My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 103 King Luo Bin Bows His Head

Chapter 103 King Luo Bin Bows His Head

Shangguanyi glanced at Li Zhi who was wearing a mask, and almost knelt down on the spot.

"Who decides the topic, of course it's Mr. Shangguan, do you have any objections?"

King Luo Bin glanced at the referee, Shangguanyi. Among the people present, only Shangguanyi was qualified to participate in the competition between the two, as for the others.

King Luo Bin ignored all of them.

"Okay, then I will ask Mr. Shangguan to come up with a question."

Li Yanran nodded, I am invincible and you can do whatever you want, whoever comes is a loser.

"The old man is ashamed. It doesn't have to be too difficult to set the scene. How about the frontier fortress?"

Shangguanyi glanced at Li Zhi in the corner again, and slowly said the contents of his note.

To be honest, frontier poems are still a bit unfair to Li Yanran. After all, what is a frontier fortress for a child, how can he write poetry?

"My lord, isn't the frontier poetry too harsh for Mr. Li?"

Ryan looked at Li Zhi, wondering whether he wanted to help Li Yanran or see him make a fool of himself.

Why did you choose a frontier?

"You don't understand, Li Xiaozi is quick-witted and has never tasted failure. The reason why I mention frontier poems is to make him lose. Only when he loses can he realize his own shortcomings.

I have high hopes for this son! "

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran in the distance, his eyes were full of concern.

Mencius said that if the sky will send a great mission to a person, he must first work hard. He wants to let Li Yanran know what failure is, otherwise if it really goes on smoothly, this person may be useless.

"Young master has worked hard, I hope Li Xiaozi can understand."

Ryan is not talking anymore, it seems that Li Zhi really cares about Li Yanran, otherwise it would be impossible to target him like this.


King Luo Bin rolled his eyes at Shangguanyi, I want you to write a question, not for the convenience of myself.

A child, you want me to compare frontier poems with him?

Even if he really wins, he will be criticized by others, saying that he is bullying a child as an adult.

"Little friend, it's a bit difficult to determine the topic of this article. If you don't know how to do it, you can play it freely, and I will follow up."

King Luo Bin was a modest gentleman after all, although he didn't want to impress Shangguanyi, he still had to say what should be said.

"No, just write frontier poems, you should come first."

Li Yanran sneered at Shangguanyi.

A frontier poem just wants to confuse me, Shangguanyi, I'm afraid your wishful thinking will come to nothing.

"Should I come first? Little friend, stop thinking about it?"

It can be said that Li Yanran made Luo Binwang look at him with admiration. Not only did he not change the Dingjing poem, but he also confidently let him come first. Do you really think he is Xu Ang and his ilk?

"It's okay, I'm invincible, you can do whatever you want."

Li Yanran went to touch the pocket as she spoke, but all the fruits in it were eaten, and Li Feng tactfully handed over a peach.

"Okay, okay, it's really scary to be a younger generation, if that's the case, then I'll come first."

King Luo Bin raised his brows, saying whether you are smart or reckless, since you say so, then I will show you what despair is.

"Bian Feng police Yusai, knight-errant Du Sanggan."

"The willow leaves bloom with silver dysprosium, and the peach blossoms shine on the jade saddle."

"The full moon is on the shadow of the bow, and the stars are on the edge of the sword."

"If you don't learn from Yan Danke, you'll just sing and get cold."

King Luo Bin was pacing and reciting, and a frontier poem with a distinctive style had already materialized in everyone's minds.

"it is good."

Shangguanyi on the side was also excited when he heard this masterpiece, and jumped up.

He knew that King Luo Bin had a brilliant literary talent, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. A piece of poetry had already brought him to a distant frontier, it was too powerful.

King Luo Bin also smiled slightly. In fact, he had been conceiving this poem for a long time, but he always felt that it was almost meaningless. He didn't expect that it could be written directly in this situation. Sure enough, thinking needs to collide.

It's just that I'm sorry for Li Yanran, you're about to lose.

"Clap clap clap."

Li Yanran clapped her hands, Luo Binwang's poem is really good, although it is not comparable to those famous poems passed down through the ages, but the rhetoric is gorgeous and it is considered an excellent poem.

"Little friend, if you can't do it, you can write poetry at will."

King Luo Bin is in a good mood now, it is indeed a bit cruel for a child of a few years to face his proud work.

You know I've lost before I even wrote a poem?
Now let you experience the horror of copying ability.

Li Yanran took one step at a time. Originally, she wanted to use Wang Wei's "Envoy to the Fortress", but she didn't know what happened to the so-called Rouran and Longguan.
I also thought of Li Bai's "Guan Shanyue", but behind that poem there is a hint of anti-war. At this time, Tang Gaozong's literary and martial arts are at their peak, and anti-war, if he is labeled, his life will be lost.

After much deliberation, only Wang Changling's military march is the most suitable.

"Long clouds and dark snow mountains in Qinghai, the lonely city looks at Yumen Pass in the distance."

"Yellow sand wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and if you don't break Loulan, you will never return it."

Li Yanran finished writing a poem, and looked up at King Luo Bin, only to see that the latter's eyes were round, and he was already a little bit out of control from the shock.

My own poems are gorgeous and have far-reaching meanings, but they are too far behind this sentence, "The yellow sand wears the golden armor in a hundred battles, and if you don't break Loulan, you will never return it."

What kind of heroism is this, what kind of scene is this.

How could such poems be sung from the mouth of a few-year-old child,

"This this."

Luo Binwang couldn't say a word for a long time, not only him, Shangguanyi was also dumbfounded, unable to speak.

Xu Ang and the others were even more unbearable. If Changsun Yan and the others were surprised, Li Yanran was in a trance.

The so-called perfection is nothing more than that.

The wine glass in Li Zhi's hand fell straight to the ground, and this poem shocked him far more than others.

He originally wrote the topic Frontier Frontier just to make things difficult for Li Yanran, but he never thought that he could compose such a heroic and magnificent poem at such a young age.

Such a child prodigy will surely be the Minister of Datang's rights issue in the future.

It seems that I have to choose a marriage for Li Yanran in advance, and I must not let him go.

"it is good."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan only felt that their blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and they wished they could put on the golden armor and go out of the Tang Dynasty to serve the country.

"I, I lost."

King Luo Bin glanced at Li Yanran in front of him, although he really didn't want to admit his failure, but the facts were so that there was no room for him to argue.

Besides, he has no embarrassment in losing to such a masterpiece that can be passed down through the ages.

"Then we'll give in, let's go."

Li Yanran raised her face, put her hands in her pockets, and led Changsun Yan and others forward.

The literati who had previously blocked them spontaneously made way for a passage, and at the same time each bent down to show respect.

"Little friend, please also leave your name and surname, so that we can spread your name to the public so that the world can see it."

King Luo Bin glanced at Li Yanran, he only had one thought now, and that was to seek fame.

Such a poem will inevitably spread, if it does not even have a name, it must be a great pity in life.

"You don't need to know my name, you just need to know the tree man tea room."

(End of this chapter)

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