My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 104 My son is mighty

Chapter 104 My son is mighty
Li Yanran doesn't care about this point, after all, she has as many good poems as stars in her chest, which will make her famous and can only put herself in danger.

After all, their family's crisis has not yet been resolved, and when Changsun Wuji falls, it's better for him to be a nobody.

Otherwise, with the skills of Empress Wu and Li Zhi, they will definitely not let themselves go.

She came here to make the Shuren Tea House famous, as long as the goal is achieved.


Li Zhi also stood up and left through another door accompanied by Ryan.

"Hearing this poem, I have no regrets in this life. King Luo Bin bids farewell."

King Luo Bin didn't have any point in staying any longer, so he pulled Yang Jiong up and walked out.

A group of literati peeked at each other, just as King Luo Bin said, with such a great work, is there any point in continuing this literary and poetry conference?
"Hey, the old man has something to do at court, so I'm leaving now."

Shangguanyi glanced at the seat left by Li Zhi, but she also lost interest, flicked her sleeves and left surrounded by everyone.

"Go away."

"It is enough to hear this psalm."

"That's right, I have no regrets in this life."

All the literati also left one after another, leaving only Xu Ang and the others standing there blankly.

"Brother Yunming, shall we go?"

Gao Fu glanced at Xu Ang, now that this is the case, is it necessary to stay any longer?

"Why don't you go, are you ashamed here?"

Xu Ang's face has turned black into the bottom of the pot, if you don't leave, are you here to see Changsun Yan and their fame through the ages?
A good literary and poetry conference ended anticlimactic like this, and the reputation of Changsun Yan and others spread, especially Li Yanran's military march, which was like a thunderbolt in the sky, shocked Chang'an literati.

The reputation of the Shuren Tea House also caught on the wings of the military march and began to spread beyond Chang'an.

"What you said is true?"

Changsun Wuji looked at the servant who came to report the letter in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Recently Changsun Yan has indeed become more stable and knows how to make money to subsidize his family, but what surprised Changsun Wuji is that this ignorant and incompetent son could write such a poem, which in his opinion is simply a fantasy.

"Prime Minister, this news is absolutely true. Everyone knows that Young Master's Chanting of Willow has been passed on."

"Okay, my son is smart, it's really a blessing to my eldest grandson's family to write such a poem."

Naturally, the servants did not dare to lie to themselves, and Changsun Wuji also took the case, unexpectedly, ah, unexpectedly.

Changsun Yan, you have such a brilliant literary talent that you have lied to your father for such a long time, which made me think that you are an idiot who can't read a few words. You really deserve to be beaten.

"Come on, go find the Second Young Master and go home immediately."

"Sun Fu, prepare the banquet, bring the bottle of Yuye wine, I want to have a good drink with the unicorn of my eldest grandson's family."

Changsun Yan and the others returned to the Shuren tea room, looking at Li Yanran sitting on the swing, their eyes were full of admiration.

"Brother Li, you won't return that song of Yellow Sand Wearing Golden Armor until it breaks through Loulan. It's absolutely amazing. I, Old Cheng, have all my heart for you."

"Me too."

Seeing the two humming generals, Li Yanran was also depressed.

You've been on the floor several times, can you use some new vocabulary?

You are not bothered, this girl is bothered.

"Brother Li, do you have any relatives? If not, there are a few cousins ​​in my family who are about the same age as you, so you can get in touch with them."

Li Siwen rolled his eyes at the two of them, Li Yanran was the god in his eyes now.

He is so good at such a young age, he hastened to win him over, maybe he will have to rely on Li Yanran to take care of him in the future.

"Li Siwen, you are such a chicken thief. I also have a few younger sisters in my family, and they are very juicy."

Cheng Chubi followed immediately. Li Siwen was too shameless, so he started robbing his son-in-law.

"I, I, too."

Yuchihuan scratched his head beside him, and also joined the fight.

Changsun Yan looked at the three of them with disdain on his face.

Brother Li is the emperor's illegitimate son and the nephew of my grandson Yan.

How can those female relatives of your family, Brother Li, see it.

The people Li Feng saw were all stupid, he didn't even figure out the gender, so he was about to start a relationship with the young lady.

I don't know what it will be like after you know that Miss is a daughter.

"Okay, I'm still young, we'll talk about the marriage later, let's drink tea first."

Li Yanran is embarrassing, arrange a marriage?

Fuck you, this girl is a woman.

She has convinced this group of old sixes, she dares to make a fool of himself without knowing anything.

"Not too small."


Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen didn't want to give up yet, and continued to lobby Li Yanran.

"Young master, the master's people are here and want you to go home immediately."

Zhao Wu's voice sounded outside the elegant room, with Li Xuzhong beside him.

"Brother Li, I'm going back first."

Changsun Yan was stunned, although he didn't know what Changsun Wuji wanted him to do now, he still bid farewell to Li Yanran and went home with Li Xuzhong.

Changsun Yan left, Cheng Chubi and his father also sent people over one after another, and called them all back.

When Changsun Yan returned home, he couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the servants passing by.

What on earth does my father want to do?
Could it be that some princes and nobles came to the banquet?

"Second Young Master is back, master, Second Young Master is back."

Seeing the return of Changsun Yan, the servant immediately shouted at Changsun Wuji inside.

Changsun Wuji came out of the hall and smiled at Changsun Yan: "Yan'er, come here."

The last time he hit himself, his father had this look on his face, why did he want to punish me again?
Changsun Yan thought for a while, then turned around and ran outside.

"Changsun Yan, stop for me."

Changsun Wuji was stunned, what are you running for?
"Father, stop? Waiting for you to hit me?"

While running, Changsun Yan replied to Changsun Wuji.


I'm not stupid!

"Close the gate of the mansion, and Li Xuzhong will take the second son for me."

Changsun Wuji's eyeballs were about to pop out,
When the father set up a banquet, he wanted to give you a little brat to celebrate,
You are fine, just run away, really want to piss me off.


Several servants hurriedly closed the door of the mansion, but Li Xuzhong jumped up and lifted Changsun Yan up with one hand.

"Li Xuzhong, let me go, let me go."

"Zhang Si Zhao Wu, you two bastards, you still don't save me."

Changsun Yan was like a child in Li Xuzhong's hands, and he could kick his legs in the air, but after shouting a lot, he was put in front of Changsun Wuji.

"Nizi, why are you running?"

When Changsun Yan came to him, Changsun Wuji slapped him across the face.

"Father, why did you beat me? I worked hard to make money outside, but you are still like this when you come back."

Changsun Yan covered his head, his eyes full of grievances.

He knew that it would be no good for his father to find him.

He will definitely not come back next time.

"Okay, don't come in with me yet."

Seeing Changsun Yan's grievance, Changsun Wuji's heart softened for a while, thinking that he was going to celebrate him, how could it be like this?

Could it be that the old man is really old?

Don't even have this self-cultivation?
No, it must be that this son is too irritating, it must be like this.


Changsun Yan drooped his head and followed his father into the main hall.


Looking at everything in front of him, Changsun Yan was completely lost. What's going on?
Do you really want to invite someone?


Changsun Wuji sat in the main seat and motioned him to sit beside him.

Changsun Yan really couldn't understand it. Could it be that the father asked him to come back not to beat him, but to drink with him?

"Sit down, why are you in a daze?"

"Oh oh oh."

Changsun Yan quickly sat down, still a little panicked.

Uncharacteristically turned into a demon, could it be that the old man thought he was too naughty and was about to kill him?

Seeing Changsun Yan's panicked look, Changsun Wuji was also depressed for a while. Is he really that scary?

"Yan'er, my father heard that you shined brilliantly at the literary and poetry conference. Not only did you sing praises of Baixue, but you thought it was too late in spring, so the beautiful lines such as wearing garden trees and making flying flowers, and the works that can be handed down from generation to generation like chanting willows are really true." Let me rejoice as a father."

"I specially prepared this banquet for my father today, just to celebrate you. With this poem, who would dare to say that my Yan'er is an idiot who can't read big characters?

I didn't expect that my son was all pretending before, why didn't you tell Father Wei that you have such ability? "


(End of this chapter)

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