Chapter 102
Look at what Yang Jiong looks like, his brains are going to be ripped out, what about you?
It really makes people angry not to think about poetry and eat peaches there.

Li Yanran is eating peaches and looking at the little one Yang Jiong, half of my peaches have gone down, did you think about it, if you didn't think about it, let me help you?
Yang Jiong was worried for a while. He was still a child of a few years old, and he had never seen a bigger lake, let alone a vast sea. How should he write about it?
If you write casually, your reputation for supernatural powers will be ruined, but if you really want him to write good poems, you will really make things difficult for yourself.

Looking up at Li Yanran, Yang Jiong was completely angry when he saw that Li Yanran was eating peaches in boredom.

I was thinking hard, but you were eating peaches and watching a show, isn't that a bit too inappropriate?

After Li Yanran finished eating one peach, Li Feng on the side immediately handed over a handkerchief. After she wiped her mouth, she took another plum as if by magic, and looked at Yang Jiong impatiently.

Okay, little dog.

Thanks to the fact that you are still the Four Great Masters of the early Tang Dynasty, a sea stumps you?

"Yang Jiong, is it possible to write poetry?"

Shangguanyi was also depressed. He had also heard about Yang Jiong's reputation. He was the most popular among disciples this time. A child who was expected to be named a child prodigy should have two brushes.

Therefore, the difficulty was specially increased, just to let Yang Jiong kill Li Yanran cleanly and swiftly, but unexpectedly it turned out to be like this.

"Learning students, weak accumulation, unable to write, please ask the direct bachelor to punish."

Yang Jiong glanced at Shangguanyi and lowered his head in shame.

Knowing is knowing, knowing is not knowing, knowing.

He is not ashamed to admit his mistakes now, if his poetry is criticized, it will completely tarnish his literary name.

"What kind of child prodigy did I take, but I didn't expect that I was just an idiot."

Changsun Yan and Li Siwen also sneered. They thought they were geniuses, but they were anticlimactic.

Compared with Brother Li, you are just a child after all.

"I can't do it, can this kid write it?"

Faced with the sarcasm of several people, and looking at the disappointed eyes of the people around him, Yang Jiong only felt that he had been hurt a ton.

He is a child prodigy, and he has been familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics since he was a child. If he can't compose poems and songs by himself, then Li Yanran will definitely not be able to write them either.

After all, everyone is a child, so how can you be better than me?
"A bright moon rises on the sea."

"The end of the world is at this time."

After singing, Li Yanran gave Yang Jiong a nonchalant glance, and ate the plum in her hand in one bite.

Didn't you say I can't do it?

Let you see what is called the eternal masterpiece.


The wine jue in Shangguanyi's hand fell directly to the ground, his eyes were full of horror.

The first sentence looks like a child's graffiti, but the latter sentence is the finishing touch.

Improving this poem to an unbelievable artistic conception.

Imagine being thousands of miles apart, but looking at the bright moon over the sea together, it seems like the person you miss is by your side.

What an artistic conception this is. At this moment, Shangguanyi thought of his best friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and wondered how he was doing now.

Once this poem is completed, it is definitely a masterpiece that can be handed down through the ages, and it was written by a nine-year-old child.

Could it be said that there really are Wenqu descending from the heaven and the earth?
Otherwise, how could it be possible for Li Yanran?

Yang Jiong is already stupid. Although he can't write about the vastness of the sea, he can taste this poem.

How could this be done by a child with long hair.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Seeing Yang Jiong trembling all over, King Luo Bin patted him on the shoulder.

Yang Jiong looked at King Luo Bin with tears in his eyes.

He actually lost, Li Yanran didn't say anything big, when he really spoke, he had nothing to say.

He is a child prodigy, how could he lose?
He doesn't believe it.

"This little friend is really talented."

King Luo Bin gave up Yang Jiong and saluted Li Yanran.

Even if it is him, it is impossible to write such a poem.

"Hehe, these are just basic exercises. If you're okay, don't block the way."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and was about to leave with Changsun Yan and the others.

"Little friend, don't know if you dare to compete with me?"

King Luo Bin shook his head, since such a child prodigy met, if he didn't discuss it, wouldn't it be a great pity in his life?
"Lord Luo Bin, we still have something to do, so we don't have time to play house with you here."

Looking at King Luo Bin, Changsun Yan frowned slightly.

Yang Jiong is just a child, easy to pass, but King Luo Bin is a real master in the literary world.

The Shuren tea room has already been in the limelight, so it is better to stop here and go first with the 36 strategies.

"Little friend, if you can beat King Luo Bin, then I will write a poem dedicated to the tea in Shuren Tea House. Given my reputation in the literary world, it will be somewhat useful.

If Xiaoyou doesn't compare, Luo Binwang will use some villainous methods, and it may not be too much to slander him. "

King Luo Bin was really happy to see Liexin, and he also used threats.

After all, Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. He really doesn't want to let go of such a master.

Li Yanran and the others were stunned, no one thought that Luo Bin and Wang Gui, one of the Four Heroes of the early Tang Dynasty, would be so shameless and threaten him with his Shuren teahouse.

It really disappointed her.

"Lord Luo Bin, I didn't expect you to be so nasty? Do you really think that the young master dare not hit people?"

Chang Sun Yan stared at the bead and looked at King Luo Bin. A pair of fists had already been held, and only when Li Yanran had a word, he absolutely beat King Luo Bin with a peach blossom.

"How do you want to compare?"

Li Yanran slightly shook her head at Sun Yan, and looked at King Luo Bin who had a jade-like face.

Since you want to make a fool of yourself, this girl will satisfy you.

Isn't it just poetry?

Not to mention you, King Luo Bin, even if all the four heroes of the early Tang Dynasty came, you would be willing to bow down.

How can copying ability be against you?

"Feihua receiving orders is a bit too childish, how about Dingjing poetry?"

King Luo Bin smiled slightly, it was too childish for Feihua to accept orders, it was like Dingjing poetry.

"Okay, who's going to ask the question?"

Li Yanran shook her head nonchalantly, it was just a scene.

Shangguanyi is eager to try it out, Li Yanran is still young, but she is an excellent writer, and Luo Binwang is also a new star in the literary world.

If he can host the duel between the two, it will also greatly improve his literary name.

"Ruian, you send this note to Shangguanyi."

Seeing this situation, Li Zhi also became interested, it was fun, it was fun.

Li Xiaozi's confrontation with Luo Binwang, if he didn't take part in such an interesting matter, then this time is not in vain.


Ryan was dumbfounded, my lord, what do you want to do?
You are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, what's the point of meddling in the competition between literati?
It's a hindrance to identity.

"Go quickly."

Li Zhi glared at Ryan, what do I want to do, when will you, an eunuch, have room to intervene?

It's against you.


Shangguanyi was thinking about how to test the two of them in the school, when he saw Ryan walking towards him, his eyes almost popped out.

Isn't this the eunuch next to His Majesty?

Why is he here?
Is His Majesty also in the venue?
"Master Shangguan, this is given to you by His Majesty."

Ryan handed the note directly to Shangguanyi, and then gave him a wink.


(End of this chapter)

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