The two people wearing protective clothing did not walk too fast.The central area of ​​the island can shield her mental power, which is definitely not something that can be achieved with the technology of this world, so Mo Qing is very cautious.

Jiang Jingyuan's mental power level was too low, so he could only use his mental power from time to time to explore the surrounding situation.As they gradually approached the center, Jiang Jingyuan also discovered that his mental strength could no longer move forward.

He turned around and whispered to Mo Qing: "My mental power cannot detect the situation ahead."

Mo Qing replied: "I discovered before that my mental power was blocked when it reached the center of the island. There is definitely something terrible here. We must be careful."

Mo Qing put away her previous pistol and took out a laser pistol. If there was danger ahead, their previous pistol would not be of much use.

Now is not the time to hide it. She handed the laser pistol to Jiang Jingyuan, "Brother Jingyuan, change to a different gun. This is the laser pistol. I will put away the previous one."

Jiang Jingyuan took the silver-gray pistol handed over by Mo Qing, "You said this is a laser pistol?"

Mo Qing taught Jiang Jingyuan how to use it, "The use of this pistol is similar to the pistol you have used before, except that the bullets are replaced by lasers. When you shoot, it will emit a laser beam to attack the enemy."

Jiang Jingyuan was amazed. He didn't understand how Mo Qing could have such an advanced weapon. "Did you research this yourself?"

Mo Qing nodded, "Yes. I researched this."

Mo Qing didn't lie. This was indeed the latest laser pistol that she had personally participated in the improvement and research of in her previous life.

Mo Qing also held a laser pistol in his hand. The two of them were highly nervous and cautiously explored forward.

The two people walked slowly through the tall and dense woods. After passing through a forest, the two people finally saw a building standing deep in the woods in a place that they could not detect mentally.

It was a pyramid-like building, except that the pyramid was stepped, with a total of six floors from bottom to top.The overall color of the building is silver-grey, and the material of the building itself looks like metal from the outside. The exterior exudes a metallic luster and is as bright as new, without any trace of erosion by time.

As soon as Mo Qing saw this thing, he knew that this architectural form was a very common architectural form on the planet Kesha.

For Jiang Jingyuan, it can only be described as shocked.He didn't expect that there would be such a strange building on an isolated island in the vast sea.

He turned to look at Mo Qing, "Qingqing, you said that there were records about this place in the ancient tomb, so that means this building should have existed for at least 1000 years, but why does it look like it was newly built? ? And the surface looks like metal. How can it be so new after thousands of years of wind, rain, and sun?"

Mo Qing looked at the building in front of him and all the luck he had left in his heart was gone.Something from the planet Kesha appears here again, which means there must be people from the planet Kesha on the blue star.And people from Kesha Planet should have come to Blue Star at least a thousand years ago.

But why has the planet Kesha not invaded the Blue Star even after a thousand years have passed?Or is it that the Kesha people who came to Blue Star didn't send any news back at all?
No matter what, she must find out the whereabouts of the Kesha people who came to this world.

Mo Qing stared at the building in front of him and said: "With the current technology in the world, it is impossible to achieve such an effect, but it would not be surprising if it comes from more advanced alien technology."

Jiang Jingyuan heard this and looked at Mo Qing, "Are you saying this was built by aliens?"

Mo Qing nodded, "Yes, and it has the same origin as the spaceship we discovered before. They are both from the planet Kesha. Let's go, let's see if there is anyone here. Be careful."

The two of them lowered their bodies and moved forward. Because their mental power could not be used, Mo Qing and Jiang Jingyuan could only use their eyes and ears to pay attention to the surrounding situation.The two people investigated carefully, but did not find any protective measures like the previous electromagnetic net.

The two people were very close to the pyramid but there was still no movement. This made Mo Qing wonder if there was no one in the pyramid at all.

Finally, Mo Qing and Jiang Jingyuan cautiously touched the door of the pyramid.

From the outside, this pyramid has no windows at all. When you get to the door, you can see that it is a heavy metal door.

Jiang Jingyuan reached out and pushed the door, but there was no movement. It seemed that the door could not be opened manually.

Jiang Jingyuan looked around and found that there was only a door here, "How can we get in?"

Mo Qing observed at the door and groped on the wall on the right side of the door. Suddenly, a square hole opened in the metal wall. There was a square screen like a computer inside, and there were many computer keyboards under the screen. button.

There were words on the buttons, but Jiang Jingyuan didn't recognize them at all. He felt that they were not words from a certain country in the world.

Mo Qing knew that entering here required a password or iris scan.But there is another way, which is to use a key.Because Mo Qing saw the keyhole next to the screen.

Mo Qing has been to Kesha planet many times and knows the technology there very well.Moreover, the Kesha planet is much behind the planet where Mo Qing lives, so it is not difficult for Mo Qing to open this door.

Mo Qing directly operated the buttons under the screen, and the screen lit up.

Jiang Jingyuan watched Mo Qing operate the buttons quickly, as if she was very familiar with this thing.

Jiang Jingyuan actually had many questions in his heart, such as why Mo Qing knew that these were alien things, and why Mo Qing seemed to be very familiar with these things.

But he didn't dare to ask more questions because he was afraid that Mo Qing would be embarrassed and put pressure on her.He would not force Mo Qing to explain anything to him unless Mo Qing volunteered.

Just when Jiang Jingyuan was thinking wildly, he heard a beeping sound. A symbol he didn't recognize was displayed on the screen, and at the same time, the door that had been closed just now slowly opened.

The door opened without making much noise. The two doors slid to both sides, and at the same time, the lights inside turned on one after another.

Jiang Jingyuan stood at the door and saw that there was a hall inside. There was nothing in the hall.

Mo Qing walked into the door first, followed closely by Jiang Jingyuan.When they entered the door, the door behind them closed silently.

Jiang Jingyuan turned to look at the closed door behind him and asked Mo Qing, "Qingqing, is it okay if the door is closed?"

Mo Qing replied: "This is an automatic door. There is no problem in closing it."

After entering the gate, Mo Qing found that the hall was circular. There were four doors on the wall of the hall, and he didn't know where they all led. (End of chapter)

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