead to such a supernatural thing.

He always felt that Mo Qing seemed to be familiar with these things. Is this the difference between geniuses and ordinary people?
(End of this chapter)

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